

作者: hi武林高手 | 来源:发表于2019-11-03 20:40 被阅读0次
  1. Connx plus: output magazine calibration (tray & solt) can not successful.


    —reconnect net cable and hander motor cable

  2. Iconn plus: index gripper has no action.
    —replaced the index gripper assy
  3. Iconn plus: 机台出现DownLoad程序就断网问题。


    — 更换交换机网线

  4. Iconn plus : #845 servo error-X/Y driver fault-hardware emergency brake 0x100
    —replaced Y-encoder.
  5. Iconn plus: wire spool rolling abnormally issure
    —swap the MMI
  6. pink screen issure during machine power on
    — swap the matrox box
  7. Iconn plus: table limits unaccpetable issure
    — change the X encoder and did relate cailbration
  8. Iconn plus: Error-During the initial diagnostics issue
    — change the reticle
  9. Iconn plus: Error#1904 MDM Error Host and MDM will be rebooted.
    — replaced indexer interconnect board.
  10. Iconn plus: Error #854-Y axis Drive Fault
    — replaced a new XY-node
  11. Iconn plus: AI splash issure
    — replaced a new transducer
  12. Iconn plus; NSOP false detect issure during normal bonding
    — swap cable 4018
  13. Iconn plus: Error#1562 Fatal Error-PCL bridge board issure
    — swapped main CPU .
  14. Iconn plus: 机器无法启动
    — main cpu borard 故障,重新安装机台O/S
  15. Iconn plus: Error#273 AUTO-TEMP-OUT-OF-RANGE-OPTICS
    — swap backplane
  16. Iconn plus: encoutered many NSOP alarms during running.
    — swap the z-link
  17. Iconn plus: Z-Axis Temperature Error issue
    —replaceed the temperature signal cable
  18. connx Elite ELA encountered CBL_PFA_SENSOR cable in not detected.
    —clean all cable and plug on the work-holder interconnect board
  19. IconnX: encounter Error#1000


    — swap the backplane

  20. Iconn plus : frequency encountered big/small ball issue
    —swap the USG cable
  21. Iconn plus: the machine encounter error#845,fail to enable the xy amplifier.
    —swap the xy amplifier
  22. Iconn plus: Error#854 servo error occurred z axis
    — removed the z-link,(the coil was demaged)
  23. Iconn elite: 启动后黑屏,无法进入操作系统,重新安装操作系统后机器可以开启,但无法进入软件系统,重新设定启动指令机器可以正常开启
  24. Iconn plus: encountered no resonant USG output issue
    — replace a new transducer
  25. Iconn plus: encounter servo error occurred " error 845-x driver fault"
    — change x encoder
  26. Iconn plus: the machine encounter battery low alarm.
    — swap the matrox with new one
  27. Iconn plus: hang up issue during the machine auto bonding
    — change the ZTC heater
  28. Iconn plus: Y axis servo error
    —change the EMO switch
  29. Iconn plus: encountered hang up issue when the machine search PR
    —swap the camera
  30. Iconn plus: encuntered Eject Gripper can not close issue
    — swap the indexed intermediate board
  31. Iconn plus: Encountered Error#1131 EH_BONDER_CONFIG_ERROR


    —Reinstalled the OS

  32. Iconn plus: encounter error#854, drive fault-phase 1 over current,0*100000
    — remove the emergency switch and refixed the cables
  33. Iconn plus:Encounter can not enter operate interface issue after hang up issue
    — reinstall the software
  34. Iconn plus: 线弧异常
    — swap the main board
  35. Iconn plus: loop issue(线紧)
    —更换main cpu
  36. Iconn plus: Encounter light tower does not work
    — Replace BITS board
  37. Iconn plus:换完解码器开机出现如下错误,Y解码器问题,重新更换新的解码器后问题解决

  38. Iconn plus:换完解码器后做Z校准,出现如下提示,重新安装z解码器上盖子,拨动link,无阻碍感后拧紧螺丝。再次做校准无报错

  39. Iconn plus: encounter MML licensing alarm
    — swap the matrox box
  40. Iconn plus: encounter error#845 drive fault-phase 2 over current,0*2,error occurred on X axis
    — change the x encoder
  41. Iconn plus: the machine occurred NSOP false detect issue during normal bonding
    — Swapped the bits return cable 4018
  42. Connx : encounter Error #1000
    — backplane defect
  43. Iconn plus: encounter no resonant USG output isue.
    — Transducer defect
  44. Iconn plus: encountered Servo error occurred “error 854-x driver fault”
    — X encoder defect.
  45. Iconn plus: encountered Error#1131 EH_BONDER_CONFIG_ERROR.
    — Reinstalled OS
  46. ConnX Elite: machine encountered cannot power up.
    — the main CPU was defect, upgrade software
  47. Iconn plus: encounter can not start up
    — swap the 4300 board
  48. Iconn plus: encounter z axis can not power on
    — replace z-node
  49. Iconn plus: encounter Error#112 EFO-RESOURCE-NOT-AVAILABLE.
    — replace EFO box
  50. Iconn plus: encountered temp change fast issue.
    — Swapped temp cable(2086).
  51. Iconn plus: 设备在复位过程中出现 error 854-x驱动错误
    — 检查发现X 光栅尺存在异物,清洁光栅尺
  52. Connx Elite : encounter Error #303 MH motor drive Error
    — heatblock toutched the real rail sensor,performed the rail calibration
  53. Iconn plus: index gripper can’t close
    — 更换 solenold valve
  54. Iconn plus: encounter USG hardware cal
    — swap the main backplane.
  55. ConnX ELA: wire spool rotation issue
    — Swapped spool motor
  56. ConnX Elite: “Process Error” issue
    — Replaced a new bimorph
  57. Iconn plus:encountered temperature change too fast trouble
    — swap the 4014 board
  58. Iconn plus: encountered USG calibration fail trouble
    — reinstall the O/S
  59. Iconn plus: the ball placement issue in x direction
    — to do the table mapping calibration with the standard kit,the ball placement issue was fixed
  60. Iconn plus: 遇到轨道复位卡死问题
    — 更换4163
  61. Iconn plus: encountered Error#373,output mag handler Y home error
    — swap the mag handler intermediated board
  62. Iconn plus: encountered temperature change fast issue during running production
    — swap the 2086(CBL-BH-TEMP),
  63. Iconn plus: error #854 servo error occurred—drive fault, phase 2 over current, 0x200000.


    — Swapped the PSU to XY amp cable。root cause the connector pin deformation.

  64. Iconn plus: the wire spool could not turned issue
    — reconnected the all relate cable on the BITS board
  65. Iconn plus: encountered z-Encoder signal under limit issue
    — readjusted the z encoder voltage and did relate calibration
  66. Iconn plus: PRS search time out issue
    —change matrox box
  67. Iconn plus: encountered #111 EFO box communication error
    — swap the EFO cable
  68. Iconn plus: encoundered short tail issue
    — clean wire clamp
  69. Iconn plus: encountered noise trouble when perform bond force calibration
    — reinstall the bond head
  70. Iconn plus : encountered the NSOL false alarm issue
    — change the wire clamp power cable
  71. Iconn plus:encoundered the “BITS FULL AGC CAL FAILED” issue
    — reinstall the diverter rod
  72. Iconn plus: encounter index gripper can’t be closed
    — Replaced index interface board
  73. Iconn plus:the hang up issue during the machine auto bonding
    — changed the ZTC power cable
  74. Iconn plus : the index calibration failure issue
    — rebuild the MDP
  75. Iconn plus: 机器无法启动
    — CCD camera haed 损坏
  76. Iconn plus: encountered light tower does not work
    — swap BITS board
  77. Iconn plus: encountered hang up,matrox frequency tip error massages when reboot


    — Reinstall SW and remove all saved data,reboot the machine without error tip

  78. Iconn plus: encounter lost power issue when start machine
    — swap the ZTC power
  79. Iconn plus: encounter failed connct PFA sensor trouble
    — swap the net cable
  80. Iconn plus: encounter no reasonant frequency found
    — swap the transducer
  81. ConnX Elite: encounter the bond head can not move(z axis)
    — reinstall software and restore MDP
  82. Iconn plus: encounter EFO open issue frequently during normal working
    — swap the wire clamp
  83. Iconn plus: encounter error#393,input mag handler G home error issue
    — swap the input mag motor cable
  84. Iconn plus: encounter the hang up issue during the machine bonding
    — change the power supply
  85. Iconn plus: encountered xy axis urgency brake
    — change the EMO switch
  86. ConnX Elite: encounter machine auto power off issue
    — reconnected relevant cable of power supply
  87. ConnX Elite: encountered machine can not enter MMI issue.


    Changed the boot script file name from ata000:3 to ata000:1, issue was fixed.
    Rebooted machine for several times to check the result, machine can enter MMI successfully.

