import sys
from os.path import dirname
from sublime_plugin import TextCommand
sys.path.insert(0, dirname(__file__))
from src.py.commands import *
from src.py.event_listeners import *
from src.py.main import *
import sublime
import subprocess
from sublime import Region
import re
version = int(sublime.version())
package = "LuaPretty"
# sublime.error_message(sublime.version())
# class LuamixCommand(TextCommand):
# def run(self, edit):
# sublime.error_message(sublime.version())
def lua_line_format(txt):
next_tab = 0; # 0 不变化 1,比上一行顶4个半角空格 -1 比上一行少4个空格
current_tab = 0; # 当前tab
# then 结尾,next_tab = 4
# 替换单引号 双引号 字符串,替换为空串
tp_line = txt.strip()
if tp_line.find('--') >= 0:
arr = tp_line.split('--',2)
tp_line = arr[0]
tp_line = tp_line.strip()
if tp_line == 'end': # 单独一个end,则前进4个tab
next_tab = -0
current_tab = -4
if tp_line == 'else':
current_tab = -4
next_tab = 4
if tp_line.startswith('elseif ') and tp_line.endswith(' then'):
current_tab = -4
next_tab = 4
if tp_line.endswith(' then'):
current_tab = current_tab
next_tab = 4
if tp_line.startswith('or') and tp_line.endswith(' then'):
current_tab = 4
next_tab = 0
if tp_line.startswith('and') and tp_line.endswith(' then'):
current_tab = 4
next_tab = 0
if tp_line.endswith('function ()') or tp_line.endswith('function()') :
current_tab = 0
next_tab = 4
if tp_line.startswith('while') and tp_line.endswith(' do'):
next_tab = 4
current_tab = 0
if tp_line.startswith('for') and tp_line.endswith(' do'):
next_tab = 4
current_tab = 0
if tp_line.startswith('function') and tp_line.endswith(')'):
next_tab = 4
current_tab = 0
if tp_line.endswith('= {'):
current_tab = 0
next_tab = 4
if tp_line == '}':
current_tab = -4
next_tab = 0
return txt.strip(),next_tab,current_tab
def tab_cnt(txt):
txt = txt.replace("\t", ' ')
cnt = 0
for i in txt:
if i == ' ':
cnt = cnt + 1
return cnt
def tab_space(cnt):
return ''.rjust(cnt)
class LuaprettifyCommand(TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
view = self.view
regions = view.sel()
first_selected_region = view.sel()[0]
lines = view.lines(first_selected_region)
space = -1 #前面空着的
ret_str = ''
size = len(lines)
if size > 0:
s = lines[0]
e = lines[size-1]
replace_region = sublime.Region(s.a, e.b)
for line_regin in lines:
line_str = view.substr(line_regin)
if space == -1:
space = tab_cnt(line_str)
new_line,next_tab,current_tab = lua_line_format(line_str)
new_line_space = space + current_tab
if new_line_space < 0:
new_line_space = 0
new_line_all = tab_space(new_line_space) + new_line
ret_str = ret_str + new_line_all+'\n'
space = new_line_space+next_tab
class LuamixCommand(TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
class OpenterminalCommand(TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
view = self.view
path = view.file_name()
window = sublime.active_window()
ev = window.extract_variables()
folder = ev['folder']
cmd = "open -n /Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app --args '"+folder+"'"
class UppercaseCommand(TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
view = self.view
regions = view.sel()
first_selected_region = view.sel()[0]
txt = view.substr(first_selected_region)
an = re.search('[a-z]+', txt)
if an:
txt = txt.upper() #str.lower()
txt = txt.lower()