

作者: 玉堂_11de | 来源:发表于2019-02-08 11:29 被阅读0次





本篇课程首发于2019年2月3日,选自 The Independent


Chinese companies offer 'dating leave' to single female employees aged over 30

① Two Chinese companies are giving single female employees over the age of 30 an extra eight days of annual "dating leave".

② The companies behind a Song dynasty-themed tourist attraction in eastern China have said unmarried women over 30 in "non-frontline" roles would be given an additional eight days of leave over the Chinese New Year to "go home and date".

③ Employees at the firms were said to have welcomed the move.

④ Single women in China in their late 20s and early 30s are deemed to be "leftover women," or shengnv, due to engrained traditional beliefs that women who are not married by then are undesirable.

⑤ More women in the world's most populous country are choosing to focus on their careers and are marrying later or simply not marrying at all.

⑥ According to a recent survey by LinkedIn China and L'Oreal China, nearly 80 per cent of women born after 1995 chose to describe themselves as "economically independent", compared to just over 20 per cent who ticked the traditional "loving wife and mother" option.


dating leave: 相亲假;约会假

date /deɪt/: n./vt. 约会

leave /liːv/: n. 假期 vi./vt. 离开

aged /eɪdʒd/: adj. ……岁的

over the age of 30: 30岁以上 (aged over 30)

dynasty /ˈdɪnəsti, ˈdaɪ nəsti/: n. 朝代

themed /θiːmd/: adj. 以……为主题的

tourist attraction: 旅游景点

non-frontline: adj. 非一线的

frontline /ˈfrʌntlaɪn/: adj. 一线的 n. 一线

additional /əˈdɪʃənəl/: adj. 额外的 (extra)

be said to do sth.: 据说……

move /muːv/: n. 举措;举动

be deemed/considered to be: 被认为是

leftover women or shengnv: 剩女

due to / because of: 因为;由于

engrained/rooted traditional beliefs: 根深蒂固的传统观念

engrain /ɪnˈɡreɪn/: 使……根深蒂固

undesirable /ˌʌndɪˈzaɪərəbəl, ˌʌndɪˈzaɪrəbəl/: 不受欢迎的

populous /ˈpɒpjələs, ˈpɑːpjələs/: adj. 人口众多的

simply /ˈsɪmpli/: adv. 简直;根本

survey /ˈsɜːveɪ, ˈsɜːrveɪ/: n. 调查

per cent / percent: adv. 百分之……

Generation Z: Z世代 (1995年到2005年左右出生的人)

individualism /ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəlɪzəm/: n. 自我性;个人主义

describe oneself as sth.: 将自己形容/自诩为……

economically independent: 经济上独立的

tick /tɪk/: vt. 打勾 (check a mark)

loving wife and mother: 贤妻良母


1. dating leave: 相亲假;约会假

· date: n./vt. 约会

· leave: n. 假期 vi./vt. 离开

blind date: 相亲

annual leave: 年假

sick leave: 病假

maternity leave: 产假

2. 关于“年龄”的表达

young people aged 14 to 18: 14到18岁的年轻人

over the age of 30: 30岁以上 (aged over 30)

adults aged over 50 / adults over the age of 50: 50岁以上的成年人

children aged under 18 / children under the age of 18: 18岁以下的孩童

3. in "non-frontline" roles: 非一线工作者

· frontline: adj. 一线的 n. 一线

They are on the frontline of public debate.


4. be said to do sth.: 据说……

It is said that YLYK is one of the best online English learning apps.


5. be deemed/considered to be: 被认为是

The strike was deemed/considered to be illegal.


6. 用 or 连接中英文语境下的同义表达

leftover women or shengnv: 剩女

Tik Tok or Douyin: 抖音

WeChat or weixin: 微信

7. due to / because of: 因为;由于

Evening classes were cancelled due to/because of heavy snow.


8. undesirable: 不受欢迎的

We are not undesirable; we are unattainable.


9. populous: adj. 人口众多的

Guangdong is the most populous province of China.


10. simply: adv. 简直;根本

That would be simply wonderful!


11. 副词 + 形容词

economically independent: 经济上独立的

China, as an economically powerful country, …


12. tick: vt. 打勾 (check a mark)

Tick the description that best fits you.


Tick each item on the list as you complete it.







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