DA English

DA English

作者: 86050d85fb4b | 来源:发表于2021-07-25 08:39 被阅读0次
    1. prioritize 按重要性排列,优先处理 [praɪˈɔːrətaɪz]
      so we should prioritize these over other tasks

    2. Milestones 重要事件,重要阶段,转折点,里程碑
      review testing milestones 审查测试里程碑

    3. definitely adv

    4. pending adj 悬而未决的,待定,待决,即将发生
      pending assigment updates
      pending order

    5. upcoming
      Review upcoming features for next and future spints

    6. Get more accurate estimate

    7. curbside approach
      Show list of curbside-approach directions by mapbox(类似于展示一连串的导航列表)

      Route preview with curbside approach

    8. Problem statement 问题陈述

    9. Acceptance criteria 验收标准

    10. Diagnose [ˈdaɪəɡnəʊz] 诊断,判断
      diagnose Mapbox routing issues in the FMT tool.

    11. Respective
      Show respective route generated by mapbox

    12. (i.e. Exclude “tolls” and “motorways” from routes)
      motorways [ˈməʊtəˌweɪz] (英国)高速公路
      tolls 通行费,毁坏
      i.e. 即,换言之(id est)

    13. duplicates n.完全一样的东西,复制品,副本 v.复制,复印,复写 [ˈduːplɪkeɪts]

    14. Heading direction analysis 航向分析

    15. Offline capabilities 离线功能

    16. Outlined 概述,略述
      get some thoughts around the options outlined in this doc.

    17. utilizing 使用,利用,运用 utilize的现在分词

    18. unlicensed 无执照的,无许可证的

    19. Passive pattern 被动模式

    20. Inventory reconciliation 库存调节 [ˈɪnvəntɔːri ˌrekənsɪliˈeɪʃn]

    21. Reintroduce
      Reintroduce the transition the navigation to Dark mode (review known issues) at sunset

    22. unspecified address workflow(show delivery instructions to driver) 未指定地址工作流

    23. New reservation/pending order flow and protocol [ˈproʊtəkɑːl]

    24. mess up
      also hopefully wouldn’t mess up pre-route prep

    25. coordinated with demand forecasting [koʊˈɔːrdɪneɪtɪd]
      demand forecasting

    26. specific feedback

    27. tweak 扭 ; 拧 ; 扯 ; 稍稍调整 ; 轻微调整 make any tweaks [twiːks]
      Do we want to make any tweaks to the existing post shift survey once we have on road feedback?

    28. We will not drive to pending reservation 不开车去等候预定

    29. Address location pin VS primary parking pin

    30. In chronological order-ish [ˌkrɑːnəˈlɑːdʒɪkl] 按时间顺序

    31. Initiative 倡议,新方案,主动性,积极性;自发性
      Next big initiatives 下一个重大举措

      large initiatives that are not scalable right now

    32. Profiles
      Custom truck profiles 自定义卡车配置文件

    33. the Tableware data

    34. backlog

    35. Data maintenance effort?

    36. and then assess the impact on ETA accuracy?
      评估对 ETA 准确性的影响

    37. Weekly Product-Ops Meeting notes 每周产品运营会议记录

    38. we will pick up again next week

    39. Show parcel map outline 显示地块地图轮廓

    40. commercial truck profile [kəˈmɜːʃl]

    41. Track changes on backend for delivery zone polygons 多边形模块; 正多边形; 多边形; 多边形建模; 多边形构造土; [ˈpɑːliɡɑːn]

    42. Jette is finalizing an LMS finalizing 正在完成

    43. intergrade v.逐渐合一;中间级 n.中间形式(阶级,级配);过渡阶段

    44. Elementarl school (美国)小学 Franklin elementary school [ˌelɪˈmentri skuːl]

    45. Modification 修改,改进,改变 Items have modification

    46. assume 假设,假定,认为,承担

    47. Enhancements 增强,增加 New features or enhancements [ɛnˈhænsmənts]

    48. Separate Truck Online from Authentication 将卡车在线与身份验证分开

    49. transition 过渡,转变,变革,变迁

    50. pins need to be granula on the sub-address level granula 颗粒

    51. Update design with comma separated ratings 用逗号分隔等级更新设计 comma 逗号

    52. light weight 轻量级
      in the interim [ɪn ðə ˈɪntərɪm] z在此期间,与此同时
      Ultimately [ˈʌltɪmətli]
      a more robust integration with the 更强大的集成
      Robust 强健的; 强劲的; 强壮的; 结实的; 耐用的; 坚固的; 富有活力的;

