Moratorium [n]
1. a legally authorized period of delay in the performance of a legal obligation or the payment of a debt. 2. waiting period set by an authority. 3. a suspension of activity.
- 看着有点像法律词汇哈。有一点点。
- "In 2000, Illinois declared a moratorium on executions after 13 death-row inmates were exonerated."
- 衍生词汇:exonerate 【使免罪,宣判无罪】, protectionism 【贸易保护主义】,abeyance【中止,停顿,搁置】, dormancy 【冬眠,休眠,蛰伏,可以参考法语的dormir? maybe】, latency 【潜伏期】, quiescence 【静止、沉默】, inertia【高中化学似乎学过,惰性】, recession 【衰退,不景气,经济上的或者身体不好】, resuscitation【复苏,复兴,复活】
Congenital [adj]
1. existing at or dating from birth, an essential characteristic, acquired during development in the uterus and not through heredity. 2. being such by nature
- 真没什么可说。genital是那啥,每个人天生都有。我强行联想一下。
- "a congenital liar who couldn't speak the truth if his life depended on it"
- 衍生词汇:inborn【先天,天生的】, inbred 【天生的,近亲交配的】, incorrigible 【屡教不改的,不可救药的】, inveterate【根深蒂固的,成癖的】
- 或许有用的资料:
INNATE, INBORN, INBRED, CONGENITAL, HEREDITARY mean not acquired after birth. INNATE applies to qualities or characteristics that are part of one's inner essential nature. 【an innate sense of fair play】某人内在的核心的天性性格
INBORN suggests a quality or tendency either actually present at birth or so marked and deep-seated as to seem so.
【her inborn love of nature】一个人生下来就有的品质/倾向,也可能是这种品质太深刻了感觉好像她生下来就这样。
INBRED suggests something either acquired from parents by heredity or so deeply rooted and ingrained as to seem acquired in that way.
【inbred political loyalties】一个人从父母那儿遗传的品格,也可能是看上去这样
CONGENITAL and HEREDITARY refer to what is acquired before or at birth, the former to things acquired during fetal development and the latter to things transmitted from one's ancestors. 生前就有的品格
【a congenital heart murmur 】【eye color is hereditary】
Conscription [n]
compulsory enrollment of persons especially for military service
- With its scrip- root, conscription means basically writing someone's name on a list—a list that, unfortunately, a lot of people usually don't want to be on. 【first appeared in 1800s】
-“During this time, millions of Koreans suffered under military rule, forced labor, and forced conscription into Japan’s armed forces.”
- 衍生词汇:conscript 【被征//兵的人】, draftee【入///伍者】, inductee【一样】, selectee【不懂为什么一个入////伍者能有那么多一样意思的词】, levy【n/vt /征//兵,征税】, rookie 【新人,新手,我咋觉得在美队电影里听过这个词】, faction 【派别】
Susceptibility [n]
1. the quality or state of being susceptible
- 想不出咋联想。
-“his aunt's unfortunate susceptibility to viruses meant she was nearly always sick”
- 衍生词汇:Influenza 【流感】susceptible 【易受影响的,易感动的,容许的,易得病的人】, feebleness 【微弱,虚弱】, frailty 【虚弱,弱点,意志薄弱】, indomitability 【不屈不挠的】predisposition 【倾向,素质,易染病体制】
Eradicate [v]
1. to do away with as completely as if by pulling up by the roots
- eraser, 橡皮。eradicate, 你猜。
- "His ambition is to eradicate poverty in his community.“
- 衍生词汇:eradicator 【根除者】, annihilate 【歼灭,战胜,废止】, expunge 【擦去,擦掉,勾销】, extirpate 【连根拔起,灭绝,破除】, efface 【抹掉,抹去】, fabricate【制造,伪造,装配】, revamp 【修补,翻新,修改】