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上传app store遇到的坑,没有隐私政策

上传app store遇到的坑,没有隐私政策

作者: 工匠良辰 | 来源:发表于2017-01-20 11:57 被阅读92次

    app store拒绝上线的理由

    2017年1月19日 下午11:34
    发件人 Apple
    5. 1.4 LEGAL: PRIVACY - KIDS
    Legal - 5.1.4
    You have selected the Kids category for your app, but it does not include the required privacy policy. Specifically, we were not able to locate the Privacy Policy with the URL link provided by you.
    Next Steps
    Please update your app metadata to include a privacy policy URL and ensure that the URL you provide directs the user to your privacy policy.

    原因是没有隐私政策,在App信息里加上 **隐私政策网址(URL) ** 就可以了。不然还是被拒绝。



        本文标题:上传app store遇到的坑,没有隐私政策
