

作者: 名榜君说游学 | 来源:发表于2018-08-01 16:46 被阅读0次


    There was once a Groom who used to spend long hours clipping and combing the Horse of which he had charge, but who daily stole a portion of his allowance of oats, and sold it for his own profit. The Horse gradually got into worse and worse condition, and at last cried to the Groom, "If you really want me to look sleek and well, you must comb me less and feed me more."

    used to  过去一向,过去时常,过去曾做; 曾经

    long hours  午夜时候

    clipping  剪辑; 剪报; 剪下物; 零头衣料; 剪的; <口>快速的; <俚>头等的; 恰好的; 用别针别在某物上,用夹子夹在某物上( clip的现在分词); 剪掉; 缩短; 给…剪毛

    combing  梳毛,梳弃的毛或发; 梳理( comb的现在分词 ); 在…搜寻,彻底搜查

    a portion of  一部分; 一份

    oats  燕麦; 燕麦粥

    got into  穿起,使醉

    worse and worse  越来越差,每况愈下; 愈来愈坏

    at last  终于; 卒; 结果; 算是

    comb  梳子; 梳棉机; 鸡冠状的东西; 蜂窝状的东西; 梳理; 彻底搜查; 涌起,卷起

    09 马夫和马


    A Wolf came upon a Lamb straying from the flock, and felt some compunction about taking the life of so helpless a creature without some plausible excuse; so he cast about for a grievance and said at last, "Last year, sirrah, you grossly insulted me."

    " That is impossible, sir," bleated the Lamb, "for I wasn' t born then."

    "Well," retorted the Wolf, "you feed in my pastures."

    "That cannot be," replied the Lamb, "for I have never yet tasted grass."

    " You drink from my spring, then," continued the Wolf.

    "Indeed, sir," said the poor Lamb, "I have never yet drunk anything but my mother' s milk."

    "Well, anyhow," said the Wolf, "I' m not going without my dinner"

    and he sprang upon the Lamb and devoured it without more ado.


    straying  走失( stray的现在分词 ); 偏离正题; 走入歧途; 有外遇

    compunction  内疚,后悔,懊悔

    cast about for  寻找,寻求

    at last  终于; 卒; 结果; 算是

    Last year  去年; 上年; 去岁

    sirrah  小子

    That is  即; 就是; 换句话说; 更确切地说

    bleated  哭诉; 叫( bleat的过去式和过去分词 ); 发出羊叫似的声音; 轻声诉说

    feed in  插入,传回

    anything but  除…之外任何事都…, 根本不…

    10 狼和小羊









    An Old Woman became almost totally blind from a disease of the eyes, and, after consulting a Doctor, made an agreement with him in the presence of witnesses that she should pay him a high fee if he cured her, while if he failed he was to receive nothing.

    The Doctor accordingly prescribed a course of treatment, and every time he paid her a visit he took away with him some article out of the house, until at last, when he visited her for the last time, and the cure was complete, there was nothing left. When the Old Woman saw that the house was empty she refused to pay him his fee; and, after repeated refusals on her part, he sued her before the magistrates for payment of her debt.

    On being brought into court she was ready with her defense. "The claimant," said she, "has stated the facts about our agreement correctly. I undertook to pay him a fee if he cured me, and he, on his part, promised to charge nothing if he failed. Now, he says I am cured; but I say that I am blinder than ever, and I can prove what I say. When my eyes were bad I could at any rate see well enough to be aware that my house contained a certain amount of furniture and other things; but now, when according to him I am cured, I am entirely unable to see anything there at all."


    An Old Woman  老身

    blind from  使…看不见

    agreement with  与…达成的协议

    in the presence of  在面前

    a course  番

    every time  无论何时,任何时候

    away with  把…拿走[带走],离开

    for the last time  最后一次

    nothing left  溜干二净;荡然无存

    12 老太婆与医生








