在目标检测时,为了定位到目标的具体位置,通常会把图像分成许多子块,然后把子块作为输入,送到目标识别的模型中。分子块的最直接方法叫滑动窗口法。滑动窗口的方法就是按照子块的大小在整幅图像上穷举所有子图像块。这种方法产生的数据量想想都头大。和滑动窗口法相对的是另外一类基于区域(region proposal)的方法。selective search就是其中之一!
step0:生成区域集R,具体参见论文《Efficient Graph-Based Image Segmentation》
- 颜色空间变换:将原始色彩空间转换到多达八种的色彩空间。然后通过多样性的距离计算方式,综合颜色、纹理等所有的特征。
- 距离计算方式需要满足两个条件,其一速度得快啊,因为毕竟我们这么多的区域建议还有这么多的多样性。其二是合并后的特征要好计算,因为我们通过贪心算法合并区域,如果每次都需要重新计算距离,这个计算量就大太多了。
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import division
import skimage.io
import skimage.feature
import skimage.color
import skimage.transform
import skimage.util
import skimage.segmentation
import numpy
# "Selective Search for Object Recognition" by J.R.R. Uijlings et al.
# - Modified version with LBP extractor for texture vectorization
def _generate_segments(im_orig, scale, sigma, min_size):
segment smallest regions by the algorithm of Felzenswalb and
# open the Image
im_mask = skimage.segmentation.felzenszwalb(
skimage.util.img_as_float(im_orig), scale=scale, sigma=sigma,
# merge mask channel to the image as a 4th channel
im_orig = numpy.append(
im_orig, numpy.zeros(im_orig.shape[:2])[:, :, numpy.newaxis], axis=2)
im_orig[:, :, 3] = im_mask
return im_orig
def _sim_colour(r1, r2):
calculate the sum of histogram intersection of colour
return sum([min(a, b) for a, b in zip(r1["hist_c"], r2["hist_c"])])
def _sim_texture(r1, r2):
calculate the sum of histogram intersection of texture
return sum([min(a, b) for a, b in zip(r1["hist_t"], r2["hist_t"])])
def _sim_size(r1, r2, imsize):
calculate the size similarity over the image
return 1.0 - (r1["size"] + r2["size"]) / imsize
def _sim_fill(r1, r2, imsize):
calculate the fill similarity over the image
bbsize = (
(max(r1["max_x"], r2["max_x"]) - min(r1["min_x"], r2["min_x"]))
* (max(r1["max_y"], r2["max_y"]) - min(r1["min_y"], r2["min_y"]))
return 1.0 - (bbsize - r1["size"] - r2["size"]) / imsize
def _calc_sim(r1, r2, imsize):
return (_sim_colour(r1, r2) + _sim_texture(r1, r2)
+ _sim_size(r1, r2, imsize) + _sim_fill(r1, r2, imsize))
def _calc_colour_hist(img):
calculate colour histogram for each region
the size of output histogram will be BINS * COLOUR_CHANNELS(3)
number of bins is 25 as same as [uijlings_ijcv2013_draft.pdf]
extract HSV
BINS = 25
hist = numpy.array([])
for colour_channel in (0, 1, 2):
# extracting one colour channel
c = img[:, colour_channel]
# calculate histogram for each colour and join to the result
hist = numpy.concatenate(
[hist] + [numpy.histogram(c, BINS, (0.0, 255.0))[0]])
# L1 normalize
hist = hist / len(img)
return hist
def _calc_texture_gradient(img):
calculate texture gradient for entire image
The original SelectiveSearch algorithm proposed Gaussian derivative
for 8 orientations, but we use LBP instead.
