

作者: 夏珉 | 来源:发表于2021-02-23 22:48 被阅读0次

Thrashing on the pillars of a faded and lifeless white, the waves brush against molten lava seeping through cracks in the ground.

Within the empty shells of what used to be skyscrapers, the remaining scribbles written long ago are engulfed by flames, lost in a wisp of smoke, never to be seen again.

Above them, a scarlet eye curves through the night sky.

It’s burning like never before. It has only been a day since the moon was smashed onto a course directly into Earth. Like a ruby gemstone being polished, getting smoother as it beckons on the home of billions of humans. Solar rays reflect off this cosmic mirror, beaming down on forests and grasslands, setting them ablaze. The familiar, blue-green utopia, is scarred with red hot craters.

Oceans soar into brilliant tsunamis, charging towards buildings on the verge of melting. With beings nowhere to go, infernos ignite any flesh it comes into contact with, leaving the cracks that open suddenly to annihilate the rest. Far beyond the mayhem, in the floating embers of the northern lights, are kindled souls still filled with rage.

The sun’s corona does little to filter out the blinding lights an asteroid emits as it nears the end of its journey. Cut in on one side, and burnt coal black, as if it had been in a massive collision. Pebbles of hard rock wedge themselves onto it, unable to set free. Its changed course sends it flying into the sun, cutting a bright flare in half, and spraying glowing plasma into the cosmos. At the end of the flare, barely visible embers resemble ones sent uncontrolled back on Earth.

Half of the moon has been burnt off by now, dragging along a tail of dust as it revolves around a giant furnace. Clouds wring themselves out as they pour thunderstorms back to the ground, gradually extinguishing the smoldering planet, bringing back oceans and seas.

Currents mingled with foam rush onto land, desperately locating the glamorous species that used to dominate this world. But it could reach no more than the charred and wet papers, made rough by characters nobody can now read.

Destruction after pinnacle, all glory comes to an end. Perhaps the new life Earth gave the moon, could bring this barren wasteland, to rebirth.


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