If you’re home with mild illness, do what makes you feel better, and try to stay hydrated. That means drinking enough fluids with a little salt and sugar in them to urinate at least every six hours. If you have an appetite, eat, and get lots of rest and sleep.
Corey says it is not unwise to use acetaminophen (the active ingredient in Tylenol) for relief of fever and pain (there’s been some debate about using NSAIDs for Covid-19, but most experts say using either as directed is fine). She also says medications like Nyquil can be helpful for getting rest and reducing symptoms.
Most other over-the-counter cough and cold medicines don’t do very much for symptoms of other respiratory infections, and they probably won’t help much with this one, either.
You might have heard that several familiar drugs are being studied to determine whether they might treat or cure Covid-19 infections — some HIV drugs and hydroxychloroquine, a drug commonly used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, are among the compounds being investigated for this purpose. But Corey doesn’t recommend taking these at home if you think you have a Covid-19 infection because of their side effects and the potential for medication interactions.
One of the most important things you can do if you’re home sick with a not-terrible case of possible Covid-19 is to stay home as best you can, and keep a wide berth of any others in your home. Stay in your own room, if you have one, and try to stay at least six feet away from other people. Try not to share dishes or utensils, and if you can open a window to improve air circulation in shared rooms, do. If you can get a surgical mask, wear one to help reduce the spread of your germs if you are going to be around other people (again, you only need a mask if you are sick). And wash your hands a lot: before or after touching common surfaces, and especially before and after preparing food and going to the bathroom.