Laos | Trade

Laos | Trade

作者: LegalSweetheart | 来源:发表于2019-02-24 16:22 被阅读12次

The Ministry of Industry and Commercial is a major to respond and implement on trade in Lao PDR which A Department Supervising Trade s Department of Import and Export. tion Development Department Furthermore, beside the Ministry of Industry and Commercial there is Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry( LNCCI) who represents the business community of Lao PDR and exercising with negotiations, trade, andB. Brief Introduction of Trade Laws and Regulations cs There is no specific of Trade Law in Lao PDR, but there are related laws and regulations which are related to Customs Law has mentioned about rules, principle and measures on exporl-import, transit and movement of goods within Lao PDR for ensuring Investments, protecting legitimate benefits, economic, national security and There are many regulations from the Ministry of Industry and Commerce which are specifically on trade area. For example, Decree on the goods Import and Export, Decree on the Procedure for License Importincluding laws, decrees, rules, procedures and implement of buyer, payment, accessibility, using and services

C. Trade Management  The government promotes a fair trade in Lao PDR and encourage the business sectors and exercise of  business under the competition as equality, fairness, cooperation and enhancing to competition.Furthermore,  the government also provides the regulation for controlling the product in industry and commerce area. For  example, Decree on the Management for goods Prize and Services and any department or sectors shall spread  information, consultant, follow, monitor and complement as the set of term

D The Inspection and Quarantine of Import and Export Commodities

Prohibited of goods import and export. The Import and Export Control Unit has the rights to prohibited  port and export goods. Accordance with the list of prohibited for import and export goods shall approved by  regulation as such the Decree on the goods Import and Export a Ceeding of permission herein set forth as related  the government of Lao PDR before import and export. The proc

Permission before import and export. The import and export Control Unit has the rights to determine on  importer and exporter for approving before import and export goods. For the proceeding of written permission ofexport shall be the same with written permission of import. Furthermore, the Import and Export Control Unit haas Decree on the Procedure for License Import Product and Decree on the goods Import and Export

E Customs Management

The Customs Administration who is control goods import or export under exemption, suspension or reduction  for customs duties and other obligations. Good from a special economic zone and specific economic zo  intended for distribution or consumption in the territory of Lao PDR shall pay customs duties and other obligato  according to regulation and vehicle or materialequipment authorized for import under the investment promotion  policy shall be used to their objectives and are prohibited to be distributed and sold in general. If a violation occurs,  customs measure shall be taken according to the laws and regulations



      本文标题:Laos | Trade