output will be [height(*)][width(*)]
ret = numpy.zeros((img.shape[0], img.shape[1], img.shape[2]))
for colour_channel in (0, 1, 2):
ret[:, :, colour_channel] = skimage.feature.local_binary_pattern(
img[:, :, colour_channel], 8, 1.0)
return ret
def _calc_texture_hist(img):
calculate texture histogram for each region
calculate the histogram of gradient for each colours
the size of output histogram will be
BINS = 10
hist = numpy.array([])
for colour_channel in (0, 1, 2):
# mask by the colour channel
fd = img[:, colour_channel]
# calculate histogram for each orientation and concatenate them all
# and join to the result
hist = numpy.concatenate(
[hist] + [numpy.histogram(fd, BINS, (0.0, 1.0))[0]])
# L1 Normalize
hist = hist / len(img)
return hist
def _extract_regions(img):
R = {}
# get hsv image
hsv = skimage.color.rgb2hsv(img[:, :, :3])
# pass 1: count pixel positions
for y, i in enumerate(img):
for x, (r, g, b, l) in enumerate(i):
# initialize a new region
if l not in R:
R[l] = {
"min_x": 0xffff, "min_y": 0xffff,
"max_x": 0, "max_y": 0, "labels": [l]}
# bounding box
if R[l]["min_x"] > x:
R[l]["min_x"] = x
if R[l]["min_y"] > y:
R[l]["min_y"] = y
if R[l]["max_x"] < x:
R[l]["max_x"] = x
if R[l]["max_y"] < y:
R[l]["max_y"] = y
# pass 2: calculate texture gradient
tex_grad = _calc_texture_gradient(img)
# pass 3: calculate colour histogram of each region
for k, v in list(R.items()):
# colour histogram
masked_pixels = hsv[:, :, :][img[:, :, 3] == k]
R[k]["size"] = len(masked_pixels / 4)
R[k]["hist_c"] = _calc_colour_hist(masked_pixels)
# texture histogram
R[k]["hist_t"] = _calc_texture_hist(tex_grad[:, :][img[:, :, 3] == k])
return R
def _extract_neighbours(regions):
def intersect(a, b):
if (a["min_x"] < b["min_x"] < a["max_x"]
and a["min_y"] < b["min_y"] < a["max_y"]) or (
a["min_x"] < b["max_x"] < a["max_x"]
and a["min_y"] < b["max_y"] < a["max_y"]) or (
a["min_x"] < b["min_x"] < a["max_x"]
and a["min_y"] < b["max_y"] < a["max_y"]) or (
a["min_x"] < b["max_x"] < a["max_x"]
and a["min_y"] < b["min_y"] < a["max_y"]):
return True
return False
R = list(regions.items())
neighbours = []
for cur, a in enumerate(R[:-1]):
for b in R[cur + 1:]:
if intersect(a[1], b[1]):
neighbours.append((a, b))
return neighbours
def _merge_regions(r1, r2):
new_size = r1["size"] + r2["size"]
rt = {
"min_x": min(r1["min_x"], r2["min_x"]),
"min_y": min(r1["min_y"], r2["min_y"]),
"max_x": max(r1["max_x"], r2["max_x"]),
"max_y": max(r1["max_y"], r2["max_y"]),
"size": new_size,
"hist_c": (
r1["hist_c"] * r1["size"] + r2["hist_c"] * r2["size"]) / new_size,
"hist_t": (
r1["hist_t"] * r1["size"] + r2["hist_t"] * r2["size"]) / new_size,
"labels": r1["labels"] + r2["labels"]
return rt
def selective_search(
im_orig, scale=1.0, sigma=0.8, min_size=50):
'''Selective Search
im_orig : ndarray
Input image
scale : int
Free parameter. Higher means larger clusters in felzenszwalb segmentation.
sigma : float
Width of Gaussian kernel for felzenszwalb segmentation.
min_size : int
Minimum component size for felzenszwalb segmentation.
img : ndarray
image with region label
region label is stored in the 4th value of each pixel [r,g,b,(region)]
regions : array of dict
'rect': (left, top, width, height),
'labels': [...],
'size': component_size
assert im_orig.shape[2] == 3, "3ch image is expected"
# load image and get smallest regions
# region label is stored in the 4th value of each pixel [r,g,b,(region)]
img = _generate_segments(im_orig, scale, sigma, min_size)
if img is None:
return None, {}
imsize = img.shape[0] * img.shape[1]
R = _extract_regions(img)
# extract neighbouring information
neighbours = _extract_neighbours(R)
# calculate initial similarities
S = {}
for (ai, ar), (bi, br) in neighbours:
S[(ai, bi)] = _calc_sim(ar, br, imsize)
# hierarchal search
while S != {}:
# get highest similarity
i, j = sorted(S.items(), key=lambda i: i[1])[-1][0]
# merge corresponding regions
t = max(R.keys()) + 1.0
R[t] = _merge_regions(R[i], R[j])
# mark similarities for regions to be removed
key_to_delete = []
for k, v in list(S.items()):
if (i in k) or (j in k):
# remove old similarities of related regions
for k in key_to_delete:
del S[k]
# calculate similarity set with the new region
for k in [a for a in key_to_delete if a != (i, j)]:
n = k[1] if k[0] in (i, j) else k[0]
S[(t, n)] = _calc_sim(R[t], R[n], imsize)
regions = []
for k, r in list(R.items()):
'rect': (
r['min_x'], r['min_y'],
r['max_x'] - r['min_x'], r['max_y'] - r['min_y']),
'size': r['size'],
'labels': r['labels']
return img, regions
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import (
import skimage.data
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import selectivesearch
def main():
# loading astronaut image
img = skimage.data.astronaut()
# perform selective search
img_lbl, regions = selectivesearch.selective_search(
img, scale=500, sigma=0.9, min_size=10)
candidates = set()
for r in regions:
# excluding same rectangle (with different segments)
if r['rect'] in candidates:
# excluding regions smaller than 2000 pixels
if r['size'] < 2000:
# distorted rects
x, y, w, h = r['rect']
if w / h > 1.2 or h / w > 1.2:
# draw rectangles on the original image
fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=1, figsize=(6, 6))
for x, y, w, h in candidates:
print(x, y, w, h)
rect = mpatches.Rectangle(
(x, y), w, h, fill=False, edgecolor='red', linewidth=1)
if __name__ == "__main__":