iOS 使用 Python 发布 pod 组件

iOS 使用 Python 发布 pod 组件

作者: BlackStar暗星 | 来源:发表于2020-10-29 11:52 被阅读0次

    Pod基础 友情链接

    iOS - 封装的工具类上传到cocoapods
    iOS - Pod组件化踩坑记录

    因为最近在学Python,打算使用 Python 来做些辅助性工作,所以第一个实践就是这个了。下面是具体代码,改注释的地方我都注释了。


    # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
    目录:需要放在pod工程的根目录下,即和 .podspec 文件同一目录
    --auto          : 自增版本号,只增加最后一位(只有自增版本号时,才会自动打tag,否则手动打tag)
    --auto-remove   : 删除当前tag并重新打tag,不修改podspec的版本号
    --use-libraries : 使用 --use-libraries
    --verbose       : 使用 ---verbose       (发布时将显示所有log)
    --allow-warnings: 使用 --allow-warnings (是否忽略警告,大多数都需要此参数)
    --push          : 表示直接上传到pod       (默认为 验证 ,即 pod lib lint)
    repo=           : 暂时无用,准备做私有库发布的,目前没写
    python auto.py --auto --use-libraries --verbose --allow-warnings --push
    import os, sys
    import fileinput
    import time
    # print('\n')
    # print('=================== 参数 ==================')
    # print('argvs = %s'%sys.argv)
    # print('===========================================')
    # print('\n\n')
    # mygit = 'https://github.com/blackstar_lang@163.com/BSFrameworks.git'
    # sources = ['https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git']
    # 是否是正式发布, False 为验证
    is_release_push = False
    # 是否自动修改tag 和 .podspec的 version
    auto_tag = ''
    # podspec 和 git tag 的版本号
    tag_version = ''
    # 用于接收 --use-libraries 参数
    use_libraries = ''
    # 用于接收 --verbose 参数
    verbose = ''
    # 用于接收 --allow-warnings 参数
    allow_warnings = ''
    # .podspec 的名称
    spec_name = ''
    # .podspec 的名称
    repo_name = ''
    # 获取参数
    def get_args():
        global auto_tag
        global use_libraries
        global verbose
        global allow_warnings
        global repo_name
        global is_release_push
        for arg in sys.argv:
            if arg == '--auto' or arg == '--auto-remove':
                auto_tag = arg
            elif arg == '--use-libraries':
                use_libraries = '{}{}'.format(' ', arg)
            elif arg == '--verbose':
                verbose = ' %s' % (arg)
            elif arg == '--allow-warnings':
                allow_warnings = ' ' + arg
            elif arg.startswith('repo='):
                liarg = arg.split('=', 1)
                repo_name = liarg[1]
            elif arg == '--push':
                is_release_push = True
            elif arg == '--retag':
                is_release_push = True
        print('\n======== 解析参数,赋值给全局变量 ==========')
        if auto_tag == '--auto':
            print('=== auto_tag : %s (自动增加版本号)' % auto_tag)
        elif auto_tag == '--auto-remove':
            print('=== auto_tag : %s (删除当前tag并重新打tag)' % auto_tag)
            print('=== auto_tag : 不处理版本号和 git tag')
        print('=== use_libraries    : %s' % use_libraries)
        print('=== verbose          : %s' % verbose)
        print('=== allow_warnings   : %s' % allow_warnings)
        print('=== spec_name        : %s' % repo_name)
    # ============================
    # 获取spec路径
    # ============================
    def get_spec_filepath():
        global spec_name
        # 获取 podspec文件路径和文件名
        work_path = os.getcwd()
        list_file = os.path.split(work_path)
        spec_name = list_file[-1]+'.podspec'
        spec_full_path = work_path + '/' + spec_name
        return (spec_full_path)
    # ============================
    # 修改 spec 的 version,
    # 并同步给tag_version
    # ============================
    def edit_spec_version():
        filepath = get_spec_filepath()
