1.everything flowing from knowing God and love God.所有都源于认识神和爱神,
CIU2.yielding suffering & unyielding suffering, be mature and complete. walk by sight or faith?是因顺服而受苦 或因不顺服而受苦,?要寻求成熟完全,我们是在行在信心中,还是行在眼见中?
CIU3.live for a forever timeline. You are a forever person, then you will make different decisions. about marriage, raising children...要活在永恒的坐标中。看自己是一个活在永恒中的人,会影响、改变我们的许多决定,包括婚姻和养育孩子,
CIU4.common life & genuine Christian life, John 15活普通生活还是真正的基督徒生活?约翰福音15章
图片@CIU5.Jesus is the door to everything (John 10). The door of salvation & all kinds of opportunities & effective work.耶稣是所有事情的门。救恩的门,所有机会,所有果效都出于耶稣。
图片@车神6. only to work what God has prepared for me. use my own design - do my assigned work. We are different person.只做神预备给我要做的事。我们都是神独特的创造,预备做神的工。
图片@ABEKA7.I don't achieve the goal by my own efforts but by the power of the Holy Spirit. Not only salvation. Whose life are you living? God's mind, God's resources.不靠自己的努力实现各种目标,要靠着圣灵。不只是得救靠圣灵。你在活谁的人生?要拥有神的心思,神所赐的资源。
图片@CIU8. God gave him a dream and refined him and made the dream coming true(Joseph).约瑟为例,神先赐他一个梦想,然后塑造他,最后成就这个梦想。这些都出于神。