  88. IConn plus: encounter error#101, PDT error- await timeout , PRS command time out issue during normal bonding
    — swap the camera head
  89. IConn plus: encounter error#591, WHL verification unsuccessful issue during initialization action.
    — Adjust the sensor position
  90. IConn plus: occur error#854, servo error occurred on z axis, sw initiated axis disable.
    — Swap the z link assy
  91. IConn plus: encounter the long tail issue during the machine auto bonding
    — change the wire clamp power cable
  92. IConn plus: encounter WHL sensor did not work then puller hit the wall issue
    — reinstall the O/S from the CPU borad
  93. IConn plus: encounter err#755,fail to enable Z amp issue
    — swap the Z-Node
  94. ConnX Elite: encounter fans do not work issue
    — swap the PDU
  95. ConnX Elite: ucker no response issue
    — Removed the Jam assy, found the solenoid cable damaged.
    Replaced a new solenoid, issue was fixed.
  96. IConn Plus; #1555 encounter#1000 amplifier/encoder type conflict in X Y Z.
    — Replaced Y-encoder
  97. ConnX Plus ELA: encountered golf ball issues
    — Swapped EFO box
  98. IConn plus: the machine encounter error#146, bond height error during normal bonding.
    —- Swap the Z-link
  99. IConn plus; encounter heat block vacuum lower issue
    —-Remove the vacuum pump, reinstall the rubber real strip of the pump with glue
  100. IConn plus: encounter ZTC temperature can not raise to normal
    — swap the ZTC power cable with new one
  101. Iconn plus: encounter #103 EFO open issue
    — swap the EFO cable
  102. Iconn plus: encounter wire clamp can not open
    — swap the wire clamp power cable
  103. Iconn plus: wire spool rotation abnormal issue
    — swap the BITS board
  104. Iconn plus: encounter bond site temperature can not rise trouble
    — swap the backplane
  105. Iconn plus: encounter front rail is not out of home error
    — swap the rail motor drive board(4214)
  106. Iconn plus: encounter PRS command time out issue during normal bonding
    —swap the matrox box
  107. Iconn plus: encounter #311 indexer is not of home
    — replace stepper control board
  108. connx plus: encountered Prebond site temperature abnormal issue. 108

    — reconnected the temp control cable(08888-2088)

  109. connx Elite: ecounter "servo error 854#"


    — cleaning Z encounter and reinstall the Z PWB cable

  110. Iconn plus: encounter force sensor calibration failure,the F-mode can not be used
    — swap the force sensor
  111. Iconnx: error #702 warning from servo,servo error occurred on Z-axis
    — swap the z node
  112. Iconn plus: the machine encounter error#393,input mag handler G home error issue
    — swap the input mag motor cable
  113. Iconn plus: encounter error 854,the servo error occurred"phase 2 over current"
    — swap the xy amplifier
  114. Iconn plus: encounter noise calibration failure during force calibration
    —swap the CBL_PIEZO_FS cable
  115. Iconn plus: encounter wire sagging issue during normal bonding
    — swap the wire clamp
  116. Iconn plus: encounter can not enter operation interface issue
    — swap the matrox box
  117. Iconn plus:encounter USG output unstable issu
    — swap the bondhead interconnect board
  118. Iconn plus: encouter bond area temperature not raised up issue
    — swap the bond heater
  119. Iconn plus: encounter Error#970 temperature change rate error
    — swap bond head interconnect board
  120. Iconn plus:encounter the EFO SHTL issue
    — swap the EFO box
  121. Iconn plus: encounter the hang up issue during the machine start up
    — swap the XY amp box
  122. Iconn plus: encounter 755# failed to enable/phase z amp
    — swap the Z-Encoder
  123. Iconn plus: encounter force sensor calibration fail issue
    — swap a new force sensor cable
  124. Iconn plus: encounter PRS command time out issue during normal bonding
    — swap the matrox box
  125. Iconn plus: encounter Error#973 rempature rate change fast issue
    — swap the I/O board
  126. Iconn plus: encounter clamp is not found the home issue
    — change the work hold(theta solenoid damage)
  127. Iconn plus: encounter Z axis servo error issue
    — change the z link power cable
  128. Iconn plus: encounter error# 755,fail to enable z amp issue
    — swap the z node
  129. Iconn plus: encounter error# 283 process error issue
    — swap a new bimorph
  130. Iconn plus: encounter Z signal low limit issue
    — change the z encoder
  131. Iconn plus: encounter leadframe deformation issue
    — perform the magazine calibration and re-taught the output wall senor
  132. Iconn plus: encounter Error#112 EFO-resource-not-available
    — swap the I/O board
  133. Iconn plus: encounter WHL sensor error
    — do index calibration
  134. connX Elite: encounter clamp assy no action
    — swap backplane
  135. connx plus: encounter golf ball issue
    — swap wire clamp and wire clamp power cable
  136. Iconn plus: 设备在键合过程中频繁出现断刀问题
    — swap Z link power cable
  137. Iconn plus: encounter serious NSOP false ararm during bonding
    — swap the bits standoff interconnect board
  138. Iconn plus: encounter gripper cna not closed and index leadframe
    — swap the gripper solenoid
  139. Iconn plus: encounter hang up issue during the machine auto bonding
    — change the ZTC heater
  140. Iconn plus: encounter Y axis servo error issue
    — change the EMO switch
  141. Iconn plus: 设备在作业过程中发生焊球移位现象
    — 更换Z link弹簧支架
  142. Iconn plus: 设备在键合过程中频繁出现Z方向掉电问题
    — swap the z encoder
  143. Iconn plus: 设备出现EFO short问题
    — 更换打火支架
  144. Iconn plus: encounter motion timeout issue during normal working ,the x axis lost power when the issue occurred
    — swap the main cpu board
  145. Connx Elite: encounter Error-BITS FULL GC CAL FAILED
    — change the wire clamp return cable
  146. Iconn plus: encounter error# 146 bond height error during normal bonding
    — swap the z link
  147. Iconn plus: Table limit unacceptable issue
    — change the X encoder and did relate calibration
  148. Iconn plus: Error-during the inital diagnostics issue
    — change the reticle
  149. Iconn plus: encounter EFO box cmmunication error issue
    — swap the enchanced backplane
  150. Iconn plus: encounter puller can not closed issue
    — setup the puller and performed the related calibration
  151. Iconn plus: encounter error #393 input mag handler G home error issue
    — swap the input mag motor cable
  152. Iconn plus: encounter MDP did not saved issue
    — change the backplane borad
  153. Iconn plus: encounter error# 148 PDT-BITS-CAL-ERROR and NSOL false alarm during bonding
    — swap the bits standoff intercnnect board
  154. Connx plus: encounter servo error occurred"error 854-x driver fault"
    — clean the x grating scaler
check the encoder condition under wb console(type in "dump warning counts")
  1. connx elite ELA: encounter irreegular ball issue
    —replace transducer
  2. Iconn plus; encounter no image output in high mag
    — the high CCD camera was defective
  3. Iconn plus: encounter NSOP issue frequently during normal bonding
    — the transducer was defective
  4. Iconn plus: encounter machine's wire tensioner have gas always,dufficulty to threading
    — swap the tensioner solenoid valve
  5. Iconn plus: encounter servo 854 error (z axis)
    — swap the EFO box and EFO cable
  6. Iconn plus; encounter Error#148" PDT-BITS-CAL-ERROR"
    — reconnect the plugs to the PDU board
  7. Iconn plus: encounter WHL sensor did not work issue,the puller hit the input wall during the machine initialized
    — reinstall the os to the machine
  8. Iconn plus: enconter Error# 2026
    — reinstall Y encoder
  9. Iconn plus: 显示器黑屏问题
    — 更换 matrox box
  10. connx plus ELA: encounter wire feed Error issue
    — adjust the wire feed sensor
  11. Iconn plus: encounter bond force calibration
    — reinstall servo CPU board and Z node
  12. Iconn plus: encounter PRS time out
    — reinstall matrox box and do PRS calibration
  13. Iconn plus: encounter error #282
    — reinstall I/O board and EFO box
  14. connx plus: encounter bond height error during bonding
    — swap the Z encoder
  15. Connx plus ElA:Error# 964 Temp control Driver Error and post site temp shown abnormal
    — swap the thermocouple borad
  16. Iconn plus: Error#755 EH-SANDBY_ERROR-Failed to enable/phase xy amp


    — swap the xy node

  17. Iconn plus: low battery issue

    — swap power supply

  18. Iconn plus: enconter postsite temp shown abnormal issue
    — swap thermocouple board
  19. Iconn plus: encounter can not power on and PDU showing Error1&4 light on-fuse fail issue
    — swap the PDU board
  20. Iconn plus: encounter#970 temperature change rate error
    — swap the bondhead interconnect board
  21. Iconn plus; encounter Error#854,drive fault occurred on x axis during initialization
    — clean the x glass scale
  22. Iconn plus: machine can not enter MMI issure

