[备份/笔记] 希腊字母的读法

[备份/笔记] 希腊字母的读法

作者: district10 | 来源:发表于2018-03-04 23:29 被阅读163次

发现看书的时候又忘了 ξ (ksee) 怎么读, 又忘了 ϕ 和 φ 是不是都是 phi...
从自己原来的笔记拷过来, 再备份一遍.


Letter Letter Name Pronunciation
A a a /ˈeɪ/
B b bee /ˈbiː/
C c cee /ˈsiː/
D d dee /ˈdiː/
E e e /ˈiː/
F f ef /ˈɛf/
G g gee /ˈdʒiː/
H h aitch /ˈeɪtʃ/
- - haitch /ˈheɪtʃ/
- - hetch /ˈhetʃ/
I i i /ˈaɪ/
J j jay /ˈdʒeɪ/
- - jy /ˈdʒaɪ/
K k kay /ˈkeɪ/
L l el or ell /ˈɛl/, /ˈɛɫ/
M m em /ˈɛm/
N n en /ˈɛn/
O o o /ˈəʊ/
P p pee /ˈpiː/
Q q cue /ˈkjuː/
R r ar /ˈɑː/
S s ess /ˈɛs/
T t tee /ˈtiː/
U u u /ˈjuː/
V v vee /ˈviː/
W w double-u /ˈdʌbəl.juː/
X x ex /ˈɛks/
Y y wy or wye /ˈwaɪ/
Z z zed /ˈzɛd/
- - zee /ˈziː/
- - izzard /ˈɪzərd/

Greek Alphabet

Letter Name In LaTeX Transliteration Pronunciation
A α alpha - \alpha a AL-fuh
B β beta - \beta b BAY-tuh, BEE-tuh
Γ γ gamma \Gamma \gamma g GAM-uh
Δ δ delta \Delta \delta d DELL-tuh
E ϵ ε epsilon - \epsilon \varepsilon e EP-suh-lon
F ϝ ϛ digamma - \digamma stigma f dee-GAM-uh ?
Z ζ zeta - \zeta z ZAY-tuh
H η eta \eta ē AY-tuh
Θ θ ϑ theta \Theta \theta \vartheta th THAY-tuh, THEE-tuh
Ι ι iota - \iota i eye-OH-tuh
K κ ϰ kappa - \kappa \varkappa k CAY-uh
Λ λ lambda \Lambda \lambda l LAM-duh
M μ mu - \mu m MYOO, MOO
N ν nu - \nu n NOO, NYOO
Ξ ξ xi \Xi \xi x ZIGH, SIGN, KSEE
Ο ο omicron - \omicron o AH-mih-cron, OH-mih-cron
Π π ϖ pi \Pi \pi \varpi p PIE
Ρ ρ ϱ rho - \rho \varrho r / rh ROE
Σ σ ς sigma \Sigma \sigma \varsigma s SIG-muh
T τ tau - \tau t TOW, TAW
Υ υ upsilon \Upsilon \upsilon u UP-suh-lon, YOOP-suh-lon
Φ ϕ φ phi \Phi \phi \varphi phi FIE, FEE
Χ χ chi \chi ch KIGN, KEE
Ψ ψ psi \Psi \psi ps SIGH, PSIGH, PSEE
Ω ω omega \Omega \omega ō oh-MEG-uh, oh-MEE-guh, oh-MAY-guh

Aleph: /ˈɑːlɛf/

Αα (alpha)

α represents:

  • the first angle in a triangle, opposite the side A
  • one root of a quadratic equation, where β represents the other
  • the ratio of collector current to emitter current in a bipolar junction
    transistor (BJT) in electronics
  • the statistical significance of a result
  • the false positive rate in statistics ("Type I" error)
  • the reciprocal of the sacrifice ratio
  • the fine structure constant in physics
  • the angle of attack of an aircraft
  • an alpha particle (He2+)
  • angular acceleration in physics
  • the linear thermal expansion coefficient
  • the thermal diffusivity
  • the alpha carbon is the first carbon after the carbon that attaches to
    a functional group in organic chemistry
  • the α-carbon is the backbone carbon next to the carbonyl carbon in
    amino acids
  • right ascension in astrometry
  • The brightest star in a constellation.
  • Iron Ferrite and numerous phases within materials science.
  • the return in excess of the compensation for the risk borne in
  • the α-conversion in lambda calculus

