这个学期积极(或还不够积极?)的找暑假实习,结果并不如人意,投了大概30份左右的简历,收到一个interview, 还挂了,总结一下吧。
投简历最要是通过学校career website和career fair,indeed上也随便投了两个。
收到了amazon research scientist internship的interview,但是两个Phone interview之后就挂了。
首先,投简历环节,对自己适合的岗位并没有好的定位,coder没有好好准备,接到interview放弃了,想做的ML/data scientist background又不够,并没有收到interview.
1st phone interview:
discuss research
1. solve a simple nlp with kkt condition
2. newsvendor problem: formulation and solution
3. a simple coin toss probability question.
2nd phone interview:
tell me about a project other than your research
1. a simple probability problem
2. Markov chain absorbing state: two people game, one rolls the dice until the sum reaches or exceeds 6, if it reaches 6 he wins, if it exceeds 6 then he fails. and then the other person rolls the dice. first person to reach 6 wins. what is the expected number of rolls to the end of the game?
3. formulate a optimization problem: a graph with nodes and edges, two routes from source to sink. minimize the cost of the routes where two routes cannot share the same edge.
第一个面试问题全部答对了,但是第二个面试的第二个问题完全没回答上来,因为没有复习markov chain. 第三个问题犯了一点小错误,一个constraint formulate错了。
现在的当务之急是,想好自己要做什么,有目的的去准备,如果以后准备当coder就去刷leetcode,如果准备做ML就多学一点ML, 不打鸡血,可是要有目的的踏实的做。