    —swapped the USG board with normal machine

  23. Iconn plus: encounter can not pull in the product trouble
    — swap the input wall sensor
  24. Iconn plus: encounter NSOP trouble
    — redo the clamp and bond force calibration
  25. Iconn plus: 无法进入操作界面
  26. Iconn plus: table limits unacceptable
    — change the X encoder and did relate calibration
  27. Iconn plus: happened the “ERROR-DURING THE INITIAL DIAGNOSTICS” issue
    —Changed the reticle
  28. IConn Plus: encountered Error#854- Y axis Drive Fault
    —Replaced a new XY node, issue was fixed.
  29. Iconn plus: encountered Al splash issue.
    —Replaced a new transducer, issue was fixed.
  30. Iconn plus: encountered Error#1562 Fatal Error-PCI BRIDGE BOARD issue
    —Swapped main CPU with normal machine
  31. ConnX: encountered Error#1000
    —Swapped the backplane
  32. Iconn plus: encountered big/small ball issue.
    —check found the USG cable was worn-out,
  33. Iconn plus: encounter error#854, fail to enable the xy amplifier.
    —Swapped the xy amplifier .
  34. Iconn plus: encountered no resonant USG output issue.
    —Replaced a new transducer
  35. Iconn plus: encountered Servo error occurred “error 854-x driver fault
    —replacing a new x encoder
  36. Iconn plus: the machine encounter battery low alarm.
    —Swapped the matrox
  37. Iconn plus: “Y axis servo error” issue
    — changed the EMO switch
  38. Iconn plus: the hang up issue during the machine auto bonding
    —changed the ZTC heater
  39. Iconn plus: encountered Eject Gripper can’t close issue
    —swap the indexed intermediate board
  40. Iconn plus: encounter Z axis drive fault issue
    — clean the Z glass and z encoder
  41. Connx plus: encounter NSOL false alarm during auto bonding
    — swap the BITS standoff interconnect board
  42. Iconn plus: encounter Error#854-z encoder signal low
    — replace a new grating scale
  43. encounter the large ball issue
    — change the EFO's grounding wire
  44. IConn plus: encounter Error#283,process error,fail to open the wire clamp
    — swap the wire clamp drive board
  45. IConn plus: encounter Error#854, servo error from z axis during initialization.
    — swap the z node
  46. Iconn plus: encounter clamp calibration
    — Formatted the bonder system and rebuild the MDP.
  47. Iconn plus: Encounter #303 MHS motor driver error
    -Reconnect all cable to indexer intermediate board
  48. Iconn plus: Encounter Z axis error-encoder acceleration over limit, 0x400.
    -Swap the Z node
  49. Iconn plus: encounter lost power issue when start machine
    -Unplug the ZTC power the restart the machine
  50. Iconn plus: encounter Error#283 process Error issue
    -confirmed the issue was machine failed to open the wire clamp, replace a new bimorph to this machine
  51. Plus ELA: 作业TI-CU1588124 device 遇到地线安全球焊接不良问题
    -更换夹具并调整Clamp force
  52. ConnX plus:Force sensor 校准失败
    -change Z-Node
  53. Iconn plus: encouner roller jam issue
    -更换Roller 连接线
  54. Iconn: 遇到焊头掉电
  55. Iconn plus: 遇到short tail问题
  56. Iconn plus: encounter Z axis servo error issue
    -Change the Z link
  57. Iconn plus: hang up issue and the 24v voltage could not output issue
    -change the z node
  58. ConnX plus: encounter input hander G home error
    -change Gripper motor 供电线
  59. Iconn plus: encounter NSOL false alarm during auto bonding
    -swap the CBL_WIRE_CLAMP
  60. Iconn plus: encounter Error 854
  61. Iconn plus: encounter Error#854 servo error occurred z axis follower during the machine initialization
    -removed the Z-link,fonud the coil was damaged
  62. Connx plus: encounter USG 输出不稳定
  63. Iconn plus; encounter exception handler x client-connected to x server
    -replace I/O Borad
  64. IConn plus: encountered bond height error during bonding
    -Swapped the bond head interconnect board.
  65. IConn plus: 机器遇到焊头啸叫
  66. IConn plus:encountered NSOL trouble frequently
    -check the machine found trouble,cause by LF shaking, performed the clamp cailbration
  67. ICoon plus: encountered jam trouble at output side
    -adjust tucker and wall sensor
  68. IConn plus: encountered power off during normal running
    -remove the EMO and power switch
  69. IConn plus: encountered the"y axis status-drive fault-phase 2 over current"
    -Change the backplane board
  70. IConn plus: encountered the clamp calibration failure issue
    -Reinstall the bonder system and rebuild the MDP
  71. IConn plus: encountered Error#973,temperature rate change fast
    -Swapped the I/O board
  72. IConn plus: encountered bond force calibration failture, force sensor can not pass
    -do the z axis alignment with the standard gauge, do the z axis calibration
  73. IConn plus: popped out"MIL DLL message" when machine booting up
    -replace a new CCD camera
  74. IConn plus: encountered#854-x axis encoder signal amp under limit
    -Clean x glass scale
  75. IConn plus: encountered error#1004 issue
    -Swapped the I/O board
  76. IConn plus: encountered front rail is not out of home error
    -Swapped the rail motor drive board(4214)
  77. IConn plus: encountered can not enter the operation interface issue
    -swapped the matrox box
  78. IConn plus: encountered hang up issue during the machine start up.
    -Change the XY amp box
  79. Connx Elite ELA:encountered indexer's home not found
    -Swapped 4214 board.
  80. IConn plus: encountered lost power issue when start machine
    -Change the ZTC power cable.
  81. IConn plus: encountered Error#854, phase 2 over current issue
    -Swapped the XY amplifier
  82. IConn plus: encountered bond force calibration fail issue
    -Swapped the force sensor
  83. Connx: window clamp no action when performing open or closed, and there is no error alarm.
    -Swapped the matrox box
  84. IConn plus: encountered error#1000 when machine initialization
    -Swapped the backplane
  85. IConn plus: encountered FTP can not connect issue
    -reconnected the cables of matrox
  86. IConn plus: encountered clamp calibration failed issue
  87. IConn plus: encountered no vaccum output during normal bonding
    -Swap the vaccum valve solenoid
  88. ICoon plus: encountered output magazine handler Y home error
    -Change the 4163 board
  89. ICoon plus: encountered the gripper force can not pass
    -reset up index gripper
  90. Coonx plus: encountered cap hit broken
    -swapped HB interconnect board
  91. Connx Eite ELA: encountered ball diameter can not teach when PBI setting

