菲律宾方便面、烘焙和替代蛋白企业Monde Nissin下月上市

菲律宾方便面、烘焙和替代蛋白企业Monde Nissin下月上市

作者: Uncle_Sam | 来源:发表于2021-05-11 17:03 被阅读0次

    菲律宾证券交易所批准了当地食品制造商Monde Nissin的IPO计划。IPO预计将于5月底开始,暂定上市日期为6月7日。

    Monde Nissin有40多年历史,上世纪70年代成立的时候生产饼干。


    该公司3月提交了IPO申请,拥有包括Lucky Me!方便面和Mond烘焙食品。它还拥有全球公认的替代蛋白质品牌Quorn和Cauldron Foods。

    Quorn是市场上最老和最知名的替代蛋白品牌之一。Quorn于1985年在英国成立,该公司从酵母生产的副产品中开发了一系列菌蛋白肉类替代品。2015年,菲律宾集团Monde Nissin在拍卖中收购了该公司,并向其私募股权所有者支付了5.5亿英镑(8.31亿美元)。菲律宾公司2020财年14亿美元净销售额中,由Quorn和Cauldron组成的肉类替代品业务贡献了22%。

    首次公开募股所得将帮助Monde Nissin在全球范围内扩大Quorn产品的生产和分销,利用消费者对替代蛋白质产品日益增长的需求。

    首席执行官Henry Soesanto还以个人身份投资了多家替代蛋白质企业,包括新加坡细胞培养海鲜初创企业Shiok Meats和植物蛋白制造商Karana。他还与淡马锡等公司一起,参与了上海风投公司Bits x Bites首期3000万美元的融资。


    Brief: $1.3bn Quorn IPO gets greenlight in Philippines

    April 27, 2021

    Jack Ellis

    The Philippine Stock Exchange has approved the proposed IPO of local food manufacturer Monde Nissin. The offering is expected to begin late next month with a tentative listing date of June 7.

    The Santa Rosa, Laguna-based company – which filed for the IPO last month – owns popular Philippine brands including Lucky Me! instant noodles and Monde baked goods. It also owns globally recognized alt-protein brands Quorn and Cauldron Foods.

    Monde Nissin expects to raise 63 billion pesos ($1.3 billion) through the sale of 3.6 billion common shares priced at a maximum price of 17.50 pesos each, which would make it the Philippines’ biggest-ever IPO.

    Why it matters:

    Monde Nissin owns Quorn, one of the oldest and most well-known alt-protein brands on the market. Launched in the UK in 1985, Quorn – which developed a range of mycoprotein meat substitutes derived from byproducts of yeast production – was acquired by Monde Nissin at auction in 2015, with the Philippine group paying its private equity owners £550 million ($831 million).

    Monde Nissin’s meat alternatives business, comprising Quorn and Cauldron, contributed a reported 22% to the Philippine company’s FY 2020 net sales of $1.4 billion.

    IPO proceeds will help Monde Nissin to expand production and distribution of Quorn products worldwide, tapping into increasing consumer demand for alternative protein products.

    CEO Henry Soesanto has also invested in numerous alt-protein ventures in an individual capacity, including Singaporean cell-cultured seafood startup Shiok Meats and plant-based protein maker Karana. He also joined in the $30 million first close for Shanghai-based VC Bits x Bites‘ China-focused fund alongside Temasek and others




          本文标题:菲律宾方便面、烘焙和替代蛋白企业Monde Nissin下月上市
