四、RPGGameplayAbility.h/cpp & Gam

四、RPGGameplayAbility.h/cpp & Gam

作者: 珏_Gray | 来源:发表于2019-06-11 14:51 被阅读0次

Gameplay Ability

对于Gameplay Ability的官方说明:

 * UGameplayAbility
 *  Abilities define custom gameplay logic that can be activated or triggered.
 *  The main features provided by the AbilitySystem for GameplayAbilities are: 
 *      -CanUse functionality:
 *          -Cooldowns
 *          -Costs (mana, stamina, etc)
 *          -etc
 *      -Replication support
 *          -Client/Server communication for ability activation
 *          -Client prediction for ability activation
 *      -Instancing support
 *          -Abilities can be non-instanced (native only)
 *          -Instanced per owner
 *          -Instanced per execution (default)
 *      -Basic, extendable support for:
 *          -Input binding
 *          -'Giving' abilities (that can be used) to actors
 *  See GameplayAbility_Montage for an example of a non-instanced ability
 *      -Plays a montage and applies a GameplayEffect to its target while the montage is playing.
 *      -When finished, removes GameplayEffect.
 *  Note on replication support:
 *      -Non instanced abilities have limited replication support. 
 *          -Cannot have state (obviously) so no replicated properties
 *          -RPCs on the ability class are not possible either.
 *  To support state or event replication, an ability must be instanced. This can be done with the InstancingPolicy property.

Abilities define custom gameplay logic that can be activated or triggered.
所以才有“Everything can be a gameplay ability”的说法。同样注意,这里说Ability是逻辑,也就是这个类主要是实现各种行为,比如:技能释放、撤销、目标选择等等。可以通过tag来影响Ability的运作逻辑,通过effect来影响actor的属性(attributes)。


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //  The important functions:
    //      CanActivateAbility()    - const function to see if ability is activatable. Callable by UI etc
    //      TryActivateAbility()    - Attempts to activate the ability. Calls CanActivateAbility(). Input events can call this directly.
    //                              - Also handles instancing-per-execution logic and replication/prediction calls.
    //      CallActivateAbility()   - Protected, non virtual function. Does some boilerplate 'pre activate' stuff, then calls ActivateAbility()
    //      ActivateAbility()       - What the abilities *does*. This is what child classes want to override.
    //      CommitAbility()         - Commits reources/cooldowns etc. ActivateAbility() must call this!
    //      CancelAbility()         - Interrupts the ability (from an outside source).
    //      EndAbility()            - The ability has ended. This is intended to be called by the ability to end itself.
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  • Accessors : 一系列的访问函数
  • CanActivateAbility :判断能否释放技能
  • CancelAbility : 撤销技能
  • CommitAbility : 确认技能释放
  • Input: 用户输入相关
  • Animation : 动画
  • Ability Levels and source object: 技能等级和技能来源
  • Interaction with ability system component:与Ability System Component的信息传递
  • EndAbility:结束技能
  • Ability Tasks: 异步任务
  • Apply/Remove gameplay effects: 应用或移除gameplay effects
// --------------------------------------
    //  ActivateAbility
    // --------------------------------------

     * The main function that defines what an ability does.
     *  -Child classes will want to override this
     *  -This function graph should call CommitAbility
     *  -This function graph should call EndAbility
     *  Latent/async actions are ok in this graph. Note that Commit and EndAbility calling requirements speak to the K2_ActivateAbility graph. 
     *  In C++, the call to K2_ActivateAbility() may return without CommitAbility or EndAbility having been called. But it is expected that this
     *  will only occur when latent/async actions are pending. When K2_ActivateAbility logically finishes, then we will expect Commit/End to have been called.




// Copyright 1998-2019 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

#pragma once

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This header is for Ability-specific structures and enums that are shared across a project
// Every game will probably need a file like this to handle their extensions to the system
// This file is a good place for subclasses of FGameplayEffectContext and FGameplayAbilityTargetData
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#include "ActionRPG.h"
#include "GameplayEffectTypes.h"
#include "Abilities/GameplayAbilityTargetTypes.h"
#include "RPGAbilityTypes.generated.h"

class URPGAbilitySystemComponent;
class UGameplayEffect;
class URPGTargetType;

 * Struct defining a list of gameplay effects, a tag, and targeting info
 * These containers are defined statically in blueprints or assets and then turn into Specs at runtime
struct FRPGGameplayEffectContainer

    FRPGGameplayEffectContainer() {}

    /** Sets the way that targeting happens */
    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = GameplayEffectContainer)
    TSubclassOf<URPGTargetType> TargetType;

    /** List of gameplay effects to apply to the targets */
    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = GameplayEffectContainer)
    TArray<TSubclassOf<UGameplayEffect>> TargetGameplayEffectClasses;

