河长制 river chief system
二维码支付 two-dimensional barcode payment
校园霸凌 bullying on campus
加息 rate hike
猴年马月 horse month of the monkey year
红包照片 red envelope photo
网红经济 internet celebrity economy
票房造假 box office fraud
网络直播 live video streaming
北京瘫 Beijing repose
网约车 online taxi-hailing service
你真好 you are a peach
发疯太兴奋激动 go bananas/be bananas
增强现实 augmented reality
昙花一现 a flash in the pan
身无分文的 flat broke
手头紧的 hard up
穷得叮当响 not have a penny to one's name
crack a joke=make a joke
起床气 wake up on the wrong side of the bed/ get out of bed on the wrong side