    -reinstalled software

  92. IConn plus: encountered "EH_STANDBY_ERROR" issue
    -Change the Z encoder
  93. IConn plus: encountered hang up issue when the machine initizlized
    -change the power supply
  94. IConn plus: encountered NSOP&bond height error during bonding
    -swapped the pizeo sensor and performed bond force calibration
  95. IConn plus: encountered can not start up trouble
    -swapped the Eprom
  96. IConn plus: encountered small ball false defeat issue during normal bonding
    -redo the z alignment and performed relevant calibrations
  97. IConn plus:encountered EFO short issue during normal bonding
    -swapped the EFO box
  98. Connx plus ELA: frequently encountered wire feed error
    -swapped backpane board
  99. IConn plus: encountered pre bond site temperature alarm issue
    -swapped thermocouple board
  100. IConn plus: encountered vertical blue LED assembly not work, the oblique light lighting all the time, when change the parameter to zero
    -swapped the cable connect to the matrox and the backplane
  101. IConn plus: encountered 1008 machine configure date error
    -reinstall eprom
  102. IConn plus: encountered long tail issue frequently during bonding
    -swapped the wire cllamp
  103. ConnX: encountered force sensor calibratioin failure issue.
    -Reconnect the piezo cable to the Z node and the piezo logic board, and redo the bond force
  104. Maxum elite: encountered power supply low voltage issue during initialization
    -Swapped xy servo amp
  105. ICoon plus: encountered can not initialized and enter operation menu show blue screen
    -Swapped matrox box
  106. ICoon plus: encountered can not power on issue 5V lost occurred.
    -Reconned the plugs to the bits board
  107. Connx elite: encountered leadframe jam and deformatioin during ejecting. the output mag jog down when the leadframe not ejected completely
    -Check the machine output wall sensor, found the wall sensor cannot detect the leadframe.
    -Reteach the output wall sensor, then eject the leadframe, the issue was fixed.
    -Due to the leadframe was PPF, the color cannot be detect by the sensor
  108. IConn plus: encountered error#755, fail to enable Z amp issue
    -Swapped the Z node
  109. IConn plus: encountered pad peeling and cratering issue during normal bonding
    -Setup the transducer with the gauge, finish the relevant calibrations
  110. IConn plus: encountered #101 PDT error-await timeout on z axis
    -reinstall the z-encoder and clean glass
  111. Connx plus ELA: encountered serious ugly ball issue
    -swapped the work-holder, and performed rail calibration
  112. IConn plus: encountered Error#283 process error issue
    -root cause was machine falied to open the wire clamp
    -swapped the bimorph
  113. IConn plus: encontered error #393, input mag handler G home error issue
    -Swapped the input mag motor cable
  114. IConn plus: encountered error#973, temperature rate change fast issue
    -Swapped the temperature signal cable to the main backplane board
  115. IConn plus: encountered power lost abnormal when power on the machine
    -tighten the cable connect to the EMO switch
  116. IConn plus: Replaced capillary and copper wire, in vain, optimized 2nd bond parameters, in vain. Replaced a wire clamp power cable, got much improved, but can not fix it completely. Replaced a new bimorph, issue was fixed. Confirmed the root cause was bimorph and W/C power cable defect.
  117. IConn plus: encountered table limits unacceptable issue
    -Change the X encoder
  118. Connx Elite ELA: encountered no USG output.
    -Swapped the USG board
  119. IConn plus: encountered bond force calibration failed
    -Swapped the new wire clamp
  120. IConn plus: encountered Z axis can not power on
    -Swapped the Z-node.
  121. IConn plus: encountered wire sagging issue
    -Swapped the wire clamp
  122. IConn plus: encountered eject gripper can not closed issue.
    -replace a new solenoid
  123. Connx: encountered error#854, servo error from z axis during initialization
    -Reinstall the software
  124. IConn plus: encountered substrate deformatoin issue.
    -swapped a new jam detect
  125. IConn plus: encountered PRS search time out issue
    -change the camera,reinstall OS, main CPU board, matrox box, signal cable ,backplane board, I/O board in vain, change the EFO cable ,the problem was solved.
  126. IConn+: encountered Error#854(Y Axis- SW Initialed Axis Disable)
    -Swapped the XY-node
  127. IConn+: encountered black screen issue when power on
    -replace a matrox.
  128. IConn+: encountered +5V&+12V error when powering on.
    -Replaced a new power supply unit
  129. IConn plus: encountered OBPF calibration failure issue in high frequenty
    -swap the capilary, screw, wire,redo the EFO height
  130. IConn plus: encountered can not connect the FTP during power on
    -swap the main CPU board.
  131. IConn plus: encountered error#112 EFO-RESOURCE-NOT-AVALIABLE
    -swap the IO board
  132. IConn plus: encountered unstable looping issue
    -swap a new wire clamp
  133. IConn plus: encountered servo error#854 when did the z servo calibration
    -redo the z alignment, and redo the z axis calibartion
  134. IConn plus: encountered error# 755,can not enable the xy amp during initialized.
    -reconnect the cable plugs to the xy amp and servo cpu board.
  135. IConn plus: encountered could not entered bonding system issue
    -Change the matrox box
  136. IConn plus: encountered power off issue during the machine auto bonding
    -change the backplane board.
  137. IConn plus: encoountered can not enter MMI issue
    -change the USG board and main CPU
  138. IConn plus: encountered force sensor calibration fail issue
    -Swap piezo logic board
  139. IConn plus: encountered rail limit sensor error
    -reinstall the rear rail limit sensors
  140. IConn plus: encountered wire feed error issue
    -swap feed sensor
  141. IConn plus: encountered Error#755 EH_STANDBY_ERROR-Power Supply LOW VOLTAGE.
    -Swap the power supply
  142. IConn plus: encountered #494 jam detect controler command timeout
    -Reonnected all cables to index board.
  143. IConn plus: Error#755 EH_STANDBY_ERROR-Power Supply LOW VOLTAGE.
    -Swap the z-encoder
  144. IConn plus: encountered “z-axis Driver fault---encoder acceleration over limit, 0x400”.
    -Swapped Z node
  145. IConn plus: encountered the long tail issue
    -swap the the Bi-morph
  146. IConn plus: encounter error#854, servo error occurred, x axis drive fault-phase 1 over current,0*10000.
    -Swap the xy amp.
  147. IConn: encounter wire overlay drift issue during normal bonding.
    -Swap the optic house assembly
  148. Connx Elite ELA: encountered LF jam issue during normal indexing.
    -Replaced a new RJD cable
  149. IConn plus: encountered ball drift issue.
    -swap thermocouple
  150. IConn plus: encountered z axis singing during bonding
    -swap the z link
  151. IConn plus: encountered ball lift issue during normal bonding
    -swap the transducer
  152. Connx elite: encountered NSOL trouble frequently
    -replace tape of the clamp
  153. Connx elite: encountered PDT wire feed error
    -clean the air guide and reteach sensor
  154. IConn plus: encountered serious nsop issue
    -swap the new transducer
  155. IConn plus: Error#964 Temperature Control Driver error and Error#1000—temperature board unable to communicate
    -Swap IO board
  156. IConn plus: encountered #146 bond force sensor error
    -reinstall OS
  157. IConn plus: encountered PRS timeout issue
    -Swap the EFO cable.
  158. Iconn plus: encounter contact sensor verify during do the bond force calibration .-Swap the signal cable 2040
  159. IConn plus: encounter PFA sensor not detect issue, the machine cannot initialization.
    -Check the elevator found the net cable to the output mag interconnect board was loosen.
    Fix the cable to the board
  160. IConn plus: occurred error #970 temperature change rate error.
    -Swap the bondhead interconnect board
  161. Connx plus: encountered NSOP&SHTL issue frequently
    -swap the wire clamp power cable
  162. Connx plus: jam issue
    -perform magazine rails index calibrations
  163. IConn plus: encountered lost power issue when start machine
    -change the ztc power cable.
  164. IConn plus: encountered vertical blue LED assembly not work .
    -Swapped the CBL illumination
  165. IConn Plus: encounter #273-auto temp out of range optics
    -Replaced I/O board
  166. IConn plus: encounter error #1000 during the initial diagnostics.
    -Swapped the net cable which from the servo board to the xy amplifier
  167. IConn plus: encountered Jam detect controller command timeout issue.
    -Swapped the intermediate board
  168. Connx plus: encountered NSOP
    -performed the OBPF calibration
  169. IConn plus: encountered USG calibration faliure
    -Swap the transducer
  170. IConn plus: encountered crosshair offset calibration failed
    -Reinstall OS
  171. IConn plus: encountered Error#1563 fatal error-bits board
    -Swap the net cable(from bits board to backplane)
  172. IConn plus: encountered PRS timeout
    -swap a CCD
  173. IConn plus: encountered leadframe deformation during normal indexing.
    -Set the index mode from Gripper Offset to Avoid Region, Re-Setup indexer&eject grippers.
  174. IConn plus: encounter heatblock cannot raise to normal position during normal indexing.
    -remove the clamp&heat block slide assembly, and clean the slide, then install the assembly to the machine
  175. IConn plus: encountered Y axis servo error
    -Swap the EMO switch.
  176. Connx Elite: encountered#237, PDL error-update await timeout
    -swapped I/o and Z amp
  177. IConn plus: the index calibration failure issue
    -Rebuild the MDP
  178. IConn plus: encountered the gripper can’t closed and index leadframe issue
    -Replaced a new gripper solenoid
  179. IConn Plus: encountered wire feed error issue.
    -Swapped wire feed motor
  180. IConn plus: encounter WHL sensor did not work then puller hit the wall issue.
    -Reinstall the O/S from CPU board
  181. Connx Elite ELA: encountered jam issue