        print('================ spec 路径 ==================')
        global auto_tag
        global tag_version
        file = open(filepath, 'r+')
        all_line = file.readlines()
        for i,line in enumerate(all_line):
            if line.find('s.version') != -1:
                # 获取整个版本号,并trip掉空格和单引号
                version_full = line.split('=')[1]
                trip_version = version_full.replace(' ', '')
                trip_version = trip_version.replace('\'', '')
                if auto_tag == '--auto':
                    # 获取版本号的最后一位
                    versionWrap = trip_version.split('.')
                    version_last_value = versionWrap[2]
                    # 获取 +1 后的版本号
                    new_last_version = int(version_last_value) + 1
                    versionWrap[2] = str(new_last_version)
                    # 得到最新版本号,并赋给 tag_version
                    new_version = str.join('.',versionWrap)
                    tag_version = new_version
                    # 修改当前行的版本内容,为写入做准备,需要有回车
                    # 样例 line = s.version = '0.1.8' + 回车
                    write_version = ' \'%s\'\n'%(new_version)
                    line = line.replace(version_full, write_version)
                    all_line[i] = line
                    tag_version = trip_version
        with open(filepath ,'w') as wfile:
    def commit_and_push_git():
        global tag_version
        global auto_tag
        # commit 命令
        ctime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%:%S",time.localtime())
        commit_command = 'git commit -m "AUTO_VERSION   最新上传日期:%s       版本号:%s"' % (ctime,tag_version)
        # 获取当前分支名称, push命令
        git_head = os.popen('git symbolic-ref --short -q HEAD')
        current_branch = git_head.read()
        push_command = 'git push origin %s'%(current_branch)
        if auto_tag == '--auto-remove':
            remove_localtag_command = 'git tag -d %s'%(tag_version)
            remove_tag_command = 'git push origin :refs/tags/%s' % (tag_version)
            print('---------- git tag -d ----------')
        # tag 命令
        git_tag_command_local = 'git tag -m "%s %s" %s'%('version :',tag_version,tag_version)
        git_tag_command_remote = 'git push --tag'
        # 调用 git 命令
        os.system('git add .')
        commit_open = os.popen(commit_command)
        commit_rsp = commit_open.read()
        print('\n---------- git commit ----------')
        print('\n---------- git push ----------')
        push_open = os.popen(push_command)
        push_rsp = push_open.read()
        print('\n---------- git tag ----------')
        local_tag_open = os.popen(git_tag_command_local)
        local_tag_rsp = local_tag_open.read()
        remote_tag_open = os.popen(git_tag_command_remote)
        remote_tag_rsp = remote_tag_open.read()
    # pod 验证
    def pod_spc_lint():
        pod_lint_command = 'pod spec lint %s%s%s%s' % (
            spec_name, allow_warnings, use_libraries, verbose)
        print('\n======== %s ========' % pod_lint_command)
    # pod 发布
    def pod_trunk_push():
        pod_push_command = 'pod trunk push %s%s%s%s' % (
            spec_name, allow_warnings, use_libraries, verbose)
        print('\n======== %s ========' % pod_push_command)
    # ========================================
    #               程序启动入口
    # ========================================
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        # 如果自动更改版本号,则提交代码
        if auto_tag == '--auto' or auto_tag == '--auto-remove':
        if is_release_push == True:


