2020-08-22 The Last Dance

2020-08-22 The Last Dance

作者: 春生阁 | 来源:发表于2020-08-22 22:02 被阅读0次

When I think of the word mental toughness, I think about Michael Jordan. Growing up, I was obsessed with Jordan, just like every other kid and adult who enjoyed sports.

I’m currently watching The Last Dance, a 10-part documentary series about Jordan’s last season with the Chicago Bulls. The documentary is excellent, even if you’re not interested in basketball. It gives you an exclusive look inside the mind of one of the greatest athletes and competitors of all time.

Jordan is arguably the best basketball player in history. According to critics, Jordan is the best because he went to 6 NBA Finals and won every single time. In contrast, other legends like Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, Kobe Bryant, and Lebron James, have all lost championships.

Jordan never did. To many, he’s the embodiment of mental toughness. Nothing stopped him. One legendary story about Michael Jordan’s greatness is the “flu game.” In the 1997 NBA Finals, Jordan played a critical game with a stomach virus.

Anyone who’s had a stomach virus knows how shitty it feels. I had one last year, and it knocked me out for a week. But not Jordan. The man did not only show up at the game; he scored 38 points! Most healthy NBA players don’t have a single game with that many points.

The man’s journey has been full of setbacks, challenges, and factors that could distract any other person. Sure, Michael Jordan has unique talents. But he also has mental toughness.


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