

作者: hibikii | 来源:发表于2018-12-11 16:51 被阅读0次

    隱私政策(Privacy policy) 







    · 當你創建本遊戲角色、下載軟體更新、、連接到我們的服務、聯繫我們或是參與線上調查時,我們可能會收集各種資訊,包括你的姓名、郵寄位址、電話號碼、電子郵寄位址、聯繫方式偏好、設備識別碼、IP


    · 當你使用本遊戲產品與家人和朋友分享內容、發送禮券和產品,或邀請他人使用本遊戲服務或論壇時,本遊戲可能會收集你提供的與上述人士有關的資訊,如姓名、郵寄位址、電子郵寄地址以及電話號碼。本遊戲將使用此類資訊來滿足你的要求,提供相關的產品或服務,或實現反欺詐目的。




    · 利用我們收集的個人資訊,我們可以將本遊戲的最新產品發佈、軟體更新及活動預告及時通知你。

    · 我們還會將個人資訊用於以下目的:幫助我們創建、開發、運作、提供和改進我們的產品、服務、內容和廣告宣傳,以及防丟失和防欺詐目的。我們可能還會出於帳戶和網路安全的目的使用你的個人資訊,包括為了全體使用者的利益而保護我們的服務。當出於反欺詐的目的使用你的資訊時,相關資訊來源於你與我們完成的線上交易。我們僅在滿足以下兩個條件時將你的資料用於反欺詐的目的:絕對有必要;經評估,使用資料符合我們保護顧客和服務的合法利益。對於特定線上交易,我們可能還會通過公開的來源驗證你提供的資訊。

    · 我們可能會使用你的個人資訊(例如出生日期)來驗證身份、協助識別用戶,以及確定適當的服務。例如,我們可能會使用出生日期來確定Apple

      ID 帳戶持有人的年齡。

    · 有時,我們可能會使用個人資訊發送重要通知,例如關於購買的相關資訊以及條款、條件和政策的變更。由於這些資訊對你與本遊戲之間的溝通至關重要,你不能拒絕接收此類資訊。

    · 我們還會將個人資訊用於審計、資料分析和研究等內部目的,以改進 本遊戲的產品、服務和與客戶之間的溝通。

    · 如果你參與抽獎、競賽或類似推廣活動,我們會將你提供的資訊用於管理此類活動。


    在以下情況下,我們可能會從其他人那裡獲得你的個人資訊:此人使用 本遊戲產品與你共用過他們的內容、寄送過禮券和產品或是曾邀請你使用 本遊戲服務或論壇。出於安全和防欺詐的目的,我們可能還會通過協力廠商核實你在創建本遊戲角色時提供的資訊。




    · 我們會收集諸如職業、語言、郵編、區號、唯一設備識別字、引薦URL、位置以及使用者在使用本遊戲產品時所處時區等資訊,以便我們能更好地瞭解客戶的行為,改進我們的產品、服務和廣告宣傳。

    · 我們會收集與客戶在我們的網站上,從我們其他產品和服務獲得的資訊。我們會將此類資訊匯總,用於説明我們向客戶提供更有用的資訊,瞭解客戶對我們網站、產品和服務中的哪些部分最感興趣。就本隱私政策而言,匯總資料被視為非個人資訊。

    · 我們可能會收集和存儲有關你如何使用我們的服務的詳細資訊,包括搜索查詢。此類資訊可能會用於改進我們的服務提供的結果,使其更具相關性。此類資訊通常不會涉及你的IP 位址,但以下少數情況除外:我們需要確保通過互聯網提供的服務的品質。

    · 在你明確同意的情況下,我們可能會收集有關你如何使用設備和應用軟體的資料,以説明app 開發者改進他們的app。


    Cookie 和其他技術


      和其他技術收集的資訊視為非個人資訊。但是,如果當地法律將Internet 協議(IP) 位址或類似識別標記視為個人資訊,則我們亦將此等識別標記視為個人資訊。同樣,就本隱私政策而言,在將非個人資訊與個人資訊結合使用的情況下,我們將結合使用的資訊視為個人資訊。

