2018-03-22 睡前碎碎念

2018-03-22 睡前碎碎念

作者: 小妖Troy | 来源:发表于2018-03-22 23:50 被阅读12次

    01 GE Power OT - SWOT

    Opportunities are generated from the external factors. It presents the potential growth and improvement of GE Power. These opportunities are influencing the success of strategies for sustaining its growth.
    Firstly, the growth based on technology adoption in all industries has provided an opportunity for further development of GE Power. For example, the company can strategically grow by satisfying market demand for integrated technologies in the power industry. Furthermore, the growing trend of technology adoption has provided GE Power a diversified opportunity to expand further. These opportunities are compatible with the vision of the GE to make the conglomerate the world’s “premier digital industrial company,” as highlighted in General Electric’s Corporate Vision and Mission .
    Secondly, the expanding market in developing countries is an external factor that increases the profit of the GE Power. For example, in the African market, GE invested US$270 million to build railways to increase the company’s efficiency. In addition, the development of electricity in many countries in Africa is still in its infancy, and the potential of GE power's African market cannot be ignored . The development of technology and the increasing market demand of developing countries in Asia and Africa. These external factors will help GE power achieve profit growth in the future.
    For the power market, too much supply, not enough demand. GE power's main competitor Siemens, is also seeing sharp declines in results at its turbine division, and that has led to intense price competition in the industry. But these turbines are massive machines, and very expensive ones for all customers. Even though the efficiency of state-of-the-art models like GE power's HA-class turbines increases yields, there is not as much demand for new units in the market. If governments around the world were shifting markedly to wind from clean carbon-based sources, wind turbine markets would increase demand in the GE power, but they are not.
    Second, the instability of the oil and gas industry threatens the company’s revenues, considering that the Oil and Gas segment is a major revenue generator for the GE energy. Nonetheless, GE’s Energy segment benefits from this external factor .

    02 日计划推进

    反馈时间:2018.3.22 晚22:05

    1. 今天因为花费流量的问题,去了一趟营业厅,损失两小时,损失N+金钱,还是很伤心的
    2. 虽然今天状态还可以,但是对于这种损失还有惋惜

    截至当下,你对今日”日计划执行“的满意度打几分(10 分是特别满意, 分是特别不满意)

    1. 沉浸在自己的悲伤之中

    03 《Marriam Webster Dictionary》



    04 日常

    有的东西失去了就是失去了,不要懊悔了。虽然今天花了两个多小时去寻找真相,知道真相后我的眼泪掉下来,下次再也不用流量逛Youtube了 (┬_┬)。

    05 每日一句
    Knowledge is weightless, treasure you can always carry easily.



          本文标题:2018-03-22 睡前碎碎念
