

作者: cppUncleSix | 来源:发表于2020-04-24 22:26 被阅读0次

We often hear that disk space is cheap and that we should not be too concerned if databases are growing at an excessive rate. Just buy more disks. [excessive = /ɪkˈsɛsɪv/ much more than is reasonable or necessary]

adjective /kən'sɝnd/


involved in something or affected by it.

having an interest or involvement in something.

having a relation to something.

interested in sth.

(after verb) involved in something or affected by it.

(never before noun) involved in something, or affected by something.

Divorce is very painful, especially when children are concerned.

Some of the farmers concerned suffer particularly from the low prices.

We are trying to reach an agreement with all concerned (=everyone who is involved or affected).

concerned with

all the people concerned with children’s education.

concerned in

There was no evidence that he was concerned in any criminal activity.

a discussion that will be of interest to everyone concerned.

The lawyers called a meeting of all the concerned parties.

She was more concerned with [=interested in] flirting than with getting the job done. [flirt = /flɝt/ verb,  to behave towards someone in a way that shows that you are sexually attracted to them, although you do not really want a relationship with them]

(chiefly Brit) She was concerned to show that she could do the job. [=she thought it was important to show that she could do it]

The memo is chiefly concerned with hiring policies. [=the memo chiefly concerns hiring policies; the memo is chiefly about hiring policies]

They were more concerned with how the other women had dressed than with what the speaker was saying.

I'd like to thank everyone concerned for making the occasion run so smoothly.

It was quite a shock for all/everyone concerned.

Her job is something concerned with computers.

I'm not very good where money is concerned (= when dealing with money).

I suggest you have a quick word with the person concerned.

It was a difficult time for all concerned (=for everyone who was involved) .

This is a company that is directly concerned with the defence industry.


worried about something.

feeling worry or concern.

worried and feeling concern about sth.


worried about something.

concerned about

She is concerned about how little food I eat.

concerned for

He called the police because he was concerned for Gemma’s safety.

concerned (that)

Pamela was concerned that her schoolwork had deteriorated  despite her hard work. [deteriorate =  /dɪ'tɪrɪəret/ verb, to become worse as time passes]

The drug came under strong attack from concerned professional observers.

The school's decision is being questioned by a group of concerned parents.

Her family was very concerned for/about her safety.

Voters are deeply concerned about the economy.

I was concerned (to hear) that they stayed out too late.

Concerned parents held a meeting.

The President is deeply concerned about this issue.

He didn't seem in the least concerned for her safety.

She was concerned that she might miss the turning and get lost.

I'm a bit concerned about/for your health.

Aren't you concerned (that) she might tell someone?

He was concerned to hear that two of his trusted workers were leaving.

Concerned parents have complained about the dangerous playground.

Concerned parents held a meeting to discuss the issue.

Police said they were very concerned about the boy’s safety.

She was concerned that her name might be given out over the radio.


as far as somebody is concerned

spoken used to show what someone’s opinion on a subject is or how it affects them.

in the opinion of (someone).

used to give your personal opinion on sth.

in a particular person's opinion.

used when you are giving your opinion about something, especially when this may be different from other people’s opinions.

As far as Americans are concerned, a lot of our hotels are below average.

As far as I’m concerned, you can forget about it.

As far as I'm concerned [=in my opinion], everything he says is a lie.

As far as she's concerned, he is perfect.

As far as I am concerned, you can do what you like.

As far as I'm concerned, feng shui is a load of rubbish.

As far as I’m concerned, the issue is over and done with.

That’s fine, as far as we’re concerned.


as far as something is concerned (also where something is concerned)

as/so far as sb/sth is concerned| as/so far as sb/sth goes

spoken used to show which subject or thing you are talking about.

about (something). with regard to (something).

used to give facts or an opinion about a particular aspect of sth.

if we are discussing or thinking about a particular thing.

used for saying which person or thing you are talking about

As far as traffic is concerned there are no delays at the moment.

He has no worries as far as money is concerned. [=he has no worries about money]

As far as the weather is concerned [=as for the weather], we've been having nothing but rain for the past week.

She's doing fine as far as French is concerned, it's her German I'm worried about.

As far as unemployment's concerned, a change of government would be a good idea.

I make the decisions as far as finance is concerned.

Where spelling is concerned, he’s never been a strong student.


THINK SOMETHING IS IMPORTANT believing that something is important.

to be about a particular thing or person.

(never before noun) giving your attention to something because you think it is important.

(never before noun) dealing with a particular subject.

If you are concerned to do something, you want to do it because you think it is important.

concerned with

Many politicians are more concerned with power and control than with the good of the people.

concerned to do something

Mr Quinn is simply concerned to hold on to his job.

Today's lesson is concerned with punctuation /'pʌŋktʃʊ'eʃən/.

He’s more concerned with what people think of him than anything else.

The government is chiefly concerned to ensure control of the economy.

The report is concerned with the relationship between politics and the law.

We were very concerned to keep the staff informed about what we were doing.


LOVE/CARE caring about someone and whether they are happy and healthy.

caring about what happens to someone.

concerned for/about

He was genuinely concerned for the children.

I think she’s genuinely concerned about you.

He was truly concerned for her happiness.


concerned with somebody/something

if a book, story etc is concerned with a person, subject etc, it is about that subject.

This chapter is concerned with the mental health of older people.



