PS 第一版

PS 第一版

作者: SteveY | 来源:发表于2017-04-28 22:27 被阅读6次

Personal Statement

When I am a littlechild, I thought myself a rigorous person, not only to others but also tomyself. I always ask myself to behave someone intelligent and authoritative. Andmany friends of me call me Doctor Yang for my knowledge. I liked reading difficultbooks, for example, encyclopedia and literature especially detective novels. Iam fond of various knowledge in daily life and exciting mental games between ciminalsand detectives. Now, I am still crazy about those novels. To some extent, theyare my teachers on my logic thinking.

As I grow older,Imet civil engineering in Chang’an University, which has the only highway schoolin China. At first, I was not interested in that at all because of itscomplexity. However, I persuaded myself to learn that well and found that it isa wonderful new world for me. On the classes, during my intership and through conversationswith some insider, I found out that it may be the right choice for me. The fullrange of civil engineering courses reinforce my interest in this major. And my experiencesand interships show me with a new and different perspective of the world.

I have done a testcalled MBTI, which tells me that I am an INTJ. The analysis of this test reallyreminds me of some points that matter in my life. First, as I have mentioned,Iam rigorous to myself. I often ask myself to do my best sometimes even out ofmy limit. However, thanks to this character. It pushes me again and again.Sothat I am ambitious and pursuing my dream. Second, I must recognise that I havea stronger intuition than my friends. I can know the real feeling of my friendseven if they try to cover their real thoughts. Also, I have a better judgementon problems. Therefore, it helps me a lot on macro. Finally, confidence is alsoa great point. I always believe in myself. It makes me brave to face any problemsand delimas in my life.

I believe that my growingprocedure is like building a road. Survey, plan and build. They are the threemain steps for me to achieve anything crucial. I love schedules and plans whichhelps me leave out all the rest our of my mind. And they do make everydayclearer and easy.

I want to pushmyself again on my further study and also make my dream come ture. I am highlyaware of the reputation of your school, after talking with several of youralunni have served to deepen my interest in attendig. I know that in additionto your excellent faculty, you have fabulous development opportunities forstudents to professional skills and also career goals. I hope you will give methe previlege of continuing my studies at your fine instituion.



      本文标题:PS 第一版