      Ultimately this will be replaced by a more robust integration with the LMS tool, but their timelines is 2-3 months at best and we think we need something light weight in the interim

    53. Content management will be a big component of this.

    54. we scale up our COR operations this month? scale up 扩大,增大,提高

    55. follow up 在…后做 ; 追查 ; 将…深入下去 ; 对…采取进一步行动

      may fall as a priority for her 可能成为她优先考虑的事情
      PMs to follow up with Jette about Driver Training mode and where that may fall as a priority for her

    56. distract adj. 心烦意乱,注意力分散的,思想不集中
      Keep an eye on distracted driving alerts with the new arrival mode sequence

    57. In the pipeline for February 计划二月份上市

    58. Categorizing home types in DAD DAD的家庭类型分类

    59. Coordination n.协作; 协调; 配合; 协调动作的能力;

    60. Regard


    61. Follow up with ops on future of parking locations regarding avoidance zones

    62. apt,single family,etc. apt 公寓

    63. equivalent [ɪ'kwɪvələnt]
      n. 等值,同义词

      v. 等价的,同等的,同意义的

    64. be verbose verbose冗长的,啰嗦的,唠叨的
      be verbose with messaging about secondary parking location

    65. Bird: 鸟;禽;姑娘;妞;某类人;(尤指)古怪的人,不寻常的人

      no park zones

      rectangles, circles

      shown on map

      click on it for timing

    66. collab 合作
      this would be good collab w wonder places team

    67. Field verification 现场核实

    68. set up meeting with COR team to jam on it 召开会议,解决问题

    69. quantifying delay, linking to error for that delay (auto link to order number)

    70. Streamlined parking process


    71. scenario 设想,方案,预测,剧情梗概
      Inquire 询问,调查,查究,审查
      Most CORs don’t know they were running late, how to inquire in those scenarios?

    72. Theoretically [ˌθiːəˈretɪkli]
      Theoretically export some data from OSM manually and import into Mapbox tileset?

    73. Concept 概念
      DAD Parent/Child or Group Concept

    74. So did we also suspend the functionality in the command center?
      functionality n.实用;符合实际;设计目的;设计功能;(计算机或电子系统的)功能

    75. COR drive-by has to be EXTREMELY clear its JUST a visual confirmation
      a visual confirmation 视觉确认

    76. Carousel - style [ˌkærəˈsel]
      旋转木马; 轮播; 旋木; 行李传送带; 天上人间;

    77. Start with a map of entire driver app in current form, will chip away at functionality from there

    78. ETA 预计到达时间

    79. deliverability n.生产能力,产量,输送能力,供应量

    80. needles 针

    81. Grab 抓取,截取
      Samsara 轮回

    82. thinks we can squeeze in patch this sprint

    83. amplitude ['æmplɪ.tud] Mixpanel VS amplitude

    84. Leverage 影响力; 杠杆作用; 杠杆效力; leverage work 杠杆作用

    85. Middle layer? Like Segment for future extensibility

    86. Capture zoom level for street view images

    87. Feasibility of Route Avoidance / Manual Routing
      adj. 用手的,手工的,体力的,手动的

    88. Companion

    89. send an arbitrary assignment 发送任意的assignment [ˈɑːrbɪtreri]

    90. proximity-based [prɑːkˈsɪməti] this is proximity-based?

    91. Coordinate

    92. produce 生成


      Produce routes with up to 25 coordinates for the driving, walking, and cycling profiles, or up to three coordinates for the driving-traffic profile.


      Your profile is the outline of your face as it it seen when someone is looking at you from the side

    93. Ruin 破坏,毁坏
      CORs should expect an assignment after their break request to not ruin ETAs

    94. automate v.使自动化

    95. metric 度量,度量值
      number of items is probably a better metric (also cuisine dependent) 也与烹饪相关

    96. trash drop off phase 倒垃圾阶段

    97. Don’t show timer and auto-close after time expires (and they haven’t ended it early)

    98. knights of Columbus



          本文标题:DA English
