2018-09-16 文章导读

2018-09-16 文章导读

作者: 风城凌 | 来源:发表于2018-09-17 09:48 被阅读0次

    China will struggle to produce another Jack Ma


    But one question presents itself: could China produce another story to match his? The answer is almost certainly not.

    The reality was always more complicated, but Mr Ma embodies an idea of China as market-driven and open. That idea has faded.

    A manifesto for renewing liberalism

    Revolutionaries insist that, to build a better world, you first have to smash the one in front of you.

    John Steinbeck was a sadistic womaniser, says wife in memoir

    John Steinbeck,62年诺贝尔得主(我刚查的orz),这篇文章介绍了他妻子眼中的他——虐待狂,傲慢而专横。

    During their marriage, Conger Steinbeck described a husband who was emotionally distant and demanding. “Like so many writers, he had several lives, and in each he was spoilt, and in each he felt he was king,” she wrote. “From the time John awoke to the time he went to bed, I had to be his slave.”

    Varieties of Ether

    这篇文章好像主要想要介绍一下Pearl S. Buck遭到的嫉妒,但是这一部分内容好像不多。然后扯到了各种作家之间的过节……并且在思考艺术的性质。

    When she was young, though, she grew disenchanted with her family’s calling, which presumed a condescending distance from the heathen masses. Instead, she sympathized with China’s everyday strivers.

    When we are young, we are taught that great art comes from lofty, ambitious places—the pursuit of truth, beauty, the sublime. Artists struggle with themselves on behalf of the rest of us, in the hope that they might produce something that reflects back a small part of our collective soul, a part that might awe or reshape us. All of this proceeds from long-held beliefs involving muses and divine inspiration, elevating art to some rarefied zone of human exchange. A good book or a painting, we are told, can improve our lives. But rap music taught me a different story about inspirations and motives. When someone undeserving is praised too loudly, this, too, abets creativity.

    It stands to reason that artists who possess a sensitivity to human nature would themselves be hypersensitive people. And it makes sense that those with gifts for storytelling and narration are capable of shaping petty jealousy into something noble and epic.
    按理说,对人性敏感的艺术家本身就是过度敏感的人。 那些有着讲故事和叙述天赋的人能够将小小的嫉妒塑造成高贵而史诗性的东西,这也是有意义的。



          本文标题:2018-09-16 文章导读
