5002 assignment1

5002 assignment1

作者: Didex | 来源:发表于2017-10-05 02:12 被阅读0次

    2.1 Wavelet Transform

    Question 1

    step1: Calculate the average of input samples

    step2: Calculate the difference of input samples

    step3: Regard averages as input sequence. Repeat step1 and step2 until only one output average.

    Quention 2

    Original Signal 1 4 2 3 -2 -1 2 1
    1.Iteration 3.53 3.53 -2.12 2.12 -2.12 -0.71 -0.71 0.71
    2.Iteration 5.00 0.00 0.00 -3.00
    3.Iteration 3.54 3.54
    Haar wavelet transformation 3.54 3.54 0.00 -3.00 -2.12 -0.71 -0.71 0.71

    2.2 Principal Components Analysis

    import numpy as np
    dimension = 3
    data_num = 7
    data = [[-1, -2, -3, 1, 2, 3, 1], [-1, -1, -2, 1, 1, 2, 2],
            [1, 4, -2, 1, 2, 1, 4]]
    data_mean = [np.mean(data[i]) for i in range(dimension)]
    # normalize data by average
    for i in range(0, dimension):
        for j in range(0, len(data[0])):
            data[i][j] -= data_mean[i]
    # calculate covariance matrix according to definition
    cov = []
    for i in range(dimension):
        for j in range(dimension):
            sumOfRowMulti = 0
            for k in range(0, data_num):
                sumOfRowMulti += data[i][k] * data[j][k]
            cov.append(sumOfRowMulti / (data_num - 1))
    cov_matrix = np.asarray(cov).reshape(dimension, dimension)
    print 'covariance matrix is:'
    print cov_matrix
    # calculate eigen value and eigen vector using numpy function
    eig_val, eig_vec = np.linalg.eig(cov_matrix)
    for i in range(dimension):
        print 'eigen value', i, eig_val[
            i], ' corresponding eigen vector:', eig_vec[:, i]
    # sort eigen value in descending order
    eig_val_sorted = np.sort(eig_val)[::-1]
    # calcuate propotion
    # propotion=sum of eigen value of first k components/sum of all n eigen values
    propotion = (eig_val_sorted[0] + eig_val_sorted[1]) / np.sum(eig_val_sorted)
    print 'proportion of total population variance explained by the first two components: %.4f' % propotion

    The result is:


    3 Pattern Discovery

    Question 1

    Step 1: Discretization

    Web page

    1. Sorted data for web pages : 7,9,9,11,13,14,18,35,36,45
    2. Partition into 4 equal-frequency (equal-depth) bins:
    • web1: 7,9,9
    • web2: 11,13
    • web3: 14,18,35
    • web4: 36,45

    Session length

    1. Find the max and min value of session length: 267,2017
    2. Calculate the width of intervals: width = ( 2017 – 267 )/ 3≈583.4
    3. Partition into 3 equal-frequency (equal-width) bins:
    • len1 (267~850.4): 267,598,672
    • len2 (850.3~1433.8): 898,998,1213,1345
    • len3(1433.8~2017.2): 1543,1702,2017

    Transactions table after discretization

    Session ID Country Session Length Web Pages Buy
    1 NA len2 web1 no
    2 AS len3 web2 yes
    3 EU len1 web3 yes
    4 EU len2 web4 no
    5 NA len1 web1 no
    6 AS len2 web3 yes
    7 AS len3 web3 yes
    8 AS len1 web1 no
    9 NA len3 web2 no
    10 EU len2 web4 yes

    Step 2: Apriori algorithm

    1st scan

    generate length 1 candidate itemsets

    itemset sup
    NA 0.3
    AS 0.4
    EU 0.3
    len1 0.3
    len2 0.4
    len3 0.3
    web1 0.3
    web2 0.2
    web3 0.3
    web4 0.2
    yes 0.5
    no 0.5

    prune infrequent itemsets

    itemset sup
    NA 0.3
    AS 0.4
    EU 0.3
    len1 0.3
    len2 0.4
    len3 0.3
    web1 0.3
    web3 0.3
    yes 0.5
    no 0.5

