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作者: 豆正三 | 来源:发表于2015-05-10 19:18 被阅读1153次

    ubuntu 14.04 install note

    I. install Unbuntu 14.04 LTS

    这是一篇我自己的安装笔记,可能不是很适合完全零基础的linux新手参考,但是如果有过使用linux的基本经验,本篇可以做个参考。主要以win8.1和ubuntu 14.04LTS为主要环境, 软件安装部分,介绍了命令行安装、下载安装、和software center安装三种方式,这个可以根据个人需要和软件的新旧程度自己决定,后文我会添加一些重要的软件安装配置的文章,至于一些其他的,可以自行google

    1. win8.1 and ubuntu14.04 double systems installation

    • Prepare a U disk and Download the image of Ubuntu14.04 from Internet
    • Enter live CD, choose try ubuntu and than use install ubuntu
    • Skip wireless, continue
    • Install third party software, continue
    • Choose something else ,enter installation type to divide partition
      • 1 : choose free space, press + button
      • 2: / : ext4, logical begining of this space
      • 3: /home: ext4, logical begining of this space
      • 4: swap: choose swap area, give 6G space
      • 5: check boot device installation press install now and continue
    • Choose location and keyboard layout
    • Set your name, PC name ,user name and password , then press continue
    • Then wait the installation program finished and reboot your device, enter into Ubuntu 14.04LTS
    • If there is some problem with the grub2, please google boot-repair tools to repair it.

    II. After Install

    1. Basic configuration

    • System setting:
      • Software & Updates: choose the best service mirror and than use the privacy graphic card driver(recommende tested driver)
        ps: choose download from - other - select best server.
      • Language Support: update the language support
      • If you have other details to set like power appearance, set by yourself
    • Use Ctrl+Alt+T, to open Terminal
      • how to install software:

          sudo apt-get install xxx
      • install software from a repository

          sudo add-apt-repository PPA: xxx
          sudo apt-get update
          sudo apt-get install xxx
      • if you want to install a software locally with de deb

          cd ~/Downloads/software    //suppose the directory locate in the folder software
          sudo apt-get install xxx;
          // or double click the installation file to install by software center

    2. Install basic software

    1. Enter into software center, choose software to install:

      • Internet: Chromium , Filezilla, UGet, qBittorent
      • system : 7-zip, Adobe flash plugin
      • Fonts: wenquanyi
      • Development tools: code::blocks, geany, java, php, ruby, python
      • Sounds and Video: VLC, clementine
      • Inputmethods: fcitx, and switch it in language and support
      • Effect: tweak tool and compizconfig
      • PDF:Okular
    2. Use terminal to install software:

      • rar

         sudo apt-get install unrar
      • gcc and g++

          sudo apt-get install gcc g++
      • oracle java environment

          sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
          sudo apt-get update
          sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
          sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-set-default 
      • mysql server

          sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client   
          sudo service mysql restart
          sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-auth-mysql
          sudo apt-get install php5-mysql

        ps: login into mysql, use root user

          mysql -u root  -p

        ps:the password is what you input when you install it,then we need to set a new normal user and authenticate it

          mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'monty'@'localhost'
          -> IDENTIFIED BY 'some_pass' WITH GRANT OPTION; 
      • media codecs:

          sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras

        DVD playback:

          sudo apt-get install libdvdread4
          sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh


          sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-pitfdll gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse -y --force-yes
    3. Other software
      Please download them from the official website and install it, you can just google the name of them.

      • eclipse
      • Netbeans
      • oracle expression 11g
      • remarkble: a good markdown editor in linux
      • Gvim
      • Sublime-text3
      • Emacs24
      • WPS
      • skype
      • sogou pinyin
      • Dropbox
      • google chrome
      • Youdao Dict
      • GoldenDict
      • Caffeine Indicator

    Note: This is just the basic configuration of ubuntu 14.04, and I will add further informations in following blogs.



