we are consultants, not slaves,push back 是应该的,不是customer service 不是needy friend,我们是specialism 是doctor 劝他们吃药。
Scope 30多个国家,1 million candidates, public 上市,50年 history,global office共享,有financial records,有ISO,quality management
experts,brand,service,database,training,linkedin presence ,throught leadership, global office,methodology.
database:one touch, unique database,value, touch point, better quality,1 million candidates
Service:unique, independent, financial records, iso, quality management
LinkedIn: 2 million fans, engagement brand, brand story, salary guide
we are experts beacuse we have specialism, we are in different function industry location level.
We should specialize in own career, should be project manager and efficient. 当看到JD就知道要找什么人.
5年后不需要再做candidate attraction.
Personal enjoyment:
opportunity for growth,choose harder pathways,drive by your manager.
Keep progressive:
People management,clients
每天的activity记录下,让自己的activity visible
Commercial acumination
Industry knowledge
Effective time management
Sense of urgency
Energy (motivate, fun,pressure,feel flat, bring energy,mindset, choose positive)
Accountability 责任心
Personal brand
Results-driven,High level control
Personal brand:
build reputation, professional,expert,passionate,meet people,marketing,let people work for us,build long term relationship,starting point ( dress, talk, prepare you are,say advice, suitable or not suitable)
updating candidates:
1.introduction:greeting,name,specialism,convenient to speak?
2. Reason for calling: update call 现在还在看机会吗?手上无职位也可打电话,讲清楚自己是update信息,问现在的公司是哪家。上次联系是何时,specialise在哪个行业 专做哪个领域。
ivo 7 steps to interview:
build rapport亲密
set an agenda
post interview
you detail
action plan
smile,welcome,friendly,smooth gesture,open body language,facing the ca.
manage expectations:
gesture,expression,be realistic,i trust you,we are.at.the.same.page, tough soft.soft.tough,pull.push ups and downs. at last, show your empathy.
Open+close questions
Type questions例如:
Tell me about ,share more, explain, why, please describe,how,examples, compare•contrast, ask star questions,collect stories, why are you motiviated or interested?usp?job scope,company status,不停的追问
push:flexing,pick priority,trial close
pull:the more you get,the more i get,希望你不要miss out机会
Categories questions例如:
Key responsibilities,acheivement,projects,kpi/outcome,company/team,culture,motivation,management style
salary structure,如 bonus,commission,salary,先问结构 再一个个去问
manage expectations
sell the job
get commitment
Take actions
ivo feedback
neutral,bad、good,suggestion,慢慢的揭开band,给对方留点面子,给一点related 建议
最重要的是:建立Trust +relationships
counter offers:
how to prevent a counter offer
how to manage a counter offer
1. salary guide
2.hays journal
3.hr thought/leadership(采访 邀请)
4.global index
5.oxford economics-skill trends
6.inside story-industry trends specialism,DNA series
7.diversity report
6 steps to effective job registration
1.Qualify the job
2.job specification
3. Negotiate a tillable job
4.arrange IVCs
5.gain commitment on ton/rate
6.action plan
m:match skills-key responsibility
E: evidence-project, achievement, stories
T: take the temperature
E :enthusiasm- tone of voice
O : opinion- soft skills
R: results-interest, feedback, follow up,gain information on search direction.
S: sense of urgency - hot candidate
company,technical/behavioral skills,logistics-salary structure、budget structure、benefit、以及网上查不到得信息
company: 和其他公司的差异点,core business,core product,core focus,history,查onetouch
technical: 硬性条件,prefer什么学历和项目经验的,招聘流程,职位面临的挑战是什么,soft skills,personality,line manager personality.
manage expectations:
1.flexing (a b c不能全满足是否OK)
2. trial close(何时开始)
3.pull technique(close asap,i wish i could create…
I understand ...
Cannot work on this
Explain why not市场上没有这样的候选人
passively 看到发给您,我不是actively 看这些人,看到就发给你
——ask why
——decision你们做决定,如果ca pool不match reject。
见客户前查询信息:database,linkedin,baidu,similar company,competitor,拉勾 查好market info。company-job-候选人,如果信息不足 从小往大里搜,要让对方绝对了你在industry很久了
market info
manage cl expectation
demonstrate expertise
determine commitment
cofirm IVC:
purpose:check motivation,IVC preparation,availability,job search progress
rate 30%
guarantee period 12 weeks
Payment date 14 days
Min free 70k
Ca ownership :12 months
预付费 When to pitch retainer:
1. Startup 2.gym/senior ca 3.foreigner
Contact line manger:save time,soft silks, keep in loop, 3rd party 帮hr manage line manager expectation
relationship good:good trust
client meeting
start date(fixed date):work backwards
finance:investor relations
谈完之后 after that,
1.send test batch
2.respond speed fast
3.respond quality
4.tob signed
6 steps to effective bd calls
1.planning& preparation
2.reason to call/starting a purpose
4.matching features& benefits
5.overcome objections
BD is like dating, not needy and desperate.
BD outcomes:
Primary outcome: jobs, cl, meeting
Secondary outcome: IVC, feedback, CV, information
Reason for calling:
Personal: location,pace of life,local news food events,based,accent,professional,background,education,situational (场景化的)
objections:当面对客户说拒绝的时候,理由可能是因为too expensive ,no role,other vendors,no budget,bad experience agency.
如何回应:feel felt found
如 i feel, cl past felt, found+convincing 我了解你可能会觉得我们贵,之前用过我们的客户对我们很满意
overcome objections:
如何回应和hays合作的不好:what happened?tell me more about.. if this is hays, it’s rare, let me make it up. I will find out what happened, give us another chance. (Hays哪里不一样 用FEB)
如何回应too expensive:why do you think this way?和别的猎头不一样的地方,convince部分使用FEB。。。who are you comparing with?international 还是local?
如何回应no jobs/roles closed:何时有职位?typical role是什么?when roles tougher?if you stuck find us.
如何回应other vendors?typical process for vendors,what do you look for in our vendor?how can we be on vendor list?这时也可以用feb. 是否可以backup, 将来有机会是否可以考虑我们下。
如何回应no budget?有时候他们在骗你 但是不要accuse,我们先建立下联系 后续有合作希望考虑我们。玩mental Game。
confirm IVC:
purpose:check motivation;IVC prep;availability, Job search progress
Techniques for candidate control IVC:1.are you interested in the offer? 问close question 不要问assume question. 2.why?为什么对这个感兴趣?说服你时会说服自己。3.challenge他们,为啥觉得自己可以做这个工作?check response 4. test(test motivation 去了解公司信息了么?)
reverse role play:公司哪里好,排列下,哪些吸引你,拉太长容易失去机会,why so rush?客观的评价
ivc后 叫候选人call me back,test motivation, 问面试了 how long?what questions?where well?process,next steps,impression on company.为了下一个candidate做准备.
min close(small yes,cv sent feedback,cl mtg 刚好在附近)
assumptive close(assume you’re there)
option close(will you meet on Friday)
direct close(no response if opposite don’t respond , 立场要powerful)
Engage candidates:
wechat/ email
indirect ways(post ads,post articles,share office moments)
eshots(holiday greeting,hot jobs)
encourage ca to call back to me
do homework
Prepare questions
Practice interview technique
Plan your journey
Stay focused
Sleep well