* 这本书的名字是什么? What is the title of the book?
* 从它的封面上,你能看出这是一本什么样的书?What does the cover tell you about the book?
* 你觉得这本书是什么内容的?What do you think the book is about?
* 你期待从这本书里发现什么?What are you curious to find out about this book?
* 关于这本书,你已经知道了些什么?What do you already know about this book?
* 你觉得接下来会发生什么?What do you think will happen next?
* 这本书出现了什么难题?What is the problem in the book?
* 你觉得主人公为什么这样做?Why do you think the character did that?
* 在你阅读这个部分的时候,你的脑中有一幅怎样的画面?When you were reading this part, what were you picturing in your head?
* 你想学到些什么?What do you want to learn?
* 你为什么读这本书?Why are you reading this book?
* 故事发生在什么地方? Describe the setting of the story.
* 描述一位主人公在书中是如何发生变化的?Describe how a character changed throughout the book.
* 你最喜欢哪个角色?为什么?Which of the characters did you like best? Why?
* 主人公们在书中遭遇了怎样的麻烦或者情况?What were some of the problems or situations the characters encountered?
* 说说看你最喜欢哪个部分,以及最不喜欢哪个部分?为什么?Tell about a part that you liked or disliked and tell why?