Ββ (beta)

Β represents the beta function

β represents:

  • the thermodynamic beta, equal to (kBT)−1, where kB is Boltzmann's
    constant and T is the absolute temperature.
  • the second angle in a triangle, opposite the side B
  • one root of a quadratic equation, where α represents the other
  • the ratio of collector current to base current in a bipolar junction
    transistor (BJT) in electronics (current gain)
  • the false negative rate in statistics ("Type II" error)
  • the beta coefficient, the non-diversifiable risk, of an asset in
    mathematical finance
  • the sideslip angle of an airplane
  • the first-order effects of variations in Coriolis force with latitude
    in planetary dynamics
  • a beta particle (e-)
  • sound intensity
  • velocity divided by the speed of light in special relativity
  • the beta brain wave in brain or cognitive sciences
  • ecliptic latitude in astrometry
  • The ratio of plasma pressure to magnetic pressure in plasma physics
  • β-reduction in lambda calculus

Γγ (gamma)

Γ represents:

  • the reflection coefficient of a transmission or telecommunication line.
  • the confinement factor of an optical mode in a waveguide
  • the gamma function, a generalization of the factorial
  • the upper incomplete gamma function
  • the modular group, the group of fractional linear transformations
  • the gamma distribution, a continuous probability distribution defined
    using the gamma function
  • second-order sensitivity to price in mathematical finance
  • the Christoffel symbols of the second kind
  • the neighbourhood of a vertex in a graph
  • the stack alphabet in the formal definition of a pushdown automaton

γ represents:

  • the partial safety factors applied to loads and materials in structural
  • the specific weight of substances
  • the lower incomplete gamma function
  • the third angle in a triangle, opposite the side C
  • the Euler–Mascheroni constant in mathematics
  • gamma rays and the photon
  • the heat capacity ratio in thermodynamics
  • the Lorentz factor in special relativity
  • the damping constant (kg/s)

Δδ (delta)

Δ represents:

  • a finite difference
  • a difference operator
  • a symmetric difference
  • the Laplace operator
  • the angle that subtends the arc of a circular curve in surveying
  • the determinant of an inverse matrix
  • the maximum degree of any vertex in a given graph
  • the difference or change in a given variable, e.g. ∆v means a
    difference or change in velocity
  • sensitivity to price in mathematical finance
  • distance to Earth, measured in astronomical units
  • heat in a chemical formula
  • the discriminant in the quadratic formula which determines the nature
    of the roots
  • the degrees of freedom in a non-pooled statistical hypothesis test of
    two population means

δ represents:

  • percent error
  • a variation in the calculus of variations
  • the Kronecker delta function
  • the Feigenbaum constant
  • the force of interest in mathematical finance
  • the Dirac delta function
  • the receptor which enkephalins have the highest affinity for in
  • the Skorokhod integral in Malliavin calculus, a subfield of stochastic
  • the minimum degree of any vertex in a given graph
  • a partial charge. δ− represents a negative partial charge, and δ+
    represents a positive partial charge chemistry (See also: Solvation)
  • the Chemical shift of an atomic nucleus
  • declination in astrometry
  • the Turner function in computational material science
  • depreciation in macroeconomics
  • noncentrality measure in statistics

Εε (epsilon)

ε represents:

  • a small positive quantity; see limit
  • a random error in regression analysis
  • the absolute value of an error
  • in set theory, the limit ordinal of the sequence
  • in computer science, the empty string
  • the Levi-Civita symbol
  • in electromagnetics, dielectric permittivity
  • emissivity
  • strain in continuum mechanics
  • permittivity
  • the Earth's axial tilt in astrometry
  • elasticity in economics
  • expected value in probability theory and statistics
  • electromotive force
  • in chemistry, the molar extinction coefficient of a chromophore.
  • set membership symbol ∈ is based on ε

Ϝϝ (digamma)

Ϝ is sometimes used to represent the digamma function, though the Latin
letter F (which is nearly identical) is usually substituted.