/** A "processed" version of RPGGameplayEffectContainer that can be passed around and eventually applied */
struct FRPGGameplayEffectContainerSpec

    FRPGGameplayEffectContainerSpec() {}

    /** Computed target data */
    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = GameplayEffectContainer)
    FGameplayAbilityTargetDataHandle TargetData;

    /** List of gameplay effects to apply to the targets */
    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = GameplayEffectContainer)
    TArray<FGameplayEffectSpecHandle> TargetGameplayEffectSpecs;

    /** Returns true if this has any valid effect specs */
    bool HasValidEffects() const;

    /** Returns true if this has any valid targets */
    bool HasValidTargets() const;

    /** Adds new targets to target data */
    void AddTargets(const TArray<FHitResult>& HitResults, const TArray<AActor*>& TargetActors);

这个文件中定义了两个结构体,用来辅助ability。官方推荐玩家继承FGameplayEffectContextFGameplayAbilityTargetData来实现自己的ability复杂逻辑。这些结构体围绕的通常是这两个点:Effect Target,即技能携带的效果技能释放目标

注意上面代码注解中的"processed version"。这很切合数据流的思维。FRPGGameplayEffectContainer的数据作为输入,经过某个系统的一系列行为处理之后,输出FRPGGameplayEffectContainerSpec供下一阶段使用。在Unreal Engine中可能所有带"Spec"后缀的都是类似这种情况(注:没有证明的猜测)。


// Copyright 1998-2019 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

#pragma once

#include "ActionRPG.h"
#include "GameplayAbility.h"
#include "GameplayTagContainer.h"
#include "Abilities/RPGAbilityTypes.h"
#include "RPGGameplayAbility.generated.h"

 * Subclass of ability blueprint type with game-specific data
 * This class uses GameplayEffectContainers to allow easier execution of gameplay effects based on a triggering tag
 * Most games will need to implement a subclass to support their game-specific code
class ACTIONRPG_API URPGGameplayAbility : public UGameplayAbility

    // Constructor and overrides

    /** Map of gameplay tags to gameplay effect containers */
    UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = GameplayEffects)
    TMap<FGameplayTag, FRPGGameplayEffectContainer> EffectContainerMap;

    /** Make gameplay effect container spec to be applied later, using the passed in container */
    UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = Ability, meta=(AutoCreateRefTerm = "EventData"))
    virtual FRPGGameplayEffectContainerSpec MakeEffectContainerSpecFromContainer(const FRPGGameplayEffectContainer& Container, const FGameplayEventData& EventData, int32 OverrideGameplayLevel = -1);

    /** Search for and make a gameplay effect container spec to be applied later, from the EffectContainerMap */
    UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = Ability, meta = (AutoCreateRefTerm = "EventData"))
    virtual FRPGGameplayEffectContainerSpec MakeEffectContainerSpec(FGameplayTag ContainerTag, const FGameplayEventData& EventData, int32 OverrideGameplayLevel = -1);

    /** Applies a gameplay effect container spec that was previously created */
    UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = Ability)
    virtual TArray<FActiveGameplayEffectHandle> ApplyEffectContainerSpec(const FRPGGameplayEffectContainerSpec& ContainerSpec);

    /** Applies a gameplay effect container, by creating and then applying the spec */
    UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = Ability, meta = (AutoCreateRefTerm = "EventData"))
    virtual TArray<FActiveGameplayEffectHandle> ApplyEffectContainer(FGameplayTag ContainerTag, const FGameplayEventData& EventData, int32 OverrideGameplayLevel = -1);


 TMap<FGameplayTag, FRPGGameplayEffectContainer> EffectContainerMap;



/** 将Container的数据处理成ContainerSpec,只有当数据变为ContainSpec时,才做好了释放的准备。
会调用到  UGameplayAbility::MakeOutgoingGameplayEffectSpec(...)*/
virtual FRPGGameplayEffectContainerSpec MakeEffectContainerSpecFromContainer
(const FRPGGameplayEffectContainer& Container, const FGameplayEventData& EventData, int32 OverrideGameplayLevel = -1);

/** 应用之前的Spec数据中 GameplaySpecHandle对应的GameplayEffect。
会调用到 UGameplayAbility::K2_ApplyGameplayEffectSpecToTarget(...)
K2 可能代表着:kismet 2代,也就是蓝图系统。1代源自虚幻3 */
virtual TArray<FActiveGameplayEffectHandle> ApplyEffectContainerSpec(const FRPGGameplayEffectContainerSpec& ContainerSpec);

我们会发现在GameplayAbility中会大量的和GameplayEffect打交道,毕竟最终作用于Gameplay Attributes的是GameplayEffect。



      本文标题:四、RPGGameplayAbility.h/cpp & Gam