    -rear rail fixed screw loosened
  182. IConn plus: encountered pink screen issue.
    -reinstall matrox box OS
  183. IConn plus: encountered no resonance high/low USG output
    -Swap USG board
  184. IConn plus: encountered process error,fail to closed the clamp issue
    -swap the wire clamp drive board
  185. IConn plus: encountered keyboard unuseful, press F9 worklight can not work
    -Swap the BITS board
  186. IConn plus: encountered #303 MHS motor driver error
    -reconnect all cable to index intermediate board
  187. IConn plus: encountered Z axis error-encoder acceleration over limit,0x400.
    -Swapped the Z node
  188. Connx plus: encountered output mag handler Y home error
    -Swap the Y home sensor cable
  189. IConn plus: encountered the MHS_LOGIC_ERROR
    -Swap Clamp motor assembly
  190. Connx Elite: encountered #755 failed to enable/phase XY amp
    -Reconnect all cable to XY amp
  191. Connx Elite: encountered wire clamp can not open
    -Reconnect wire clamp power clamp
  192. IConn plus: encountered the USG calibration failure
    -swap the DFT transducer
  193. IConn plus: error#311_More Error! Indexer is not of home
    -Swap the gripper interface board
  194. Connx Elite: encountered #591-WHL verification unsuccessful
    -Adjust index sensor alignment and do index calibration
  195. Connx Elite: encounter 970# temperature error
    -Swap CBL_optics_TC(2042 cable)
  196. IConn plus: enountered wire tensioner has gas always, difficulty to threading
    -swap the tensioner solenoid valve
  197. IConn plus: encountered clamp's home not found,error#314
    -reinstall the CLAMP CAM SLIDER
  198. ConnX plus: encountered ugly ball.
    -Swap USG cable and USG board
  199. ConnX Elite ELA: encountered jam alarm
    -Swap Gripper interconnect board
  200. IConn plus: encountered wire feed alarm issue
    -Swap the EFO cable
  201. IConn plus: Error#854, z-index mark not found
    -the sponge left in the z link, remove the sponge
  202. IConn plus: encountered error# 854, z servo error during initialization
    -reconnect the net cable to the xy amplifier
  203. IConn plus: encountered puller lower jaw can not closed issue.
    -adjust the solenoid gap
  204. Connx plus: encountered MHS initialization failed
    -Swap the PCOBA board
  205. Connx plus: encountered error 854 servo error from z axis
    -Reinstall the software
  206. IConn plus: encountered clamp home not found and MHS failed to initialization
    -1051 cable which connect to the MHS intermadiate board was defective
  207. IConn plus: encountered force sensor calibration faliure, the F-mode can not used for normal bonding
    -redo the z alignment with standard gauge.
  208. IConn plus: encountered the clamp could not closed issue
    -Swap the Bi-Morph
  209. IConn plus: encountered the humming issue during the machine auto bonding
    -Change the fixure and did relate calibration
  210. Connx Elite: encountered #105 EFO and #281 operating system error
    -reinstall OS
  211. IConn plus: encountered Error#283, fail to closed the wire clamp
  212. IConn plus: encountered config data failed
    -Swap the I/O temp controller board
  213. Rapid: encountered the power off issue during dry running procedure
    -Retighten all the cables to the power supply switch and the EMO switch
  214. IConn plus: encountered PRS search time out issue.
    -Change the EFO cable
  215. IConn plus: encountered #Error180,EFO open
    -Swap the Digital flowmeter
  216. IConn plus: encountered error#1000, error occurred during initial diagnostics servo failed to init context
    -Swap the main backplane board
  217. IConn plus: encountered Amplifier/encoder type conflict in XYZ issue
    -Swap the Z-Node
  218. Connx Elite: encountered bond force error
    -re-connect force sensor cable
  219. IConn plus: encountered Error#755 on Y axis, “Drive Fault-encoder signal amplitude under limit,0*200”
    -Swap the Y encoder
  220. Connx Elite: enountered CBL_PFA _SENSOR cable isn’t detected
    -Replace 4202 board
  221. IConn plus: encountered Error #1008--MACHINE CONFIG DATA FAILED
    -Confirm Eeprom info and no data was found, swap the backplane (readEepron)
  222. IConn plus: encountered serious EFO open and ugly ball issue
    -reinstalled wire spool and clean EFO wand
  223. Rapid; encountered error#591, WHL verification unsuccessful issue during initialization action.
    -Adjust the sensor position
  224. IConn plus: encountered error#101, PDT error- PRS await timeout , PRS command time out issue during normal bonding
    -Swap the camera head
  225. Connx Elite: encountered jam issue on input position
    -Redo tray calibration and adjustment the sensor position
  226. IConn plus: encountered ZTC temperature abnormal
    -Swapped the CBL_OPTICS_TC
  227. Connx Elite: encountered #405 output mag handler tray detect sensor not blocked
    -performed output trays calibration
  228. IConn plus: encountered EFO open, can not fire the normal free air ball
    -Swap the wire connected the EFO box and the main backplane board
  229. Connx Elite: encountered clamp can not open
    -Reconnect all cables to 4202 board
  230. Connx Elite: encountered #854 servo error on Y axis
    -Swap the XY amp
  231. Connx Elite ELA: encountered serious eject alarm
    -Swap a force tucker
  232. Connx plus: enountered Error 854-Y axis servo error
    -Swap PSU board
  233. Connx Elite: encounter #2039 rails limit sensor was blocked at bond site
    -Reconnect the sensor cable to indexer intermediate board
  234. IConn plus: encountered lost power abnormal issue
    -retighten the cable to the switch
  235. IConn plus: encounered can not enter the operation interface issue
    -Swap the matrox
  236. IConn: encounered FTP connect fail issue
    -Swap the cable(backplane power supply to EMO)
  237. Connx Elite: encounter initialize and can not enter operation menu.
    -Swap matrox box
  238. IConn plus: encounter error#702 warning from servo, servo occurred on z axis,54v supply low voltage
    -Swap the z node
  239. IConn plus: encountered error #1008, machine configure data failed issue after machine hang up.
    -Swapped the IO board
  240. Connx: encountered can not power on successful
    -adjust bootchange info
  241. Connx Elite: encountered Error#854 – z axis encoder signal under limit.
    -Swap new z encoder
  242. IConn plus: encountered Y sensor did not work issue. Y sensor can't executed the manual calibration
    -Swap the remote teach fiber sensor
  243. IConn plus: encountered Error #970, temperature change rate error during bonding
    -Swap the bondhead interconnect board(optical thermal couple cable,I/O board,B/H temperature cable, in vain)
  244. Connx Elite: encountered #148 PDT error -bits calibration error
    -reconnect bits cable and swap bits board.
  245. IConn plus: encountered ERROR#2026 – EH_FATAL_IDX_NOT_FOUND.
    -Swapped the x encoder
  246. Connx Elite: encounter #303 MHS motor driver error
    -Re-connect all cable to indexer intermediate board.
  247. Connx Elite: encountered Z axis error-encoder acceleration over limit,0x400.
    -Swapped the Z node(z encoder, z power in vain)
  248. Connx Elite: encountered wire clamp can not open issue.
    -reconnected wire clamp power cable.
  249. Connx Elite: encountered NSOP and bond height error during bonding
    -performed bond force calibration.
  250. Connx Elite: encountered #755-servo error on z-axis
    -reinstall z-encoder and clean the glass.
  251. encountered error#854
  252. Connx: encountered error #529, puller gripper sensor timeout issue
    -Swapped the stepper controller board
  253. Connx: encounter error#373, output mag handler y home error.
    -Swapped the 4166 board
  254. Connx Elite: encountered can not initialize and enter operation menu
    -Swapped the matrox box.
  255. Connx Elite: encountered#101,await timeout on EFO and #854 X/Y axis distance error
    -Swapped the backplane
  256. Y sensor can not search well for PCB
    -adjustment the Y sensor
  257. Connx Elite: encountered wire clamp can not open issue.
    -reconnected wire clamp power cable.
  258. IConn plus: encounter wire sagging and snake wire issue at the fixed site of the device
    -Setup the eject gripper upper/lower jaws and finished the relevant calibrations.
  259. encountered F mode was not available issue.
    -Replaced new Force sensor cable
  260. Connx Elite: encountered#281 operating system error
    -Reinstall OS
  261. Connx Elite: encountered ball shift
    -Adjust light and do PRS calibration
  262. ConnX Plus ELA: frequent encountered smash ball issues when running for 100mm*300mm wide device
    -change z encoder
  263. ConnX Elite: encountered serious short tail on SSB wires.
    -Replaced wire clamp power cable
  264. Connx Elite: encounter unable to adjust light
    -Swapped the 2030 cable,(swap I/O board, light power cable in vain)
  265. Connx Elite: encounter #755 failed to enable/phase XY amp
    -Swapped the XY-amp
  266. Connx plus: encountered NSOP false alarm during normal production
    -Clean wire path, wire spool, replace wire clamp and wire tension, replace BITS board, replace wire clamp power cable, swap the CBL_WIRE_CLAMP
  267. Connx: encountered can not enter windows system
    -swapped the matrox
  268. IConn: encountered lost power issue when start machine, 24V error code
    -swapped ZTC power cable
  269. IConn plus: encountered bondsite temperature can not rise to the setting level
    -the bondsite heater was defective, swap it
  270. Connx Elite: encounter MHS motor driver error and operating system hung up issue.
    -Swapped 4166 board, in vain, -Replaced HEX half stepper board,the issue was solved
  271. Connx Elite: encounter #854 drive fault-hardware emergency brake,o×100
    -Reconnect all cables to xy amplifier
  272. IConn plus: encountered clamp’s home not found trouble.
    -Reinstalled all the relevant cables of the workholder
  273. ConnX plus: encountered power off suddenly during normal production.
    -y encoder cable are broken. swap EMO switch(power supply, PDU)
  274. ConnX elite: the machine encounter power off abnormally issue during normal bonding.
    -The error code showed the fuse broken, check the fuse found the fuse 6 was broken.
  275. IConn Plus: encountered Error#1005- BITS FULL AGC CAL FAILED issue when machine boot-up.
    -Replaced a new EFO cable, issue was fixed.
  276. IConn Plus: encountered error#1008 machine config data failed.
    -Replaced the backplane PCB board
  277. ConnX Elite: cannot boot up
    -Swapped the cable that connected between main cpu and matrox, machine can boot up.
  278. Connx Elite: encountered longtail/short tail issue frequently on bump site.
    -Swapped the wire clamp with other machine(optimized the bump parameters, adjust the wire clamp gap)
  279. rapid: power loss(420v) when exit standby mode.
    -Swapped the XY amp with normal machine
  280. IConn: frequency encountered big/small ball issue.
