
take a gobletful along 随身携带
override 推翻
grudge 不满
cords 绳子

face suspension 面临停学
looking deranged 疯狂的,神经错乱的
beyond reason 不合理

fathom 理解
soar in a high arc 高空弧形飞出

defiantly 大胆地

sag under the weight of 下陷,受到重压之下,压抑
get wind of 听到……风生
jolt 使震惊

a steely note 很好的解释
cringe cringed 缩成一团

his hair was unkempt(matted, shaggy)
fathomless eyes 深邃的眼睛

a mirthless laugh 苦笑
the double-crosser double-crossed them 双重间谍,骗子;出卖
Voldemort met his downfall. 失败,倒台,垮台
bide their time 等待时机

a bluff 幌子
far-fetched 不着边际
lunarcy 疯了
with his maimed hand 残缺的手
a wreck of a wizard 一堆废物
hypnotised 被催眠

grovelling 趴着
writhe imploringly: show submission or fear 恳求地
utmost revulsion 极度的反感

What was there to be gained by fighting the most evil wizard who has ever existed? 能得到啥。
the piece of vermin 害虫,败类
without turning a hair/not turn a hair
: to show no emotion when something surprising, shocking, etc. happens. 不动声色的,面不改色的,镇定自若的,杀人不眨眼的

bound and gagged 被塞住嘴的

strap your leg up 绑扎起来
a splint 夹板
Ron out his weight gingerly on his leg and didn't wince. 小心翼翼地;(因痛)龇牙咧嘴
prone figure/position 卧位,卧姿
a grotesque puppet 怪异的,怪诞的
a personal insult 人身攻击,人身侮辱
his bottle-brush tail held jauntily 得意洋洋地