Day 7-人造肉你敢吃吗?

Day 7-人造肉你敢吃吗?

作者: ShirleyYi | 来源:发表于2018-12-13 10:27 被阅读39次

    标题:Lab-grown meat of the future is here---and may even sustainably fill demand.

    lab-grown meat 人造肉 /  cell-based meat 细胞肉

    ... even the greenhouse gas effects that are potentially caused by methane gas produced by cows - has given rise to a number of startups looking to fill our voracious demand for meat in better, more affordable and environmentally-friendly ways.

    methane gas 甲烷

    give rise to 引起,导致

    voracious 贪吃的,求知欲强的

    environmentally-friendly 环保的

    All of these companies use proprietary processes to harvest cells from animals and grow them in a lab.

    proprietary 专利的,专有的  proprietary drugs,  proprietary software

    harvest  v.(为实验)采集人或动物的细胞或组织

    造句:They had their eggs harvested and frozen for the future use.

    As you can imagine, there are plenty of hurdles facing the industry.

    Another contentious issue is the labelling of the products.

    hurdle  n.障碍;(赛跑中跨越的)栏架

    contentious  可能引起争论的

    and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that they will begin jointly regulating the new "cell-based meat" category.

    Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 食品及药品管理局

    jointly 联合地

    Many of us have concerns about the challenges facing future generations as our global population swells and the earth's natural resources diminish.

    entrepreneurs around the world... who are working to solve some of these problems and make a few bucks in the process.

    swell  v. 肿胀,增长

    make a few bucks 赚钱


    人造肉主要分为两种:植物蛋白肉   vs    动物干细胞培育的肉



    生产植物蛋白肉的代表性公司是 Impossible Foods,生产出了网红汉堡——血肉味素食汉堡,已经开始大规模商业化售卖。


    据  Impossible Foods 介绍,这种素肉的原材料是大豆、小麦和马铃薯,提取这些植物的蛋白质、氨基酸、脂肪按比例混合后,还会加入一种血红素,这是能让素肉拥有真肉的香味和口感的关键。

    Impossible Foods 目前已经将这种素肉陆续推向人们的餐桌,在近 1000 家餐厅推出这种素食汉堡,比如美国著名大厨 David Chang 的餐厅 也引进了这种汉堡。Impossible Foods 自 2011 年成立以来已经成了获得了近 4 亿美元的融资,投资者包括比尔·盖茨和李嘉诚旗下的 Horizon Ventures,并计划逐步向全球推广这种人造肉。

    另一家明星公司是 Beyond Meat。早在 2012 年 Beyond Meat 就推出了第一款产品「无鸡肉之鸡柳条」,当时有美食节目主持人表示这是他吃过最像肉的仿肉食品。


    代表公司:旧金山的食品初创公司 Memphis Meat 


    但是这种人造肉的生产成本太高了,目前还没有出现在餐厅和超市。Memphis Meat  制作的人造牛肉丸,每磅价值 18,000 美元(约 RMB 11.3 万 ),而去年的人造鸡肉每磅的成本还是高达 9000 美元(约 RMB 5.6 万)。


    参考文献:《血肉味的素食汉堡成了网红食物,人造肉离我们还有多远?》 百度百科,TA说



          本文标题:Day 7-人造肉你敢吃吗?