    -swapped the USG cable.
  281. Connx Elite: encounter heatblock temperature can’t display
    -reconnected net cable to I/O board
  282. Connx Elite: encountered 854# servo error on z axis
    -swapped servo CPU board, no help
    -reconnect all cable to z-node,the issue was solved
  283. IConn plus: encountered error#854 servo error occurred—z axis ENET synchronization failed.
    -Re-connected the servo cpu to z node net cable the machine is up
  284. IConn plus: error#864 Table limit unacceptable—Y limit incorrect.
    -Re-adjust +Y and –Y limit setscrew the machine is up.
  285. Connx Elite: encounter jam issue and damage the material at input position
    -adjustment the magazine and input sensor
  286. Elite ELA: running Cu1581647 device encountered pad peeling and slight ugly ball issues
    -Check all setting and replaced p-part, no helped.
    -Clean EFO wand and adjust EFO height, no helped.
    -After perform OBPF calibration
  287. IConn plus: frequency encountered error#147 Force sensor contact error.
    -Piezo Logic Board to z node cable bad connection.
  288. IConn plus: Bits AGC verification failed.
    -Root cause is Bits return cable bad connection.
  289. IConn plus: can't initialize and enter operation menu
    -Swap the matrox vision box
  290. IConn plus: while machine running normal, the capillary was broken.
    -Swap the z link power cable(z-node, servo Cpu, z encoder)
  291. ConnX Elite: encountered wire spool abnormal running
    -Swapped the wire spool motor
  292. ConnX plus: encountered Error#755, EH standby error-x axis servo error
    -Swaped x encoder
  293. IConn plus: encountered pink screen issue during bonding
    -Swapped the Low ccd camera
  294. IConn plus: encountered error#854 servo error occurred-x axis drive fault-hardware emergency brake,0x100
    -Clean x glass scale and re-setup x encoder and did relevant calibration
  295. IConn plus: frequently encountered NSOP and EFO short false alarm during bonding
    -Swapped the CBL_WIRE_CLAMP
  296. Connx Elite: encountered MHS motor driver error and operating system hung up issue
    -Replaced HEX half stepper board
  297. Connx ElA: encountered jam error
    -adjustable JDC assy defective
  298. ConnX Elite: the error#1008, MACHINE DATA CONFIG FAILED
    -Use dongle to write the Eeprom
  299. Connx plus: encountered output G home error
    -Swapped the workhoder interconnected board
  300. IConn plus: encountered error854-x axis
    -reinstall XY AMP
  301. Connx plus ELA: frequently encountered MHS eye point search failed and orientation eye point search failed
    -Clean the lens
  302. IConn plus: encountered SHTL/NSOL issue
    -Optimized the second bond parameters
  303. Rapid: can not boot up issue
    -reinstalled OS
  304. Connx elite: encountered can not save/load program issue
    -power off the machine and reconnect the plugs to thr matrox.
  305. IConn plus: in product testing encountered crack issue
    -perform servo Z, bond force and clamp calibration
  306. IConn plus: while do servo Z calibration, frequently encountered Error 854
    -restore MDP
  307. IConn plus: encountered#1000, invalid servo board version during boot-up
    -Reinstall O/S
  308. Rapid: frequently encountered PRS status- command timeout
    -Swapped the main CPU board
  309. ConnX elite: encountered Y sensor not found issue during inject leadframe
    -redo the Y sensor calibra.tion
  310. Rapid: encountered EFO open issue
    -Swapped a new EFO box
  311. Connx elite: encountered leadframe jam issue during ejection. the leadframe was broken by the tucker, and the tucker arm was deformed
    -repair the tucker arm, redo the output mag slot position, turn on the FJD
  312. Connx Elite: encountered #755-servo error on z-axis
    -reinstall Z-encoder and clean the glass
  313. Connx Elite: encountered #854 servo error occurred on Z axis
    -Reconnected all cable to Z-Node.
  314. IConn plus: encountered table limits unacceptable issue
    -Change X-encoder(main cpu,servo,IO board,XY amp,Z-Node,Backplane, Y-encoder, in vain)
  315. IConn plus: encountered "ERROR-DURING THE INITIAL DIAGNOSTICS" issue
    -Change the reticle(reinstall the bonding software, main CPU, servo,IO board, backplane,XY amp,Z-node)
  316. ConnX Elite: encountered power loss
    -Swapped the power supply
  317. ConnX plus: encountered X axis servo error
    -clean X galss scale, reinstall x encoder
  318. Rapid: encountered EFO open
    -Swapped the EFO box
  319. IConn plus: encountered Clamp calibration failed issue
    -Formatted the bonder system and rebuild the MDP
  320. IConn plus: encountered Error 755 issue
    -Swapped the power supply
  321. IConn plus: encountered Gripper can not closed and index leadframe
    -Swapped the Gripper solenoid
  322. IConn plus: encounered Error 854,phase 2 over current issue
    -Swapped the XY amp
  323. IConn plus: encountered BITS AGC VERIFICATION FAILURE ISSUE
    -Recnnect the relevant plugs to the bits board, and the I/O board
  324. IConn plus: encountered wire spool roliing abnormal issue
    -Swapped the MMI
  325. IConn plus: encountered wire clamp can not open normal while threading wire
    -Swapped the bi-morph assembly
  326. IConn plus: encounered machine's IP address can not modified
    -Swapped the main CPU board/重新修改机器启动路径
  327. ConnX plus ELA: encountered LF can not eject completely
    -Swapped the adjustable assy
  328. ConnX plus: Motion Error possible collison during teach orient eye point
    -Check bond head can not moved closed to front rail
    -Swapped the Y enconder
  329. ConnX plus ELA: encountered seroius NSOP issue
    -replace cap screw, CU kit assy, DFT transducer
  330. IConn plus: Error#755,Z axis no action during initialization
    -Swapped the Bondhaed interconnect board
  331. IConn plus: encountered Error#314, clamp home not found
    -Swapped the 4166 borad
  332. IConn plus: encountered contact sensor verify during do the bond force calibration
    -Swapped the 2040 cable
  333. ConnX puls: encountered ball shift issue
    -Swapped the Z link thermal couple
  334. ConnX: encounterd hang up issue during bond force calibration
    -Reinstall the O/S
  335. Connx Elite: encountered input magazine calibration falied. A mag-handler motor has stalled during calibration
    -Swapped the input Z motor
  336. ConnX plus: encountered NSOP&bond height error during auto bonding
    -Swapped the Piezo sensor cable
  337. Connx plus: encountered Error#854 servo error occurred-z-axis driver fault- encoder acceleration over limit 0X400 during initialization
    -Clean the z glass scale and adjust z-encoder signal
  338. IConn plus: encountered error 854, Y axis signal low issue during machine initialization
    -Swapped the Y-encoder
  339. IConn plus: encountered z axis singing during bonding
    -Swapped the Z-link
  340. Connx plus: encountered input magazine calibration can not successful
    -Reinstall the bonding software
  341. Rapid: encontered Error#2539 during normal running, Real-time process monitoring fault deleted, high memory usage detected.
    -clear the RMP configure and setting
  342. ConnX Elite: encountered Jam alarm during normal running
    -Swapped indexer intermediate board
  343. Rapid: encountered light tower not shining during normal bonding
    -Swapped the BITS board.
  344. Rapid: encountered EFO open issue, can't fire freeair ball
    -Swapped the EFO box
  345. Rapid: Error#854 z no motion and Z Acceleration error
    -Remove the Z link, found a washer was in the magent wall
  346. IConn plus: encountered#755, Error from seek z-index mark
    -Swapped the z-encoder
  347. Connx plus: encountered can not connect the FTP during power on
    -Swapped the main CPU, and I/O board(reconnect relevant cable to the main CPU and the matrox box, reinstall the OS)
  348. IConn plus: encountered error#854 servo error occurred—X axis Hardware over current, 0x2.
    -Swapped XY AMP
  349. IConn plus:遇到镜头灯光不亮问题
    -Swapped the matrox box(灯光线,背板,I/O板)
  350. Connx Elite: encountered error 755
    -Reinstall the machine O/S
  351. IConn plus: encountered #964 temp driver error
    -Swapped the power supply
  352. IConn plus: encountered Error#111 EFO box communication error when boot-up machine
    -Swapped the I/O board
  353. IConn plus: encountered axis singing during bonding production
    -Swapped the Z-link
  354. IConn plus: encountered calibration failure issue
    -Formatted the bonder system and rebuild the MDP
  355. IConn plus: encountered power off issue during machine auto running
    -Swapped the backplane board
  356. Connx Elite: encountered Error #494, JDC命令超时,could not enter main menu.
    -Clean the workholder and reconnect the cables of side board.
  357. IConn plus: encountered Error 755, failed to enable/phase Z amp
    -Swapped the z-node
  358. ConnX plus: encountered temperature communication error
    -Swapped the preheat cable(I/O board, 2086 temp cable)
  359. ConnX Elite encountered can not power successful
    -Swapped the backplane the problem was solved.(main cpu, IO, matrox)
  360. Connx Elite encountered blue light not work
  361. IConn plus: encountered#345 heat block is not out of home
    -Reconnect index intermediate board.
  362. ConnX Elite: encountered can not eject LF smoothly
    -Set up eject gripper
  363. IConn plus: encountered small ball and EFO open issue
    -Swapped the wire spool(check EFO wand height,replace new wire, new product, EFO cable, EFO box, EFO wand)
  364. IConn plus: encountered Error#854, servo error occurred on x axis
    -Swapped the cable to the EMO
  365. IConn plus: encountered Error#1000 invalid servo board version during boot-up
    -Reinstall the O/S
  366. IConn plus: encountered Error#101 PDT time out and Error#854 Servo error occurred—z axis no motion.
    -Swapped the EFO cable and EFO box and the two cables from EFO box to backplane
  367. IConn plus: encountered #971 EH temp error
    -Swapped the CCD's Temperature sensitive line
  368. ConnX Elite: encountered Vacuum low issue
    -the vacuum tube loosed.
  369. IConn plus: enconntered output mag Y home error
    -Swapped the 4166 board.
  370. IConn plus: encountered Leadframe deformation issue.
    -Check the Rail parallelism and performed rail calibration
  371. Connx ELite: encountered 'servo 854-Z sw initiated axis disable'when bonding
    -Clean the Z encoder
  372. ConnX Elite: encountered Golf ball issue
    -Found EFO tip currosion
  373. ConnX Elite: encountered Error#591, per adjusment WHL sensor position and redo index calibration
  374. IConn plus: encountered Drop power issue, PDU board show 12V issue
    -Root cause was 2086 cable was abrade
  375. IConn plus ELA: encountered Force sensor calibration failed
    -Pizeo LOGIC Board to z-Node cable bad connection
  376. IConn plus ELA: BITS AGC verification falied
    -BITS return cable bad connection
  377. IConn Elite: MIL DLL Message appeared when machine boot up.

