[Quora] 为什么 DC 的多元宇宙只有 52 个?

[Quora] 为什么 DC 的多元宇宙只有 52 个?

作者: Prongs | 来源:发表于2017-02-05 21:32 被阅读90次

Why are there only 52 universes in the DC multiverse?

为什么 DC 的多元宇宙只有 52 个?


Robert Frost:

Because there are 52 weeks in a year. Yes, seriously.
因为每年有 52 个星期。是的,就是这样。

In 2006, DC Comics completed a big event miniseries, called Infinite Crisis, that rebooted much of their universe. The regular comics released after the miniseries all began by being set one year after the events in the miniseries. DC decided to do a weekly series that would run for one year (52 issues) that would fill in some of the gaps from the missing year. During the buildup to publishing that weekly series, Dan Didio, the Executive Editor of DC Comics, revealed that the working title for the maxiseries was 52, because it was to be 52 issues. When the series was released, the working title was still in place. Dan apparently really liked the sound of it and the number 52 became important to DC. First it was the name of the maxiseries and then it was revealed, in the 52nd issue of that series, that there were 52 universes, and then when the next big reboot occurred, DC decided to start over by printing 52 different comic book series, using the tag line “The New 52”.
在 2006 年,DC 漫画完成了一个被称为无限危机系列的大事件,这个事件导致了他们旗下的宇宙重启。之后的漫画均以此事件发生之后的一年作为新漫画的开端。DC 决定以每周发行一本(正好 52 期)的计划来渡过这遗失的一年。在计划发行这个周刊系列的开始,DC 漫画的执行编辑 Dan Didio 将此系列的标题称呼为 52,因为总共有 52 期。此后当这个系列真是发行的时候,仍然采用了这个标题。Dan 似乎很喜欢这个标题,于是 52 这个数字对 DC 而言就变得重要起来。最开始这只是一个系列的标题,然后当这个系列的第 52 期出版之后,就变成了有 52 个宇宙,以及当下次大事件的发生重启之后,DC 决定重新来过并将新出版的漫画系列称为“The New 52”。


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      本文标题:[Quora] 为什么 DC 的多元宇宙只有 52 个?
