B26732+Day01+Eviction of the Com

B26732+Day01+Eviction of the Com

作者: PaulaPaula | 来源:发表于2021-03-30 23:08 被阅读0次

The “tiny house” community in New Hampshire has eviction of the community residents because their houses violate the building code and they do not have a occupancy permit. One of the residents O’Brien has a prefabricated tiny house which sit on her parents. But she violates the local zoning code, so she is unable to live there. The residents are facing a catch-22 dilemma---there is no building code so you should have a occupancy permit to get the house zoned; If the house dose not comply with building code, you can not get an occupancy permit. The lawmakers eventually introduced an unsuccessful bill and failed to address the problem.


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    The “tiny house” community in New Hampshire has eviction ...

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