    -Swapped the CCD camera

  378. ConnX Elite: encountered pink screen during normal production
    —Swapped the camera head
  379. IConn plus: encountered servo 854-Z driver failed and lost Z power while bonding
    —Swapped the Z-Node
  380. ConnX Elite: encountered operation system
    —Reinstall the Matrox system
  381. IConn plus: encountered 4305 board's red alarm light was on
    —After check, there was AU wire on board
  382. ConnX Elite: encountered PRS status- command timeout
    —Swapped the CCD
  383. ConnX Elite: encountered input mag Y axis home not found issue
    —Swapped the 4305 board

  384. Issue was fixed after below action- RPM storage menagement>RPM monitor enable> Disable

  385. IConn plus: encountered Error#854, XY table index mark did not found issue
    —Found the root cause was the FM on the X axis glass scale, Clean the x scale
  386. IConn plus: encountered wire spool rolling abnormally issue while bonding
    —Swapped the MMI (BITS board,I/O Board )
  387. IConn plus: encountered#146 bond force sensor error
    —Reinstall OS
  388. IConn plus: encountered wire clamp can not open issue
    —Swapped the Wire clamp power cable
  389. IConn plus: encountered error#373_output mag handler Y home error
    — swapped handler Net cable
  390. IConn plus: encountered output Mag y home error issue during unload the magazine.
    —Swapped the 4166 board
  391. IConn: encountered CBL_PFA sensor not detect issue during initialization.
    —Reconnect the net cables to the output mag handler
  392. IConn plus: encountered wire clamp can not open
    —reconnected wire clamp power cable
  393. ConnX Elite: encountered “No resonance frequency found” issue when do the USG calibration.
    —The transducer's red cable was broken
  394. ConnX Elite: encountered error#335, the rear rail reach limit issue.
    —Do the transducer alignment
  395. encountered SHTL issue.
    —Performed bond force calibration
  396. IConn plus: encountered error#280 Fatal error/ error#854 servo error occurred—z follower&no motion and encoder acceleration over limit when auto bonding
    —Swapped the output tray asssy
  397. ConnX Elite: encountered can not enter main menu
    —Swapped the matrox Box.
  398. ConnX Elite: encountered Error#283 process Error issue
    —Root cause was the machine can not open the wire clamp, swap the bimorph
  399. IConn plus: encountered BITS AGC error issue
    —Swapped the EFO BOX.
  400. IConn plus: encountered MIL Licensing Error during boot-up
    —Matrox time/Date not match BIOS time/Date, set to current time/Date the error disappear.
  401. ConnX Elite: encountered ERROR#854 servo error occurred z axis follower during the machine initialization.
    —Z-link's coil was damaged
  402. ConnX Elite: encountered could not adjust EFO height
    — Reinstall the OS
  403. ConnX plus ELA: encountered heat block's home was not found
    —root cause was heat block motor defective
  404. ConnX Elite: encountered machine can not power on issue
    —Swapped the Power supply
  405. IConn plus: encountered Error#1000&1008, machine data failed issue
    —Swapped the main backplane board
  406. IConn plus: encountered small ball false detect issue
    —redo the z alignment calibration
  407. ConnX plus: encountered PDL Error-update await timeout and bond height error
    —reinstall the bond head and clean it
  408. False SHTL: change the wire clamp profile to super gentle/disable z tear feature
  409. IConn plus: encountered can not fire during normal running
    -Swapped the EFO Box.
  410. Rapid: encountered Error#1900 MDM error during normal production..

  411. ConnX Elite: encountered serious die eye point & MHS eye point failed.
    —Swapped the Redblue oblique IIIumination
  412. IConn plus: encountered error#395 Output G home error.
    —Checked the G home sensor status found this sensor light was dark,root cause was sensor cable was broken.
  413. Rapid: encountered SHTL and NSOL sometimes during normal operation.
    —Replaced wire clamp driver board
  414. ConnX Elite: encountered servo error occurred – x axis & y axis distance error
    —swapped xy amp
  415. IConn plus: frequence encountered NSOL
    —Do the clamp Calibration.
  416. IConn plus: encountered the machine can not power on issue
    —After check F7 Fuse was broken, swapped the wire feed motor
  417. Rapid: encountered Error#854 Z Axis Drive Fault-54Vsupply under voltage
    — Swapped the Power supply
  418. Connx Elite: encountered servo error702 warning from servo Y axis warning encoder signal amplitude high 0*80 occurred 15 times
    —Clean the Y-encoder
  419. IConn plus: encountered output side Jam false alarm
    —do the gripper sensor and griper force calibration
  420. Rapid: encountered tensioner guider not work issue
    —Swapped the BITS board
  421. IConn plus: encountered #146, bond height error, the capillary neck broken when the error occurred
    —Reinstall the z-encoder,and clean the Z-scale
  422. Rapid: encountered serious SHTL and NSOL issue
    —Root cause was plasma cleaning overdue
  423. Rapid: encountered ball lift during WP test
    —thick ball thickness, reduced the fire time
  424. IConn plus: encountered Error#1005 BITS FULL AGC CAL FAILED issue when the machine boot-up.
    —Replace a new EFO cable
  425. IConn plus: encountered no image output in low mag
    —The CCD camera was defective
  426. IConn plus: encountered Error 1004 issue
    —Swapped the I/O board.
  427. ConnX Elite: encountered BITS full AGC failure issue during power on procedure
    —Swapped the net cable connected to bits board.
  428. IConn plus: encountered small ball and EFO open issue
    —Swapped the Wire spool
  429. IConn plus: Encountered error#854 z servo error (encoder acceleration over limit, 0x400) during normal operation.
    —the root cause was the Z link uplimit setscrew loosing
  430. Connx Elite: encountered error #283 process error issue
    —root cause was failed to open the wire clamp
    —Swapped the bimorph
  431. ConnX Elite: encountered Error #854 – Servo Error Occurred (Z FOLLOWERR SW INITIATED AXIS DISABLE)
    —Removed the Z link and found screw under the Z motor
  432. IConn plus: encountered NSOL false detect issue during bonding
    —Swapped the cable connected to the Bits daughter board to the BITS board.
  433. IConn plus: loop height is twice as high as normal machine under the same loop parameter setting.
    —Reload the O/S from PCOAB(remove the MDP)
  434. Connx plus: encountered NSOP&height error during bonding
    —Replace the piezo sensor cable
  435. ConnX Elite ELA: encountered AUTO-TEMP –OUT –OF –RANGE –OPTICS.
    —Swapped the 2086 cable
  436. ConnX plus ELA: encountered MHS Config Error
    —Check and found the setting of sub system are wrong, reinstall software and adjust setting
  437. IConn plus: encountered low vacuum issue during normal bonding
    —Check the root cause was the tube connect to the heatblock vacuum hole was broken.
  438. ConnX plus: encountered can not power on issue(FTP Failure connection)
    —Replace matrox box
  439. ConnX Elite ElA: encountered Calibration temperature threshold exceeded
    —Install software and Linux OS system from matrox box
  440. IConn: Encountered machine config error
    —Swapped the backplane
  441. ConnX Elite: Error2071,Indexer travel motion exceeded limit
    —wrong L/F parameters
  442. ConnX plus: encountered Y axis servo error and Table limit error
    —Found a smaller screw was fell into magnet
  443. Iconn plus: encountered 854, move XY table by xhair offset distance failed X axis stauts Drive Fault-hardware over current
    —swapped other machine's MDP
  444. Elite: encountered error#311 z is not of home
  445. Connx Elite: encounter #702 Y axis signal amplitude high,0x80
    —Swapped the Y-encoer
  446. Connx Elite: #854 X/Y axis distance error
    —re-connect all cables to EMO
  447. Connx Elite: encounter unable to adjust light
    —check the light supply cable and re-connect all cables to matrox
  448. Connx Elite: encounter MHS motor drive error
    —Swapped 4166 board
  449. Connx Elite: encountered #714 cover gas pressure/flow out of limit
    —Re-install OS and MDP
  450. Connx Elite: encountered #755 Error failed to enable
    —Swapped the z-power cable
  451. Rapid: unable to install strip mapping premium
    —Swapped the Main CPU board
  452. IConn pus: encountered error#952 Temperature _ communication _error.
    —Swapped the main CPU board
  453. Connx Elite: encouuntered could not pass ejector gripper calibration
    —Found gripper open/close voltage are 0 Volt,hall sensor failed
  454. IConn plus: encountered clamp not home error
    —J38,J39# cable was broken
  455. ConnX Elite: encountered wire clamp can not open
    —reconnect wire clamp power supply cable
  456. ConnX Elite: encountered #854 servo error on Y axis
    —Reconnect all cable to XY-amp
  457. ConnX Elite ELA: encountered Error#1131EH_BONDER_CONFIG_ERROR
    —Swapped the Matrox Box
  458. ConnX Elite: encountered temp loop open issue
    —Reconnect the Plugs to the PSU
  459. ConnX Elite: Encountered L/F Jam issue
    —Do the Rail calibration
  460. IConn plus: encouuntered PDT Error-EFO timeout
    —Swapped the I/O board
  461. IConn plus: error#854 servo error occurred—z axis drive fault V warning –I.
    —Swapped the Z link
  462. ConnX plus ELA: frequently encountered capillary hit broken
    —Swapped the Z power cable, and reinstall Z ink
  463. ConnX plus: encountered looping issue(wire swing)
    —optimize looping parameter with PSA profile
  464. IConn plus: encountered error#280 Fatal error/ error#854 servo error occurred—z follower&no motion and encoder acceleration over limit when auto bonding
    —Swapped output Tray assy with normal machine
  465. ConnX Elite ELA: encountered no USG output
    —Swapped DFT tranducer
  466. ConnX Elite ELA: encountered can not power on issue
    —Swapped the matrox box
  467. ConnX plus: encountered NSOP no alarm issue
    —Swapped wire clamp cable
  468. ConnX plus: encountered EFO open issue during bonding
    —Swapped the EFO return cable
  469. IConn plus: encountered output MAG Y home error
    —Swapped 4166 boards
  470. IConn plus: encountered LF jam issue
    —root cause was the type of LF was too heavy
    —Adjust jam threshold from 30 to 100
  471. Rapid: encountered ERROR#494, “Jam Detect Controller command time out ”during power on procedure
    —Swapped the 4032 board
  472. IConn plus: encountered ball drift, the issue occurred randomly
    —Readjust illumination for Die and Lead ref system, reteach die and lead ref system,optimized eye point location and search range, and add break point
  473. IConn plus: encountered Error#854 Z servo error-new position past limit issue.
    —swapped the force sensor cable 2036(backplane to logic board)
  474. IConn plus: encountered Error#146, bond height error, the capillary neck broken when the error occurred.
    —Reinstall the z-encoder
  475. ConnX Elite: encountered servo Error occurred -Z axis no motion
    —Swapped the Z-motor cable
  476. IConn plus: encountered #970 temperature change rate error.
    —Swapped the 2086 cable
  477. encountered wire sway, it maybe snake wire cause by SSB, use Z-tear & tail-tear parameters
  478. ConnX Elite: encountered short tail issue
    —In 2nd bond parameters, added XY-distance (-3um)in 1st segment
  479. Connx Elite: encountered #702 warning from servo Y
    —Reinstall the Y-encoder and clean the grate ruler
  480. IConn plus: encountered lost power issue when start the machine
    —The code show 24V output abnormal,Swapped the ZTC power cable.
  481. IConn plus: encountered bits full AGC failure issue
    —Swap the net cable connect to bits board
  482. IConn plus: encountered EFO short tail issue
    —Clean the tensioner
  483. IConn plus: encountered Error#854, phase 2 over current issue.
    —SWAPPed the XY amp.
  484. ConnX Elite: encountered 1005 EH BITS FULL AGC failed
    —Swapped the BTS board
  485. ConnX Elite: encountered# 854 servo error occurred,SW initiated axis disable on Z
    —Reinstall the Z encoder and clean the Z-scale
  486. Connx Elite: encounter #345 heat block is not of home
    —Re-connected all cables to index intermediate board
  487. IConn plus: encountered error#755,fail to enable Z amp issue
    —Swapped the Z-Node
  488. IConn plus: encountered force sensor calibration failure.
    — Swap the piezo logic board.
  489. Connx Elite: 854 X/Y drive fault-hardware emergency brake,0X100
    —re-connected all cable to EMO
  490. IConn plus: encountered Error#1563 FATAL ERROR-BITS BOARD when machine power up.
    —Reconnected the net cable connectors on BITS board and backplane
  491. Connx Elite: encountered Error#280 Fatal Error & Error#755 EH Standby Error(seek z limit).
    —swapped z node & servo CPU
  492. Connx Elite: encountered bondsite raise up to 200, alarm temp abnormal
    —Swapped the I/O board.
  493. Connx Elite encounter AC line is down,now running by UPS
    —Check and re-connected all cables to power supply
  494. ConnX plus: encountered index mark not found
    —Clean the Y scale and adjust the Y encoder
  495. Rapid: encountered Error#1000, during the initial diagnostics
    —Reconnect all of the power/net cable.
  496. IConn plus: CPU fatal error&Error#854 Servo error-Z axis&PDT Await time error occurred at same time.
    —Reinstall the OS
  497. IConn plus: Error#755, failed to enable phase XY amp
    —Swapped the power cable(From PSU to XY amp)
  498. ConnX Elite: encountered rails limit sensor was blocked
    —Clean the workholder.
  499. ConnX Elite: encountered#970 temperature change rate error
    —Swapped the thermocouple
  500. ConnX Elite: encountered Error#964 temperature control Driver Error
    —Swapped the I/O board
  501. ConnX plus: encountered MHS initializtion failed
    —Restore the MDP
  502. ConnX Elite: encounter error #494 Jam Detect controller command timeout issue.
    —Swapper the RJD
  503. ConnX Elite: encountered wire clamp cannot close and open issue
    —the 2014 high current cable was defective
  504. IConn plus: encountered hang up issue, FTP connection failure
    —Swapped the CPU board.
  505. Connx Elite: ERROR714 Cover gas pressure/flow out of limit issue.
    —Restore the MDP
  506. Rapid: encountered#1563 fatal Error-Bits board during normal production
    —Reconnected net cable(Connect Bits board and IO board)
  507. Encountered SSB bump long tail issue
    —Increase bump smooth distance, increase bump smooth force, apply tail tear funcation.
  508. Rapid: encountered error#1000 Invalid Servo Board Version during boot-up.
    —Reinstall the O/S
  509. Rapid: encountered Error# 2215 connection error-power supply USB Drop issue
    —Reconnect power supply USB cable
    —Swapped the backplane
  511. IConn plus:encountered cannot enter MMI issue

