
作者: wwyyzz | 来源:发表于2018-03-11 10:22 被阅读31次


    命令: vagrant box



    Box Add

    命令:vagrant box add ADDRESS


    • [可用的Vagrant镜像的公共目录](https://vagrantcloud.com/boxes/search)中的简写名称,如“hashicorp / precise64”。

    • box的文件路径或HTTP URL[目录](https://vagrantcloud.com/boxes/search)。对于HTTP,支持基本身份验证并且遵守http_proxy环境变量。 同时支持HTTPS。

    • 网址直接指向一个box文件。在这种情况下,您必须指定--name标志(请参见下文),版本控制/更新将不起作用。





    ** HashCorp的Vagrant Cloud版本化框或框的校验和:**对于来自HashiCorp的Vagrant Cloud的框,校验和被嵌入到框的元数据中。元数据本身通过TLS提供,其格式经过验证。

    »Options for direct box files

    The options below only apply if you are adding a box file directly (when you are not using a catalog).

    • --checksum VALUE - A checksum for the box that is downloaded. If specified, Vagrant will compare this checksum to what is actually downloaded and will error if the checksums do not match. This is highly recommended since box files are so large. If this is specified, --checksum-type must also be specified. If you are downloading from a catalog, the checksum is included within the catalog entry.

    • --checksum-type TYPE - The type of checksum that --checksum is if it is specified. Supported values are currently "md5", "sha1", and "sha256".

    • --name VALUE - Logical name for the box. This is the value that you would put into config.vm.box in your Vagrantfile. When adding a box from a catalog, the name is included in the catalog entry and does not have to be specified.

    Checksums for versioned boxes or boxes from HashiCorp's Vagrant Cloud: For boxes from HashiCorp's Vagrant Cloud, the checksums are embedded in the metadata of the box. The metadata itself is served over TLS and its format is validated.

    Box List

    Command: vagrant box list

    This command lists all the boxes that are installed into Vagrant.

    Box Outdated

    Command: vagrant box outdated

    This command tells you whether or not the box you are using in your current Vagrant environment is outdated. If the --global flag is present, every installed box will be checked for updates.

    Checking for updates involves refreshing the metadata associated with a box. This generally requires an internet connection.


    • --global - Check for updates for all installed boxes, not just the boxes for the current Vagrant environment.

    Box Prune

    Command: vagrant box prune

    This command removes old versions of installed boxes. If the box is currently in use vagrant will ask for confirmation.


    • --provider PROVIDER - The specific provider type for the boxes to destroy.

    • --dry-run - Only print the boxes that would be removed.

    • --name NAME - The specific box name to check for outdated versions.

    • --force - Destroy without confirmation even when box is in use.

    Box Remove

    Command: vagrant box remove NAME

    This command removes a box from Vagrant that matches the given name.

    If a box has multiple providers, the exact provider must be specified with the --provider flag. If a box has multiple versions, you can select what versions to delete with the --box-version flag or remove all versions with the --all flag.


    • --box-version VALUE - Version of version constraints of the boxes to remove. See documentation on this flag for box add for more details.

    • --all - Remove all available versions of a box.

    • --force - Forces removing the box even if an active Vagrant environment is using it.

    • --provider VALUE - The provider-specific box to remove with the given name. This is only required if a box is backed by multiple providers. If there is only a single provider, Vagrant will default to removing it.

    Box Repackage

    Command: vagrant box repackage NAME PROVIDER VERSION

    This command repackages the given box and puts it in the current directory so you can redistribute it. The name, provider, and version of the box can be retrieved using vagrant box list.

    When you add a box, Vagrant unpacks it and stores it internally. The original *.box file is not preserved. This command is useful for reclaiming a *.box file from an installed Vagrant box.

    Box Update

    Command: vagrant box update

    This command updates the box for the current Vagrant environment if there are updates available. The command can also update a specific box (outside of an active Vagrant environment), by specifying the --box flag.

    <small style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 12.75px;">Note that updating the box will not update an already-running Vagrant machine. To reflect the changes in the box, you will have to destroy and bring back up the Vagrant machine.</small>

    If you just want to check if there are updates available, use the vagrant box outdated command.


    • --box VALUE - Name of a specific box to update. If this flag is not specified, Vagrant will update the boxes for the active Vagrant environment.

    • --provider VALUE - When --box is present, this controls what provider-specific box to update. This is not required unless the box has multiple providers. Without the --box flag, this has no effect.