    通過本遊戲廣告平臺投放的廣告可能會在Apple 新聞和App

      Store 中展示。如果你不想接收 Apple 廣告平臺針對你的興趣投放的廣告,你可以選擇啟用"限制廣告跟蹤”,針對你的Apple ID

      在你所使用的各種設備上停止接收此類廣告。如果你在移動設備上啟用"限制廣告跟蹤”,協力廠商app 將不能使用"廣告識別字”(一種非個人設備識別字)來向你投放具有針對性的廣告。你可能仍會在App

      Store 或Apple 新聞中看到基於背景資訊(例如你的搜索查詢或是你正在查看的頻道)的廣告。在協力廠商app 中,你可能會看到基於其他資訊的廣告。

    當你使用我們的網站、線上服務和應用軟體時,本遊戲及本遊戲的合作夥伴也會使用Cookie 和其他技術來記錄個人資訊。在此等情形中,我們的目標是讓你更便利、更具個性化地體驗本遊戲產品與服務。例如,如果我們知道你的名字,便可以在你下一次訪問Apple


      線上商店時向你致以歡迎。如果我們知道你所在的國家/地區和你使用的語言(如果你是教育工作者,知道你所在的學校),將有助於我們提供為你量身打造的、對你更有用的購物體驗。如果我們知曉某人使用你的電腦或設備購買了某種產品或使用了某種服務,將有助於我們向你投放更符合你興趣的廣告和電子郵件。如果我們知道你的聯繫資訊、硬體識別字以及有關你的電腦或設備的資訊,我們就能更好地個性化你的作業系統、設置你的iCloud 服務,並向你提供更好的客戶服務。

    如果你希望禁用Cookie,並且正在使用Safari 網路流覽器,請轉到Safari 偏好設置,然後進入隱私面板管理你的偏好設置。在Apple 移動設備上,轉到"設置”,選擇Safari,然後向下滾動到"隱私與安全性”部分,輕點"阻止Cookie”以管理你的偏好設置。對於其他流覽器,請聯繫你的供應商,瞭解如何禁用Cookie。但請注意,禁用Cookie 後,將無法使用Apple 網站的某些功能。

    如同大多數互聯網服務一樣,我們也會自動收集某些資訊,將其存儲在日誌檔中。這類資訊包括Internet 協定(IP) 位址、流覽器類型和語言、Internet 服務提供者(ISP)、引薦/退出網站和應用軟體、作業系統、日期/時間戳記和點選流向資料。

    我們使用此等資訊來瞭解和分析趨勢、管理網站、瞭解網站上的用戶行為、改進我們的產品和服務,以及收集使用者群的整體受眾特徵資訊。Apple 可將此類資訊用於我們的行銷和廣告服務。




    有時候本遊戲會向與本遊戲合作提供產品和服務或者説明本遊戲向客戶進行行銷的戰略合作夥伴提供某些個人資訊。例如,當你購買並啟動iPhone 時,你即授權Apple 及你的運營商交換你在啟動過程中提供的資訊,以便相關方面提供服務。如果你獲准使用服務,你的帳戶需要遵守本遊戲以及你的運營商的隱私政策。本遊戲只會出於提供或改進我們的產品、服務和廣告宣傳之目的而與協力廠商共用個人資訊;而不會出於協力廠商的行銷目的與協力廠商共用個人資訊。








      Store 線上商店和iTunes

      Store)會使用傳輸層安全協定(TLS) 等加密技術,在傳輸過程中保護你的個人資訊。在本遊戲存儲你的個人資料時,我們會使用具有有限存取權限的電腦系統,這些系統部署在通過物理安全措施加以保護的設施之中。例外情況是iCloud

      郵件,iCloud 資料以加密形式存儲,在我們使用協力廠商存儲空間時也是如此。

    當你使用某些本遊戲產品、服務或應用軟體或者在Apple 論壇、聊天室或社交網路服務上發帖時,你分享的個人資訊和內容會被其他使用者看到,他們可能會閱讀、收集或使用你的個人資訊。對於你決定在上述情形中分享或提交的個人資訊,你應自行負責。例如,如果你在論壇發帖公佈你的姓名和電子郵寄地址,這些資訊便是公開的。在使用此類功能時請多加小心。

