

作者: 761199c9d88f | 来源:发表于2018-08-21 16:36 被阅读11次


    hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), the most common mono- genic cardiovascular disorder, is diverse in presentation and natural history, frequently misunderstood, and often underrecognized in clinical practice. A comprehensive clinical description of the disease was first made 55 years ago by the Braunwald group at the National Institutes of Health; at that time it was called idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis. An understanding of diagnostic features, genetic factors, clinical course, and management of the broad spectrum of HCM has evolved measurably, particularly in the past 15 years.  A vast literature (more than 18,000 reports) has emerged, and in many respects, contemporary HCM differs markedly from the disease of previous eras.

    肥厚性心肌病(HCM)是最常见的单核心血管疾病,在表现上以及自然变化中呈现多样性,因此常被误诊,或在临床上诊断不出来。55年前,美国国立卫生研究院的Braunwald小组首次对HCM进行了系统的临床描述。那时它被称为特发性肥厚性主动脉瓣下狭窄。随着研究的进展,特别是在过去的15年中。对诊断特征,遗传因素,临床过程和广泛HCM管理的理解已经有了可观的发展。出现了大量的文献(超过 18,000的报告),在许多方面,现在的HCM与以前时代的HCM明显不同。

    Epidemiologic features流行病学特征

    Diagnosis and Prevalence


    Clinical diagnosis of HCM is based on a hypertrophied, no dilated left ventricle

    — which is identified by means of echocardiography or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) — in the absence of another cardiac, systemic, metabolic, or syndromic disease. HCM的临床诊断通常是基于肥厚的没有扩张的左心室-通过心脏超声或MRI判断—在没有其他心脏,全身,代谢或综合征疾病的情况下。

    Echocardiography-based epidemiologic studies have shown a disease prevalence of 1 case per 500 persons in the general population but a higher prevalence (1 case per 200) when both clinical and genetic diagnoses, including those in family members, are taken into account (Fig. 1). 以心脏超声为基础的流行病学研究表明在普通群体中每500有一人患病,但是当综合考虑临床和基因诊断因素时,这一比例提高(每200人中有1例)。

    An estimated 750,000 persons in the United States may be affected by HCM. 估计美国有75万人口可能患有HCM。

    However, the disease has been diagnosed in only a fraction of them (about 100,000), usually by means of noninvasive imaging, which suggests that most persons do not receive a diagnosis during their lifetime (Fig. 1). 然而只有部分人真正确诊(大概10万)通常通过非侵袭性成像,这表面大多数人在他们一生中没有得到诊断。

    Under recognition of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy has disproportionately affected women and also underserved minorities, with evidence of under recognition among blacks including deaths on the athletic field of black men with undiagnosed disease and potential under referral of affected black patients for specialized hypertrophic cardiomyopathy -related  treatments.


    Global Burden 全球化压力

    HCM has been identified in 122 countries (representing approximately 90% of the world population), with spontaneous (de novo) mutations probably accounting for this disease burden (Fig. 1). It is likely that HCM affects approximately 20 million people globally, well beyond the population that was initially thought to be affected.

    已有122个国家发现HCM(占世界人口的90%),自然的基因突变或许可以解释这样的疾病总量(Fig. 1)。HCM很可能影响全球约2000万人,远远超出最初认为受影响的人群。

    Although the disease occurs in many countries, ethnic groups, and races and affects both sexes equally, its clinical and phenotypic expression and genetic substrate do not appear to vary substantially according to demographic characteristics. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy has been under recognized in many parts of the world, but an awareness of the disease is now penetrating the health care systems in China, India, and other developing countries, defining an emerging frontier for diagnosis and management.


    It is likely that HCM affects approximately 20 million people globally, well beyond the population that was initially thought to be affected.

    Global Burden 全球化压力

    HCM has been identified in 122 countries (representing approximately 90% of the world population), with spontaneous (de novo) mutations probably accounting for this disease burden (Fig. 1). It is likely that HCM affects approximately 20 million people globally, well beyond the population that was initially thought to be affected.

    已有122个国家发现HCM(占世界人口的90%),自然的基因突变或许可以解释这样的疾病总量(Fig. 1)。HCM很可能影响全球约2000万人,远远超出最初认为受影响的人群。

    Although the disease occurs in many countries, ethnic groups, and races and affects both sexes equally, its clinical and phenotypic expression and genetic substrate do not appear to vary substantially according to demographic characteristics. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy has been under recognized in many parts of the world, but an awareness of the disease is now penetrating the health care systems in China, India, and other developing countries, defining an emerging frontier for diagnosis and management.


    It is likely that HCM affects approximately 20 million people globally, well beyond the population that was initially thought to be affected.



    genetic factors遗传因素

    HCM is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern, associated with mutations (nucleotide sequence variants) in 11 or more genes encoding proteins of thick and thin myofilament contractile components of the cardiac sarcomere or Z disk, with beta-myosin heavy chain and myosin-binding protein C genes most commonly involved. Genetic testing panels show vast heterogeneity and diverse molecular pathways, with more than 2000 sarcomere mutations identified. Some of the mutations are considered to be pathogenic, but in others pathogenicity is uncertain, and many are confined to single families (Fig. 2).