Ζζ (zeta)

ζ represents:

  • the Riemann zeta function and other zeta functions in mathematics
  • the coefficient of viscous friction in polymer dynamics
  • the damping ratio
  • relative vertical vorticity in fluid dynamics

Ηη (eta)

Η represents:

  • the Eta function of Ludwig Boltzmann's H-theorem ("Eta" theorem), in
    statistical mechanics

η represents:

  • the intrinsic impedance of medium (usually free space)
  • the partial regression coefficient in statistics
  • elasticities in economics
  • the absolute vertical vorticity (relative vertical vorticity + Coriolis
    effect) in fluid dynamics
  • an index of refraction
  • a type of meson
  • viscosity
  • efficiency (statistics)
  • efficiency (physics and engineering)
  • the Minkowski metric tensor in relativity
  • noise in communication system models

Θθ (theta)

Θ represents:

  • an asymptotically tight bound related to big O notation.
  • sensitivity to the passage of time in mathematical finance
  • Θ (set theory), a certain ordinal number

θ represents:

  • a plane angle in geometry
  • the angle to the x axis in the xy-plane in spherical or cylindrical
    coordinates (mathematics)
  • the angle to the z axis in spherical coordinates (physics)
  • potential temperature in thermodynamics
  • the mean time between failure in reliability engineering
  • soil water contents in soil science
  • Debye temperature
  • In mathematical statistics, represents an unknown parameter
  • theta functions
  • sometimes also ϑ ("script theta"), cursive form of theta, often used in
  • the first Chebyshev function in number theory

Ιι (iota)

ι represents:

  • the index generator function in APL (in the form ⍳)
  • the orbital inclination with respect to the line of sight, used when
    describing gravitational wave sources.

Κκ (kappa)

Κ represents:

  • the Kappa number
  • κ represents:
  • the Von Kármán constant
  • the kappa curve
  • the condition number of a matrix in numerical analysis
  • the connectivity of a graph in graph theory
  • curvature
  • dielectric constant (\varepsilon / \varepsilon_0)
  • thermal conductivity (usually a lowercase Latin k)
  • thermal diffusivity
  • a spring constant (usually a lowercase Latin k)
  • the heat capacity ratio in thermodynamics (usually γ)
  • the receptor which dynorphins have the highest affinity for in

Λ λ (lambda)

Λ represents:

  • the von Mangoldt function in number theory
  • the set of logical axioms in the axiomatic method of logical deduction
    in first-order logic
  • the cosmological constant
  • a type of baryon
  • a diagonal matrix of eigenvalues in linear algebra
  • the permeance of a material in electromagnetism

λ represents:

  • one wavelength of electromagnetic radiation
  • the decay constant in radioactivity
  • function expressions in the lambda calculus
  • a general eigenvalue in linear algebra
  • the expected number of occurrences in a Poisson distribution in
  • the arrival rate in queueing theory
  • the average lifetime or rate parameter in an exponential distribution
    (commonly used across statistics, physics, and engineering)
  • the failure rate in reliability engineering
  • the mean or average value (probability and statistics)
  • the latent heat of fusion
  • the lagrange multiplier in the mathematical optimization method, known
    as the shadow price in economics
  • the Lebesgue measure denotes the volume or measure of a Lebesgue
    measurable set
  • longitude in geodesy
  • linear density
  • ecliptic longitude in astrometry
  • the Liouville function in number theory
  • the Carmichael function in number theory
  • a unit of measure of volume equal to one microlitre (1 μL) or one cubic
    millimetre (1 mm³)
  • the empty string in formal grammar

Μμ (mu)

μ represents:

  • the Möbius function in number theory
  • the ring representation of a representation module
  • the population mean or expected value in probability and statistics
  • a measure in measure theory
  • micro-, an SI prefix denoting 10−6 (one millionth)
  • the coefficient of friction in physics
  • the service rate in queueing theory
  • the dynamic viscosity in physics
  • magnetic permeability in electromagnetics
  • a muon
  • reduced mass
  • chemical potential in condensed matter physics
  • the ion mobility in plasma physics

Νν (nu)

ν represents:

  • frequency in physics in hertz (Hz)
  • Degrees of freedom in statistics
  • Poisson's ratio in material science
  • a neutrino
  • kinematic viscosity of liquids
  • stoichiometric coefficient in chemistry
  • dimension of nullspace in mathematics

Ξ ξ (xi)

Ξ represents:

  • the original Riemann Xi function, i.e. Riemann's lower case ξ, as
    denoted by Edmund Landau and currently
  • the grand canonical ensemble found in statistical mechanics
  • a type of baryon
  • ξ represents:
  • the original Riemann Xi function
  • the modified definition of Riemann xi function, as denoted by Edmund
    Landau and currently
  • a random variable
  • the extent of a chemical reaction
  • coherence length
  • the damping ratio
  • universal set
  • Οο (omicron)[edit]

Ο represents:

  • big O notation (may be represented by an uppercase Latin O)
  • o represents:
  • small o notation (may be represented by a lowercase Latin o)

Π π (pi)

Π represents:

  • the product operator in mathematics
  • a plane
  • osmotic pressure
  • π represents:
  • Archimedes' constant, the ratio of a circle's circumference to its
  • the prime-counting function
  • profit in microeconomics and game theory
  • inflation in macroeconomics, expressed as a constant with respect to
  • the state distribution of a Markov chain
  • a type of covalent bond in chemistry (pi bond)
  • a pion (pi meson) in particle physics
  • in statistics, the population proportion of success
  • in electronics, a special type of small signal model is referred to as
    a hybrid-pi model
  • in relational algebra for databases, represents project

ϖ (a graphic variant, see pomega) represents:

  • angular frequency of a wave, in fluid dynamics (angular frequency is
    usually represented by \omega but this may be confused with vorticity
    in a fluid dynamics context)
  • longitude of pericenter, in celestial mechanics
  • comoving distance, in cosmology

Ρρ (rho)

Ρ represents:

  • one of the Gegenbauer functions in analytic number theory.

ρ represents:

  • one of the Gegenbauer functions in analytic number theory.
  • the Dickman-de Bruijn function
  • the radius in a polar, cylindrical, or spherical coordinate system
  • the correlation coefficient in statistics
  • the sensitivity to interest rate in mathematical finance
  • density (mass or charge per unit volume)
  • resistivity
  • the shape and reshape operators in APL (in the form ⍴)
  • the utilization in queueing theory
  • the rank of a matrix

Σσ (sigma)

Σ represents:

  • the summation operator
  • the covariance matrix
  • the set of terminal symbols in a formal grammar

σ represents:

  • Stefan–Boltzmann constant in blackbody radiation
  • the divisor function in number theory
  • the real part of the complex variable s = σ + i t in analytic number
  • the sign of a permutation in the theory of finite groups
  • the population standard deviation, a measure of spread in probability
    and statistics
  • a type of covalent bond in chemistry (sigma bond)
  • the selection operator in relational algebra
  • stress in mechanics
  • electrical conductivity
  • area density
  • nuclear cross section
  • uncertainty
  • utilization in operations management
  • surface charge density for microparticles

Ττ (tau)

τ (lower-case) represents:

  • an interval of time
  • a mean lifetime
  • torque, the rotational force in mechanics
  • the elementary tau lepton in particle physics
  • the lifetime of a spontaneous emission process
  • the time constant of any device, such as an RC circuit
  • proper time in relativity
  • Kendall tau rank correlation coefficient, a measure of rank correlation
    in statistics
  • the golden ratio 1.618... (although φ (phi) is more common)
  • Ramanujan's tau function in number theory
  • in astronomy, a measure of opacity, or how much sunlight cannot
    penetrate the atmosphere
  • the intertwining operator in representation theory
  • the tau in biochemistry, a protein associated to microtubules
  • Shear stress in continuum mechanics
  • the number of divisors of highly composite numbers (sequence A000005 in
  • the prefix of many stars, via the Bayer stellar designation system
  • an internal system step in transition systems
  • a type variable in type theories, such as the simply typed lambda
  • path tortuosity in reservoir engineering
  • in Topology, a given topology
  • a proposed name for the mathematical constant of the ratio of a
    circle's circumference to its radius, with value 2π (6.283...).