    如果你或其他任何使用家人共用的用戶登錄到協力廠商所有的設備,則在你的家庭群組中共用的任何資訊(包括日曆、地點、照片和iTunes 購買項目)可能會被下載到該協力廠商設備上,進而導致任何此類共用資訊的洩露。訪問家人共用瞭解更多資訊。

    自動決策制定(包括受眾特徵分析) 的存在






      以及我們的合作夥伴和被許可人可能會收集、使用並共用準確的位置資料,包括你的Apple 電腦或設備的即時地理位置。在條件允許時,基於位置的服務會使用GPS、藍牙和你的IP 位址,再加上眾包的Wi-Fi 熱點和手機信號塔位置,以及其他技術來確定你的設備所處的大致位置。在獲得你的同意後,我們會採用匿名的方式,以不識別使用者個人身份的形式收集此類位置資料,供Apple 以及我們的合作夥伴和被許可人提供和改進基於位置的產品和服務。例如,當你選擇使用應用軟體提供商的位置服務時,你的設備可能會將你的地理位置分享給該提供商。







      或Apple 新聞中購買了訂閱,我們會創建一個對於你和開發者或發佈者都是唯一的訂閱用戶ID,並使用此ID 來為開發者或發佈者提供相關報告,其中將包括有關你購買的訂閱及你的居住國家/地區的資訊。如果你取消對於某個開發者或發佈者的訂閱,而且不再重新訂閱,則訂閱用戶ID將在180 天后重置。此類資訊會提供給開發者,以便他們瞭解其訂閱情況。


    如本隱私政策中所述,你提供的所有資訊可能會被我們分散在世界各地的實體傳輸或訪問。對於居住在歐洲經濟區成員國和瑞士的個人,與Apple 服務相關的個人資訊由位於愛爾蘭的Apple

      Distribution International 控制,並由Apple Inc. 代表其進行處理。Apple

      在歐洲經濟區和瑞士採用已批准的《標準合同條款》在國家/地區間傳輸所收集的個人資訊。作為一家全球性的企業,Apple 在不同的司法轄區擁有多家法律實體,這些實體將對他們收集的個人資訊負責,而Apple

      Inc. 將代表這些實體處理此類個人資訊。例如,我們在美國境外的零售店實體中的銷售終端資訊將由我們在各個國家/地區的各個零售店實體控制。與Apple、線上商店和iTunes


    本遊戲嚴格遵守亞太經濟合作組織 (APEC) 跨境隱私規則體系。APEC


      體系為各個組織提供了整體框架,旨在保護APEC 成員經濟體之間的個人資訊傳輸隱私。要進一步瞭解APEC 認證和爭議解決機制,請點擊TRUSTe 的圖章。







    Privacy policy

    This game attaches great importance to your privacy. So we have a privacy policy that covers how to collect, use, disclose, transfer, and store your information. In addition to this privacy policy, we also embed data and privacy information in our products for certain functions that require the use of your personal information. Please take some time to familiarize yourself with our approach to customer privacy. If there is any doubt, please contact us.

    Collection and use of personal information

    Personal information is the data that can be used to identify or relate specific individuals.

    Any time you contact the game or its affiliates, you may be asked to provide personal information. This game and its affiliates can share these personal information and use this information according to this privacy policy. The game and its affiliates can also combine this information with other information to provide and improve our products, services, content and advertising. You don't have to provide the personal information we ask for, but in many cases, if you choose not to, we won't be able to provide you with our products or services, and we won't be able to respond to any of your problems.

    Here are some examples of the types of personal information that this game may collect and how we can use such information:

    What personal information do we collect?

    * When you create this game character, download software updates, connect to our service, contact us, or participate in an online survey, we may collect a variety of information, including your name, mailing address, phone number, e-mail address, contact preferences, device identification number, IP address, location information And credit card information.

    * When you use this game product to share content with family and friends, send coupons and products, or invite others to use this game service or forum, the game may collect information about the above mentioned people, such as name, mailing address, e-mail address and telephone number. This game will use such information to meet your requirements, provide related products or services, or achieve anti-fraud purposes.

