The key is recognizing that the long run is just a collection of short runs, and capturing long-term growth means managing the short run effectively enough to ensure you can stick around for a long time.
Everyone has heard of the marshmallow test, the famous study where kids who had the willpower to forgo eating one marshmallow right away in exchange for two marshmallows 10 minutes later went on to do better in life. The study is interpreted as proof that those who look ahead make better decisions than those who focus on the short run.
But the most important part of the study is often overlooked.
The kids who held out for the second marshmallow didn’t just sit there patiently. Have you met a kid before? They can’t do that.
They were able to wait 10 minutes because they distracted themselves. They sang a song, or played with their shoes, or told the researchers a story. One kid hid under a desk. Another did jumping jacks.
The only reason they made it to the long run is because they effectively managed the short run, in this case by diverting their attention from something that was otherwise too tempting to resist.
And that, I think you’ll see, is the key to long-term thinking.