Υυ (upsilon)

Υ represents:

  • an elementary particle
  • υ represents:
  • frequency in physics textbooks

Φφ (phi)

Φ represents:

  • the work function in physics; the energy required by a photon to remove
    an electron from the surface of a metal
  • magnetic flux
  • the cumulative distribution function of the normal distribution in
  • phenyl functional group
  • the reciprocal of the golden ratio (represented by φ, below), also
    represented as 1/φ
  • the value of the integration of information in a system (based on
    Integrated Information Theory)
  • note: a symbol for the empty set, \varnothing, resembles Φ but is not Φ

φ represents:

  • the golden ratio 1.618... in mathematics, art, and architecture
  • Euler's totient function in number theory
  • a holomorphic map on an analytic space
  • the argument of a complex number in mathematics
  • the value of a plane angle in physics and mathematics
  • the angle to the z axis in spherical coordinates (mathematics)
  • the angle to the x axis in the xy-plane in spherical or cylindrical
    coordinates (physics)
  • latitude in geodesy
  • a scalar field
  • radiant flux
  • electric potential
  • the probability density function of the normal distribution in
  • a feature of a syntactic node giving that node characteristics such as
    gender, number and person in syntax
  • the diameter of a vessel (engineering)

Χχ (chi)

χ represents:

  • the chi distribution in statistics (χ^2 is the more frequently
    encountered chi-squared distribution)
  • the chromatic number of a graph in graph theory
  • the Euler characteristic in algebraic topology
  • electronegativity in the periodic table
  • the Rabi frequency
  • the spinor of a fundamental particle
  • the Fourier transform of a linear response function
  • a character in mathematics; especially a Dirichlet character in number
  • the Sigma vectors in the unscented transform used in the unscented
    Kalman filter
  • sometimes the mole fraction
  • a characteristic or indicator function in mathematics

Ψψ (psi)

Ψ represents:

  • water potential
  • a quaternary combinator in combinatory logic

ψ represents:

  • the wave function in the Schrödinger equation of quantum mechanics
  • the stream function in fluid dynamics
  • yaw angle in vehicle dynamics
  • the angle between the x-axis and the tangent to the curve in the
    intrinsic coordinates system
  • the reciprocal Fibonacci constant
  • the second Chebyshev function in number theory
  • the polygamma function in mathematics

Ω ω (omega)

Ω represents:

  • the Omega constant
  • an asymptotic lower bound related to big O notation
  • in probability theory and statistical mechanics, the set of possible
    distinct system states
  • the SI unit measure of electrical resistance, the ohm
  • the rotation rate of an object, particularly a planet, in dynamics
  • a solid angle
  • a baryon
  • the arithmetic function counting a number's prime factors
  • the right ascension of the ascending node in celestial mechanics
  • the density parameter in cosmology

ω represents:

  • the first infinite ordinal
  • the differentiability class (i.e. C^\omega) for functions that are
    infinitely differentiable because they are complex analytic
  • the set of natural numbers in set theory (although \mathbb{N} or N is
    more common in other areas of mathematics)
  • an asymptotically dominant quantity related to big O notation
  • in probability theory, a possible outcome of an experiment
  • angular velocity / radian frequency
  • a complex cube root of unity — the other is ω² — (used to describe
    various ways of calculating the discrete Fourier transform)
  • vertical velocity in pressure-based coordinate systems (commonly used
    in atmospheric dynamics)
  • a meson
  • the arithmetic function counting a number's distinct prime factors
  • a differential form (esp. on an analytic space)
  • the argument of periapsis in celestial mechanics
  • the symbol ϖ, a graphic variant of π, is sometimes construed as omega
    with a bar over it; see π

00 01 10 11
NUL Spc @ ` 00000
SOH ! A a 00001
STX " B b 00010
ETX # C c 00011
EOT $ D d 00100
ENQ % E e 00101
ACK & F f 00110
BEL ' G g 00111
BS ( H h 01000
TAB ) I i 01001
LF * J j 01010
VT + K k 01011
FF , L l 01100
CR - M m 01101
SO . N n 01110
SI / O o 01111
DLE 0 P p 10000
DC1 1 Q q 10001
DC2 2 R r 10010
DC3 3 S s 10011
DC4 4 T t 10100
NAK 5 U u 10101
SYN 6 V v 10110
ETB 7 W w 10111
CAN 8 X x 11000
EM 9 Y y 11001
SUB : Z z 11010
ESC ; [ { 11011
FS < \ 11100
GS = ] } 11101
RS > ^ ~ 11110
US ? _ DEL 11111


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    本文标题:[备份/笔记] 希腊字母的读法