    HCM以常染色体显性模式遗传,与11个或更多基因中的突变(核苷酸序列变体)相关,所述基因编码心肌肌节或Z盘的厚和细肌丝收缩组分的蛋白质,具有β-肌球蛋白重链和肌球蛋白结合蛋白 C基因最常涉及。基因检测小组显示出巨大的异质性和多样化的分子途径,确定了超过2000个肌节突变。一些突变被认为是致病性的,但在其他突变中,致病性是不确定的,并且许多突变仅限于单个家族(图2)。


    These seminal insights have made it possible to diagnose HCM on the basis of laboratory test ing in patients who otherwise would be unaware of  their  genetically  affected  status.  However, genotype–phenotype correlations have been in- consistent,  and  single  (or  multiple)  sarcomere variants are unreliable in predicting prognosis, with no specific role in risk stratification. Thus, important management decisions in cases of HCM are based solely on clinical criteria.

    这些开创性的见解使得有可能在患者身上进行实验室检测来诊断HCM,否则他们将不知道自己的遗传受影响状态。然而,基因型 - 表型相关性不一致,单个(或多个)肌节变体在预测预后方面不可靠,在风险分层中没有特定的作用。因此,HCM病例的重要管理决策完全基于临床标准。

    Genetic testing is confined largely to next- generation (cascade) family screening, which affords the opportunity to identify family members who are unlikely to inherit HCM, as well as affected family members without left ventricular hypertrophy (Fig. 2). Such gene carriers characteristically have no cardiac events or symptoms, and many carriers will never have HCM but can nevertheless transmit disease-causing mutations to subsequent generations. Genetic  testing  can  also  identify  metabolic  and storage phenocopies that mimic HCM.


    With technological advances (whole-genome sequencing), variants of uncertain significance have become more numerous, making interpretation of pathogenicity increasingly complex and potentially leading to misinterpretation of benign variants as pathogenic in diverse racial, ethnic, and ancestry populations. Indeed, at present, only one third of probands with HCM have pathogenic (or probably pathogenic) mutations suitable for family screening. Sporadic (nonfamilial) HCM (i.e., sarcomere mutations in a patient without a family history of HCM) may be more common than currently thought.




    Characterization of the HCM phenotype has been based on almost 50 years of echocardiographic imaging. High-resolution tomographic MRI can provide a more reliable assessment of left ventricular hypertrophy in some patients, as well as enhanced risk stratification through in vivo identification of myocardial fibrosis  (Fig. 2).

    过去50多年HCM表型特征一直是基于心脏超声成像。高分辨率的MRI能够对左心室肥大提供更可靠的评估,同时也通过体内鉴定心肌纤维化增强风险分层(图2)。 In most clinically diagnosed cases, left ventricular wall thickness is 15 mm or more (average, 21 mm), but there is massive thickness (30 to 50 mm) in some cases.Borderline thick- ness (13 to 14 mm) often requires differential diagnosis from systemic hypertension or physiologic athlete’s heart (Fig. 2). However, any left ventricular wall thickness is consistent with the clinical spectrum of HCM, including normal dimensions in gene carriers. Greater left ventricular thickness is associated with an increased risk of sudden death but not necessar- ily of progression to heart failure.

    在大多数临床诊断的病例中,左心室壁厚度为15 mm或更大(平均21 mm),但在某些情况下存在超级厚度(30至50 mm)。边界厚度(13至14毫米)通常需要从系统性高血压或生理运动员的心脏进行鉴别诊断(图2)。然而,任何左心室壁厚度都与HCM的临床谱相一致,包括基因载体中的正常尺寸。左心室厚度增加会增加猝死风险,但不一定会发展为心力衰竭。

    Phenotype expression includes a myriad of asymmetric patterns of hypertrophy that are highly variable even among first-degree relatives. These patterns can be diffuse, segmental (in- cluding apical), focal, or noncontiguous or could involve extension into the right ventricle,  as well as elongated mitral leaf lets or blood-filled crypts.


    The preferred option for initial family screening is diagnostic imaging every 12 to 18 months from the ages of 12 to 21 years, given that left ventricular hypertrophy commonly develops during adolescence and periods of accelerated growth, although adverse events punctuating the clinical course are rare (Fig. 2). The possibility of delayed penetrance of the phenotype into midlife can justify extended imaging surveillance at 5-year intervals.

    初始家庭筛查的首选方案是从12至21岁每12至18个月进行一次诊断性成像,因为左心室肥大通常发生在青春期和加速生长期,尽管在临床过程中间断的不良事件很少见(图 2)。延迟表型渗入中年的可能性可以证明延长的成像监测是间隔5年。

    Echocardiographic assessment with pulsed and tissue Doppler, strain rate imaging, and digital speckle tracking has provided mechanistic and functional insights into diastolic dysfunction, global and regional myocardial mechanics, and determinants of systolic ejection. However, these initiatives have not yet substantially affected disease prognosis or management.


    Outflow Obstruction

    HCM is predominantly an obstructive disease, with 70% of patients having mechanical impedance to left ventricular outf low (gradients ≥30 mm Hg) at rest or with physiological provocation (i.e., exercise)30 (Fig. 2). Subaortic gradients are characteristically dynamic and subject to change with physiological loading conditions (e.g., increased with reduced ventricular volume due to dehydration, alcohol or food consumption, or a change from a sitting to a standing position), and these changes are often responsible for daily fluctuations in symptoms.

    Outflow obstruction is usually produced by mitral-valve systolic anterior motion and septal contact due to flow drag, also resulting in mitral regurgitation (Fig. 2). Congenital, anomalous insertion of the papillary muscle directly into the mitral valve (without interposition of chordae) is occasionally responsible for midventricular muscular obstruction and is relevant to the planning of invasive treatment strategies.







