D16 Week3 2017.7.5

作者: 齐大枣 | 来源:发表于2017-07-05 22:15 被阅读0次

1. 复习口译,口语完毕

2. 口译新课

3. 精听

4. 口语新课

5. description of  appearance

He used to be quite bad looking, he was short and thin, he was pale because he spend so much time on sitting in his chair and playing video game, and of course, he was so sallow, pale and weak. He went bald while he was young, like most bald head man, a blue oval freckled and  wrinkled face, with a scary hooked nose, and thin lips as if he had false teeth.  However, I'm afraid you wouldn't recognize him now.  Keeping fitness exercise rather than staying at home all day has given him a tanned and healthy complexion. Though he was born short, he is now powerfully-built, muscular and broad-shoulder, he's rather well-built, after continuous exercising he has lost a lot of weight and got a good figure. even his ugly oval wrinkled face looks nice now. He has gone from being an ugly, thin and unhealthy guy to a healthy strong man.



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