Templates and EJS
#Rendering HTML and Templates
1, Use res.render() to render Html (from an EJS file)
2,Explain what EJS is and why we use it
embedded javascrpt, EJS是一个JavaScript模板库,用来从JSON数据中生成HTML字符串。
3,Pass variables to EJStemplates
#EJS control Flow
1, Show examples of control flow in EJS templates
<%= %> equal sign will take the return value and stick it in HTML
<% %> no equal will just run the code
2,Write if statements in an EJS file
3Write loops in an EJS file
#Styles and partials
1 show how to properly include public assets
2, properly configure our app to use EJS
3 Use partials to dry up our code
ejs file
#post Requsts!!
1, write post routes, and test them with postman
2,use a form to send a post request
3 use body parser to get form data