    2nd scan

    generate length 2 candidate itemsets

    itemset sup itemset sup
    NA,len1 0.1 EU,yes 0.2
    NA,len2 0.1 EU,no 0.1
    NA,len3 0.1 len1,web1 0.2
    AS,len1 0.1 len2,web1 0.1
    AS,len2 0.1 len3,web1 0
    AS,len3 0.2 len1,web3 0.1
    EU,len1 0.1 len2,web3 0.1
    EU,len2 0.2 len3,web3 0.1
    EU,len3 0 len1,yes 0.1
    NA,web1 0.2 len2,yes 0.2
    NA,web3 0 len3,yes 0.2
    AS,web1 0.1 len1,no 0.2
    AS,web3 0.2 len2,no 0.2
    EU,web1 0 len3,no 0.1
    EU,web3 0.1 web1,yes 0
    NA,yes 0 web1,no 0.3
    NA,no 0.3 web3,yes 0.3
    AS,yes 0.3 web3,no 0
    AS,no 0.1

    prune infrequent itemsets

    itemset sup
    NA,no 0.3
    AS,yes 0.3
    web1,no 0.3
    web3,yes 0.3

    3rd scan

    generate length 3 candidate itemsets
    no length 3 candidate

    Step 3: Get frequent itemsets

    {web3} (support = 0.3)
    {web1} (support = 0.3)
    {len3} (support = 0.3)
    {len1} (support = 0.3)
    {NA} (support = 0.3)
    {EU} (support = 0.3)
    {len2} (support = 0.4)
    {AS} (support = 0.4)
    {yes} (support = 0.5)
    {no} (support = 0.5)
    {web3,yes} (support = 0.3)
    {web1,no} (support = 0.3)
    {NA,no} (support = 0.3)
    {AS,yes} (support = 0.3)

    Question 2

    Step 1: Discretization

    same as question question 1

    Step 2: Deduce the ordered frequent items

    item sup
    no 0.5
    yes 0.5
    AS 0.4
    len2 0.4
    EU 0.3
    NA 0.3
    len1 0.3
    len3 0.3
    web1 0.3
    web3 0.3
    ID Frequent Items
    1 no,len2,NA,web1
    2 yes,AS,len3
    3 yes,EU,len1,web3
    4 no,len2,EU
    5 no,NA,len1,web1
    6 yes,AS,len2,web3
    7 yes,AS,len3,web3
    8 no,AS,len1,web1
    9 no,NA,len3
    10 yes,len2,EU

    Step 3: Construct FP tree


    Step 4: construct conditional FP-tree for each item

    Cond. FP-tree on "web3"

    {web3} (support = 0.3)


    Cond. FP-tree on "web1"

    {web1} (support = 0.3)


    Cond. FP-tree on "len3"

    {len3} (support = 0.3)


    Cond. FP-tree on "len1"

    {len1} (support = 0.3)


    Cond. FP-tree on "NA"

    {NA} (support = 0.3)


    Cond. FP-tree on "EU"

    {EU} (support = 0.3)


    Cond. FP-tree on "len2"

    {len2} (support = 0.4)


    Cond. FP-tree on "AS"

    {AS} (support = 0.4)


    Cond. FP-tree on "yes"

    {yes} (support = 0.5)


    Cond. FP-tree on "no"

    {no} (support = 0.5)


    Step 5: Determine frequent patterns

    {web3} (support = 0.3)
    {web3,yes} (support = 0.3)
    {web1} (support = 0.3)
    {web1,no} (support = 0.3)
    {len3} (support = 0.3)
    {len1} (support = 0.3)
    {NA} (support = 0.3)
    {NA,no} (support = 0.3)
    {EU} (support = 0.3)
    {len2} (support = 0.4)
    {AS} (support = 0.4)
    {AS,yes} (support = 0.3)
    {yes} (support = 0.5)
    {no} (support = 0.5)

    Question 3

    closed frequent patterns


    maximal frequent patterns




          本文标题:5002 assignment1