    —Swapped the USG board

  512. IConn plus: encountered #1563 fatal error-Bits baord
    —Replace the Net cable.
  513. IConn plus: encountered golf ball
    —Clean the EFO wand and adjust the EFO body position.
  514. ConnX plus: encountered NSOL false alarm
    —Swapped the CBL_wire clamp.
  515. IConn plus: encountered Error#1005, BITS crossloading failed.
    —Swapped the I/O board, and backplane.
  516. ConnX Elite#53 encounter error #280 fatal error issue.
    —Upgrade the O/S to 69-5 from 69-4.
  517. IConn Plus: Output G home error and Z motion error
    —Swapped the interface board
  518. Rapid: encountered USG impedance calibration failed.
    —Swapped the USG cable.
  519. Connx Elite: encountered DMHS drive error and clamp out of home.
    —Clean the low console
  520. Rapid: encountered Error#1005BITS FULL AGC CAL FAILED, Error#1004 BITS crossloading failed
    —Reconnected BITS board and relative cable.
  521. ConnX Elite: encountered CBL-PFA_sensor cable is not detected
    —Reconnect WHL net cable
  522. IConn Plus: encountered #101 await timeout on EFO and #854 X/Y axis distance error
    —Swapped backplane board
  523. IConn plus: Puller gripper no response when LF pulling into workholder
    —Swapped the SOLENOID DRIVER BOARD 4032
  524. Rapid: encountered PRS timeout issue
    —Reconnected CCD cable to main CPU board.
  525. IConn plus: encountered #281 operating system error
    — Reinstall OS
  526. IConn plus: #755 failed to enable/phase XY amp
    —Swapped the XY amp.
  527. IConn plus: encountered wire clamp can't open.
    —Reconnect power cable of wire clamp
  528. IConn plus: encountered #345 heat block is not of home
    —Swapped the indexer intermediate board
  529. IConn plus: encountered Error#854 SERVO ERROR OCCURRED. x axis status Drive fault-phase 2 over current
    —Swapped the X encoder.
  530. Rapid: encountered Error#1563 Fatal error BITS board
    — Swapped the BITS board.
  531. IConn plus: encountered tensioner always have suction issue.
    —root cause was valve toggle failure.
  532. ConnX plus ELA: encountered serious NSOP issue, clamp calibration failed.
    —Swapped the Heat block motor
  533. Rapid: tensioner flowmeter no output issue
    —Swapped the BITS board
  534. Rapid: Encountered tensioner guider did't work issue
    —Swapped the BITS board.
  535. Rapid: output mag handler tray detect sensor not blocked
    — Do the output trays calibration
  536. IConn plus: #273-auto temp out of range optics
    —Replaced I/O board.
  537. ConnX Elite: encountered bond height error during bonding.
    —Reinstalled z link
  538. ConnX Elite: encounter “NO resonance frequency found” issue when do USG calibration .
    —Reinstall the transducer
  539. IConn plus: encountered EFO short issue
    —Swapped the EFO cable.
  540. Rapid: encountered error#147 Force sensor contact error.
    —Piezo Logic Board to z node cable bad connection.
  541. IConn plus: encountered RJD failure during ejecting leadframe.
    —Swapped the RJD signal cable
  542. IConn plus: encountered#854 X/Y axis drive fault-Hardware emergency brake,0x100
    —Reconnect all cable to EMO
  543. IConn plus: encountered #373 MH_Y_SENSOR_FAILURE
    —Replaced index interface board
  544. IConn plus: encounter #2039 rails limit sensor was blocked at bond site
    —Re-connect the sensor cable to indexer intermediate board
  545. IConn plus: encounter #854-X axis drive fault- encoder signal amplitude under limit, 0x200.
    —Swapped the X encoder
  546. ConnX Elite: encountered PRS tmeout issue
    —Reinstall the O/S and bonder software
  547. ConnX Elite: encountered Error# 651 last funcation failed issue
    —Reinstall the sofware.
  548. IConn plus: encounter RJD error during ejecting the leadframe.
    —Swapped the plasic roller.
  549. IConn plus: encounter PRS command timeout issue and hang up issue during normal bonding.
    —Swapped the CCD( matrox)
  550. ConnX Elite: encountered error#854 servo error occurred “z axis SW initiated axis disable acceleration error” issue.
    —Swapped the interconnect board
  551. IConn plus: encounter pad peeling and al splash issue during normal bonding.
    —Redo the Z alignment.
  552. ConnX Elite: encountered forming gas unstable(numerical display change fast).
    —Dual flowmeter assembly defective
  553. IConn plus: #854 Servo Error-Z axis Driver Fault-Encoder acceleration over limit.
    —Replace the Z-encoder.
  554. IConn plus: encounter wire sagging issue during normal bonding.
    —Swapped the Wire clamp



