Personal Statement
Distinguished teachers, good morning. My name is XX, a 22-year-old girl from XX province. And I majored in translation and interpreting in the past four years. When it comes to my love story with translation, I can still recall every important decision I made. Firstly, I chose translation as my major because I love language. For me, the magic of language lies beyond words and phrases. It is about love and share. My family moved to the town when I was about 10 years old. I was totally overwhelmed at the time. Because I had to say goodbye to my friends and be a new-comer again. And most importantly, I had to learn another dialect. Before I moved to the town, my family used to speak a dialect of our village. But now everyone around me spoke a different dialect that I couldn’t understand. So I had to start from scratch so as to keep pace with my classmates. Luckily, I was able to speak the dialect in a few months and translate my parents words into another dialect. That was my aha moment for language and translation.
Another reason is simply that I aspire to be a good translator. In the past four years, I had been an editor for the English website of our foreign language institution. I managed to translate news of the campus into English and uploaded it every week. The job is quite demanding yet meaningful. I learn from my tutors and teammates. They are willing to share and discuss translation with me. And the fulfillment and satisfaction of being trusted and appreciated are not only rewarding but compelling for me.
Great translators also guide me the way ahead. Isaac Newton once said,“If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”The giants in the friend circle of translation are lights at the end of the tunnel to me. Whenever I read their translation works, I feel so humble and obliged. The persistence and patience that they dedicate into the cause of translation always encourage me to do a better job. I know that I can never be as great as them. But their spirits inspire me all the time.
Being a translator is a cutthroat competition in the era of english and technology. Yet it is a brave choice for me. I believe that there is a long long way to go for me. I hope that I shall have the opportunity to learn from all the teachers here.

不知道其他人怎么样,我自己认为女孩子总会underestimate themself. 和朋友聊天,她说我讲话语速不紧不慢,很沉稳,适合去做口译。这个评价让我很惊讶,因为我自己觉得能力不行,讲话也吞吞吐吐,根本不是做口译的料。
so then I started to believe that I tend to see myself in a negative way. Do other people know you better than yourself? I had no idea.
可是,我敢说80%的翻译学习者都难以越过眼前的大山。为什么呢?因为人的本性就是懒惰的,就像人类天生嗜甜一样。只有自律、节制、有自制力的人才能跑完全程马拉松。大部分人到最后不过是被人流推着往前走。有时候想想,那些拼命努力的人(尤其是那些已经功成名就、完全可以享受人生的人)真的让我佩服,有点英雄主义的色彩。一个个不断对抗惰性的人在前面领路,后面一群群的人在跟随,推着历史的车轮向前。他们在呼喊:“不要放弃。” 我要听到他们的声音。