    In some jurisdictions, for the purpose of providing commercial credit, managing bookings or complying with legal requirements, we may require users to provide government-issued identity certificates, but only in a few cases, such as opening wireless accounts and activating devices.

    How do we use your personal information?

    We will process your personal information for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy with the consent of you when the game is required to perform its statutory obligations, when we consider it necessary to protect the legitimate interests of the game, or when it is necessary for the game to disclose information to a third party.

    Using our personal information, we can inform you of the latest product release, software updates, and event announcements.

    We will also use personal information for the following purposes: to help us create, develop, operate, deliver and improve our products, services, content and advertising, as well as to prevent loss and fraud. We may also use your personal information for account and network security purposes, including protecting our services for the benefit of all users. When using your information for anti-fraud purposes, the relevant information comes from the online transactions you have with us. We use your data for anti-fraud purposes only if two conditions are met: absolutely necessary; it is assessed to be in our legitimate interest to protect our customers and services. For specific online transactions, we may also verify your information through an open source.

    We may use your personal information (such as birth date) to authenticate, help identify users, and identify appropriate services. For example, we may use the date of birth to determine the age of Apple ID account holders.

    * Sometimes we may use personal information to send important notices, such as information about purchases and changes in terms, conditions and policies. Since this information is crucial to your communication with the game, you can't refuse to receive it.

    We will also use personal information for internal purposes such as auditing, data analysis and research to improve the product, service and communication with our customers.

    * If you participate in lottery, competitions or similar promotional activities, we will use the information you provide to manage such activities.

    It is not collected from your personal sources.

    In the following cases, we may get your personal information from someone else who has used this game product to share their content with you, sent a gift certificate or product, or invited you to use this game service or forum. For security and fraud prevention purposes, we may also verify the information you provide when creating this game character through a third party.

    For research and development purposes, we may use datasets, such as datasets containing pictures, voice, or other data that may be associated with recognizable individuals. In obtaining such data sets, we will comply with the law of the jurisdiction of the data set trusteeship. When using such datasets for research and development, we do not attempt to re-identify the identity information of individuals that may appear in them.

    Collection and use of non personal information

    We will also collect data that can not directly establish links with any particular individual. We can collect, use, transfer and disclose non personal information for any purpose. The following are some examples of non personal information that we may collect and how we can use them.

    * We will collect information such as occupation, language, zip code, area code, unique device identifier, referral URL, location, and user time zone when using this game product so that we can better understand customer behavior and improve our products, services and advertising.

    We will collect information from customers on our website, from our other products and services. We will aggregate this information to help us provide our customers with more useful information about which parts of our website, products and services they are most interested in. For this privacy policy, aggregated data are considered non personal information.

    * We may collect and store detailed information about how you use our services, including search queries. Such information may be used to improve the results of our service delivery and make them more relevant. Such information usually does not involve your IP address, except in a few cases: we need to ensure the quality of the services provided over the Internet.

    * With your explicit consent, we may collect data about how you use devices and applications to help app developers improve their apps.

    If we combine non-personal information with personal information, such information will be treated as personal information during the combination.

    Cookie and other technologies

    The game's website, online services, interactive applications, e-mail and advertising may use "cookies" and other technologies, such as pixel labels and website beacons. These technologies help us better understand user behavior, tell us what parts of our website people visit, measure and improve the effectiveness of advertising and Web search. We will regard information collected by Cookie and other technologies as non personal information. However, if local laws treat Internet Protocol (IP) addresses or similar identifiers as personal information, we also treat them as personal information. Similarly, as far as this privacy policy is concerned, in the case of combining non-personal information with personal information, we regard the information used in combination as personal information.

    Advertisements advertised through this game advertising platform may be displayed in Apple news and App Store. If you don't want to receive ads from Apple's advertising platform for your interests, you can choose to turn on Restricted Advertising Tracking, which stops ads for your Apple ID on all the devices you use. If you enable "Restricted Advertising Tracking" on mobile devices, third-party apps will not be able to use "Advertising Identifier" (a non-personal device identifier) to deliver targeted ads to you. You may still see ads based on background information (such as your search query or the channel you are looking at) in the App Store or Apple news. In the third party app, you may see advertisements based on other information.

