伴随我成长的,在我心中非常重要的是我周围的人,我的朋友, 老师, 最重要的我的父母和家人. 他们总是给我支持和鼓励,我的所有经历都有他们的陪伴。比如说我的弟弟,他也帮助我的成长,他很淘气,就让我变得必须更有耐心。我的成长都离不开他们。因为大家对我的帮助,我更需要有更多的奉献精神,并激励自己去努力的学习,提高自己。
A couple weeks ago I went to China for two weeks to attend the Winter Education Camp. I skipped school for this, missing the prizegiving presenter role. I still went. With my group, we learned a lot of knowledge about ancient China and had a great experience. Experience. That word is very meaningful. What have you EXPERIENCED in your life to make it better? Was it useful or not. A lot of my experiences are things that lots of students don't get the chance to do. Leadership camps and country trips. These are all great examples of an experience that will profit your life. Choose what experiences that you want to do and the ones that benefit your life. That's why I went to China instead of staying in school. To make better use of my time and learn more things.
With all that in mind, you must also think about the people around you. Your friends, teacher and most important parents. All these people are your support for your personal growth. They are the ones with you during the experience. They are the ones giving you advice. They are the ones who push you back up when you fall down. They are like my brother, who teaches me how to be patient with him. People are all around you. They influence your behaviour, your actions and they influence your life. Your supporters are not part of your personal growth, but they support you throughout the journey.
You also need to put in the dedication and motivate yourself to do the hard work. Always try new things to improve your understanding of the world. During doing all of those things you are improving yourself. I always try new things. Even if you are spending 5 minutes a day learning something new then, it's still better than doing the same thing. I've only been doing Taekwondo for 3 months, but that doesn't matter as I am still learning something new. This is also why you go to school. School gives you lots of opportunities to do something new. I joined robotics last year and it was better than I expected. Now I know how to programme a robot! Always try out new things.
Attitude. If you are doing something make sure you find the positive side of it. When I feel down, I always think about a farmer. He goes to the farm easily. He collects the food and carries it back home. In this situation, there are two different types of people. The people who will give up because the bag is so heavy. They will say "Why did I pick so much, this is so heavy. There are also people who will say "Wow, this is a big bag of food. It will feed my family well" So I learned from this. It is easy to start but harder to finish. If you persevere then you will make it to the end. All coins have two sides.
Personal Growth is a big topic to talk about, so I'll leave it here. Do you want to be a 'changer' or 'follower'? Do you want to make a difference in your life do something fun, learn new things and excite your life? Or do you want to make your life the same and follow your current path? There is no right or wrong. You decide what you want to do. You choose your personal learning adventure. Are you the person who asks your brother to vacuum the floor or do you vacuum the floor and lead your brother to help you clean. This is my idea of personal growth. I don't know what you'll do. You decide. Harry out.
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