Kill 9   002

作者: alittlebit_ch | 来源:发表于2018-06-28 17:23 被阅读1次
Kill 9   002

Lv escaped.

She felt shamed till the next morning

and could not make out how she get out of that embarrassing situation.

J is a perfect guy ,for his looking ,tastes and behaviors.That’s one of the reasons made LV feel terrible .

“You should calm down ,J doesn’t know you,even Ann...”J is the one for Ann.But nobody knows ,neither J .

“It’s J ! He updated .Video!”

As a girl cried out in the classroom,the others are all engaged in what the video was about.

“Hey ,this is J . I’m going to start a band. If you’ve been never concerned about the rumor and available to be a member.

Why not to join us? Especially you. I like your voice .You are the singer I’m looking for.

See you in the rehearsal room A after school.”

“Is he mad? It is said anyone who be the part of the band would be killed!”

“’s not a rumor actually!There is a curse on bands in our school! J's dead. ”

“You guys are cowards . J is not someone like you .”

“Dare you...”

Regardless of classmates'talks, Lv turned to be anxious. She swore to god:

”I’d rather disappear if the voice which J pointed out is mine.”



    本文标题:Kill 9   002