    When you use our website, online services and applications, the game and its partners will also use cookies and other technologies to record personal information. In such cases, our goal is to make it easier and more personalized for you to experience the game products and services. For example, if we know your name, we can greet you the next time you visit the Apple Store online store. If we know your country / region and the language you speak (if you are an educator and know your school), it will help us to provide a shopping experience that is tailored to you and more useful to you. If we know someone who uses your computer or device to buy a product or use a service, it will help us to put advertisements and e-mails to you that are more in line with your interests. If we know your contact information, hardware identifiers, and information about your computer or device, we can better personalize your operating system, set up your iCloud service, and provide better customer service to you.

    If you want to disable cookies and are using Safari Web browsers, go to Safari Preferences and go to the Privacy Panel to manage your preferences. On Apple's mobile device, go to Settings, select Safari, then scroll down to the Privacy and Security section, and lightly click Block Cookie to manage your preferences. For other browsers, please contact your supplier to learn how to disable Cookie. However, please note that after you disable Cookie, you will not be able to use some of the functions of the Apple site.

    Like most Internet services, we automatically collect certain information and store it in log files. Such information includes Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, browser types and languages, Internet Service Providers (ISPs), referral/exit sites and applications, operating systems, date/timestamps, and click stream data.

    We use this information to understand and analyze trends, manage the site, understand user behavior on the site, improve our products and services, and collect information about the overall audience characteristics of the user base. Apple can use such information for our marketing and advertising services.

    In some of our e-mails, we use the "click to get to the URL" link to the content on Apple's website. When a client clicks on one of these clicks to arrive at the Web site, it passes through a separate Web server before reaching the target page on our site. We track this click-to-arrive data to help us identify customer interest in a particular topic and measure the effectiveness of our communication with our customers. If you don't like this tracking mode, please do not click on the text or picture link in the e-mail.

    Pixel tags allow us to send e-mail in a format that our customers can read and tell us if the message is opened. We can use this information to reduce or exempt e-mail sent to customers.

    Disclosure to third parties

    Sometimes the game provides certain personal information to strategic partners who work with the game to provide products and services or help the game to market to customers. For example, when you buy and activate an iPhone, you authorize Apple and your carrier to exchange information you provide during the activation process so that relevant parties can provide services. If you are allowed to use the service, your account must comply with the game and your operator's privacy policy. This game will only share personal information with third parties for the purpose of providing or improving our products, services and advertising, and will not share personal information with third parties for the purpose of third party marketing.

    Service provider

    The game will share personal information with companies providing information processing, providing credit, fulfilling customer orders, delivering products to you, managing and enhancing customer data, providing customer service, assessing your interest in our products and services, and conducting customer surveys or satisfaction surveys. These companies are obliged to protect your information and may be located anywhere the game is operating.


    It may be necessary to disclose your personal information in accordance with the laws, legal procedures, litigation and/or requirements of public institutions and government departments within and outside your country of residence. If we determine that disclosure is necessary or appropriate for national security, law enforcement or other matters of public importance, we may also disclose information about you.

    If we determine that disclosure is reasonable and necessary in order to enforce our terms and conditions or protect our operations or users, we may also disclose information about you. In addition, in the event of reorganization, merger or sale, we can transfer all the personal information we collect to the relevant third party.

    Protection of personal information

    This game attaches great importance to the safety of your personal information. The game's online services, such as Apple Store and iTunes Store, use encryption techniques such as Transport Layer Security Protocol (TLS) to protect your personal information during transmission. When storing your personal data in this game, we will use computer systems with limited access, which are deployed in a physical security facility. The exception is iCloud mail, and iCloud data is stored in encrypted form, as is the case when we use third-party storage space.

    When you use certain game products, services or applications or post on Apple forums, chat rooms or social networking services, the personal information and content you share will be seen by other users who may read, collect or use your personal information. You should be responsible for your decision to share or submit personal information in the above circumstances. For example, if you post your name and e-mail address in a forum, the information is public. Please be more careful when using this kind of function.

