这里对git init、git add、git commit命令进行一个总结。 $ git init 命令,该命令将创建一个名为 .git 的子目录,这个子目录含有你初始化的 Git 仓库中所有的必须文件;
$ git add 命令,该命令用于把我们要提交的文件的信息添加到远程库中;
$ git commit 命令,该命令用于把推送修改到本地库中。
1.git init
Initializes a new local Git repository.
- Initialize a new local repository:
git init
- Initialize a barebones repository, suitable for use as a remote over ssh:
git init --bare
2. git add
Adds changed files to the index.
- Add a file to the index:
git add path/to/file
- Add all files (tracked and untracked):
git add -A
- Only add already tracked files:
git add -u
- Also add ignored files:
git add -f
- Add parts of a file interactively:
git add -p path/to/file
3.git commit
Commit files to the repository.
- Commit staged files to the repository with a message:
git commit -m message
- Replace the last commit with currently staged changes:
git commit --amend
- Auto stage all modified files and commit with a message:
git commit -a -m message
上传到git hub更新
首先进入到我们要上传的目录 比如 cd demo1
git init
创一个html文件 touch index.html
git add index.html
然后 git commit .m “标题”
git pull
git push