    python auto.py --use-libraries --allow-warnings --push


    ======== 解析参数,赋值给全局变量 ==========
    === auto_tag :  (不处理版本号和 git tag)
    === use_libraries    :  --use-libraries
    === verbose          :
    === allow_warnings   :  --allow-warnings
    === spec_name        :
    ================ spec 路径 ==================
    ======== pod trunk push BSFrameworks.podspec --allow-warnings --use-libraries ========
    Updating spec repo `trunk`
    CocoaPods 1.10.0 is available.
    To update use: `sudo gem install cocoapods`
    For more information, see https://blog.cocoapods.org and the CHANGELOG for this version at https://github.com/CocoaPods/CocoaPods/releases/tag/1.10.0
    Validating podspec
     -> BSFrameworks (0.1.5)
        - NOTE  | [BSFrameworks/BSCategory, BSFrameworks/BSPhotoFramework, BSFrameworks/BSLooperView, and more...] xcodebuild:  note: Using new build system
        - NOTE  | [BSFrameworks/BSCategory, BSFrameworks/BSPhotoFramework, BSFrameworks/BSLooperView, and more...] xcodebuild:  note: Building targets in parallel
        - NOTE  | [BSFrameworks/BSCategory, BSFrameworks/BSPhotoFramework, BSFrameworks/BSLooperView, and more...] xcodebuild:  note: Using codesigning identity override: -
        - NOTE  | [BSFrameworks/BSCategory, BSFrameworks/BSPhotoFramework, BSFrameworks/BSLooperView, and more...] xcodebuild:  note: Planning build
        - NOTE  | [BSFrameworks/BSCategory, BSFrameworks/BSPhotoFramework, BSFrameworks/BSLooperView, and more...] xcodebuild:  note: Constructing build description
        - NOTE  | [BSFrameworks/BSCategory, BSFrameworks/BSPhotoFramework, BSFrameworks/BSLooperView, and more...] xcodebuild:  warning: The iOS Simulator deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.1.99. (in target 'SDWebImage' from project 'Pods')
        - NOTE  | [BSFrameworks/BSCategory, BSFrameworks/BSPhotoFramework, BSFrameworks/BSLooperView, and more...] xcodebuild:  warning: Skipping code signing because the target does not have an Info.plist file and one is not being generated automatically. (in target 'App' from project 'App')
        - WARN  | [BSFrameworks/BSPhotoFramework] xcodebuild:  BSFrameworks/BSFrameworks/Classes/PhotoFramework/ViewController/BSPhotoPreviewController.m:101:62: warning: values of type 'NSUInteger' should not be used as format arguments; add an explicit cast to 'unsigned long' instead [-Wformat]
        - WARN  | [BSFrameworks/BSPhotoFramework] xcodebuild:  BSFrameworks/BSFrameworks/Classes/PhotoFramework/ViewController/BSPhotoPreviewController.m:160:74: warning: values of type 'NSUInteger' should not be used as format arguments; add an explicit cast to 'unsigned long' instead [-Wformat]
        - WARN  | [BSFrameworks/BSPhotoFramework] xcodebuild:  BSFrameworks/BSFrameworks/Classes/PhotoFramework/ViewController/BSPhotoListController.m:101:62: warning: values of type 'NSUInteger' should not be used as format arguments; add an explicit cast to 'unsigned long' instead [-Wformat]
        - WARN  | [BSFrameworks/BSPhotoFramework] xcodebuild:  BSFrameworks/BSFrameworks/Classes/PhotoFramework/ViewController/BSPhotoListController.m:165:62: warning: values of type 'NSUInteger' should not be used as format arguments; add an explicit cast to 'unsigned long' instead [-Wformat]
        - WARN  | [BSFrameworks/BSPhotoFramework] xcodebuild:  BSFrameworks/BSFrameworks/Classes/PhotoFramework/ViewController/BSPhotoListController.m:214:70: warning: values of type 'NSUInteger' should not be used as format arguments; add an explicit cast to 'unsigned long' instead [-Wformat]
        - WARN  | [BSFrameworks/BSPhotoFramework] xcodebuild:  BSFrameworks/BSFrameworks/Classes/PhotoFramework/ViewController/BSPhotoListController.m:237:62: warning: values of type 'NSUInteger' should not be used as format arguments; add an explicit cast to 'unsigned long' instead [-Wformat]
        - NOTE  | [BSFrameworks/BSCategory, BSFrameworks/BSPhotoFramework, BSFrameworks/BSLooperView, and more...] xcodebuild:  warning: The iOS Simulator deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 6.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 14.1.99. (in target 'Masonry' from project 'Pods')
    Updating spec repo `trunk`
    CocoaPods 1.10.0 is available.
    To update use: `sudo gem install cocoapods`
    For more information, see https://blog.cocoapods.org and the CHANGELOG for this version at https://github.com/CocoaPods/CocoaPods/releases/tag/1.10.0
     🎉  Congrats
     🚀  BSFrameworks (0.1.5) successfully published
     📅  October 28th, 20:45
     🌎  https://cocoapods.org/pods/BSFrameworks
     👍  Tell your friends!



        本文标题:iOS 使用 Python 发布 pod 组件
