

作者: Aiden拾影 | 来源:发表于2019-04-16 09:14 被阅读0次


Paris' Notre-Dame Cathedral Engulfed by Fire

  • engulf v. to completely surround or cover something 完全包围; 遮住:
  • The building was engulfed in flames .那幢楼被大火吞没了。

A major fire broke out at Notre-Dame Cathedral in cemtral Paris on Monday, a roaring blaze at one of France's most visited landmarks that threw a hugh plume of smoke across the capital.

-break out 爆发
-roaring adj. A roaring fire has large flames and is sending out a lot of heat. 熊熊燃烧的;炽烈的
-plume n. a cloud of smoke, dust etc which rises up into the air 升入空中的一缕烟雾(尘雾等)

AI Defeated a Top-Tier 'Dota 2' Esports Team

This is the last planned public demonstration of OpenAI's bot, so you're unlikely to see more trouncing in the future.

  • bot n. A bot is a computer program that carries out tasks for other programs or users, especially on the Internet.(尤指因特网上的)自动程序,机器人程序
  • trounce v. to defeat someone completely彻底打败,击溃


In fact, bad backs are one the most common health problem today, affecting people in all walks of life

  • all walks of life 各行各业

The most recent available figure show that a quarter of a million people are incapacitated with back pain every day.


I appeal to him for his advice

  • appeal to someone for something恳求,呼吁

You shouldn't associate with men like that.

  • associate with 与 ... 常在一起,和 ... 联想在一起

This job offer is available for five days.

If you back out, the deal won't go through.

  • back out 退出,放弃,食言
  • go through 参加;经受;仔细检查

Mrs. Smith is bearing up well since the death of her husband.
-bear up 打起精神, 鼓起勇气

This book is composed of three chapters.

  • be composed of 由…组成

No nation can exist completely isolated from others.

  • be isolated from 与……隔离,与……脱离


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