    If you or any other user logs in to a third-party-owned device using a family-shared device, any information shared in your family group (including calendars, locations, photos, and iTunes purchases) may be downloaded to that third-party device, resulting in any disclosure of such shared information. Visit your family to share more information.

    The existence of automatic decision making (including audience characteristics analysis)

    The game does not make decisions about the use of algorithms or the analysis of audience characteristics that will have a significant impact on you.

    Integrity and retention of personal information

    This game provides some convenient ways to ensure that your personal information is accurate, complete and up-to-date. We will retain your personal information for the period necessary to achieve the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy and in the Privacy Summary for Specific Services. In assessing the above-mentioned length of time, we will carefully verify whether it is necessary for us to collect personal information, and if we believe it is necessary to collect personal information, we will also limit the length of time it takes to retain it to the shortest extent possible to achieve the relevant purpose, unless the law requires that it be retained for a longer period of time.

    Location service

    To provide location services on this game product, Apple and our partners and licensees may collect, use, and share accurate location data, including the real-time location of your Apple computer or device. Location-based services use GPS, Bluetooth, and your IP address, plus crowdsourcing Wi-Fi hotspots and cell phone tower locations, and other techniques to determine the approximate location of your device when conditions permit. With your permission, we will collect this kind of location data anonymously, without identifying the user personally, for Apple and our partners and licensees to provide and improve location-based products and services. For example, when you choose to use an application provider's location service, your device may share your location with that provider.

    Some location-based services, such as Find My iPhone, require you to provide personal information for normal use.

    Third party websites and services

    The game's website, products, applications and services may contain links to third-party websites, products and services. Our products and services may also use or provide products or services from third parties, such as third-party iPhone apps.

    Information collected by a third party, which may contain location data or contact information, shall comply with the privacy provisions of the third party. We hope you will understand the privacy provisions of these third parties.

    If you buy a subscription in a third-party app or Apple news, we create a subscription user ID that is unique to you and the developer or publisher, and use this ID to provide a report for the developer or publisher, which will include information about the subscription you purchased and your country/region of residence. If you cancel a subscription to a developer or publisher and no longer re-subscribe, the subscription user ID will reset after 180 days. Such information will be provided to developers so that they can understand their subscriptions.

    International user

    As stated in this Privacy Policy, all the information you provide may be transmitted or accessed by entities scattered around the world. For individuals residing in member countries of the European Economic Area and Switzerland, Apple Inc. handles personal information related to Apple services under the control of Apple Distribution International in Ireland. In the European Economic Zone and Switzerland, Apple uses the approved Standard Contract Clauses to transmit the collected personal information between countries/regions. As a global company, Apple has multiple legal entities in different jurisdictions that will be responsible for the personal information they collect, and Apple Inc. will process such personal information on behalf of these entities. For example, our sales terminal information in a retail store entity outside the United States will be controlled by our retail store entity in each country/region. Personal information related to Apple, online stores and iTunes may also be controlled by legal entities outside the United States, as stated in the respective terms of these services.

    The game strictly follows the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) cross border privacy rule system. APEC CBPR provides an overall framework for organizations to protect the privacy of personal information transmission between APEC member economies. To further understand the APEC authentication and dispute resolution mechanism, please click the stamp of TRUSTe.

    The company's commitment to your privacy

    To ensure the security of your personal information, this game communicates the company's privacy and security guidelines to all employees, and strictly enforce privacy protection measures within the company.

    Privacy issues

    If you have any questions or questions about the game's privacy policy or data processing, please contact us or complain about possible violations of local privacy laws. You can contact the relevant game phone numbers of your country or region at any time and contact us.

    When receiving privacy issues or personal information issues for access/download requests, we have a professional team to identify and categorize contacts and try to solve specific problems or questions that you have raised. If your question involves more important matters, we may ask you to provide more information. Those who have raised major issues will receive a reply. If you are not satisfied with the reply received, you may refer the complaint to the relevant regulatory authority in your jurisdiction. If you consult us, we will provide you with information on possible complaint channels according to your actual situation.

    This game can update its privacy policy at any time. If we make significant changes to our privacy policy, we will publish announcements and updated privacy policies on our company's website.



