连喝 60 天可乐,只想给你一个拒绝糖的理由

连喝 60 天可乐,只想给你一个拒绝糖的理由

作者: LittleMWorld | 来源:发表于2016-12-06 19:14 被阅读266次

这是我在网上辗转看到的一个蛮有意思的个人实验,george prior(下图)实验主,他个人崇尚原始饮食,不食用精加工食品。身体指标良好,体重也在正常的水平之内。

George Prior is a 50 year-old father of two who is attempting to save the world from the worst health epidemic since the 5 great mass extinctions.从 5 大物种灭绝事件起开始关注卫生防疫的一个普通人。

这位朋友也蛮蛋疼的, 20 年一直是高脂低碳水的饮食方法,身体也没什么不对劲。

2015 年 2 月的时候,他准备做个实验:每天喝 10 罐可乐,连喝 30 天,想看看大量糖摄入到底会发生什么。


哥们儿一听急了,什么?凶手是食用苏打?然后他不信邪,结束了 30 天正常的可乐实验之后,迅速恢复饮食,然后又喝了 30 天建议可乐。


在喝 2 种可乐的每天早晨他都验血 & 测量体重,并记录。我截取了部分他的实验报告(???好吧,我找不到别的词来形容,没有标注专业机构从旁辅助检测)。

喝可乐的第 21 天

184 pounds this morning – the 21st day. Sudden leap in weight after holding steady at about 182 for the last three days.. Nine days to go. Weird thing was that I weighed 188.5 when I went to bed. How does a person lose 4.5 pounds overnight? Exhaled water? Part of my soul escaping?

今天早上称体重,是 184 磅,这是第 21 天。之前三天我体重一直维持在 182 磅没动,不过今天突然就涨上去了。嗯,还有九天。不过奇怪的是,昨天晚上睡觉前我称体重的时候还是 188.5 磅。就一个晚上一个人到底是怎么少掉 4.5 磅的?是我的呼吸充满了水蒸汽?还是我的部分灵魂丢失了?

Really rough headache all day today. Who knows if that’s related to my new sugar addiction or not? For the first time, I went all day without buttoning the top two buttons of my jeans – just held the pants closed with the belt. Seriously, I’m gaining weight like a vacuum cleaner in a ball bearing factory.


I briefly ran out of Cokes mid-day in the office yesterday, but was in meetings and couldn’t run out for more Cokes. Thought it would be fine, but after about an hour of no Coke I started getting dizzy and angry and completely out of energy. Felt like I didn’t care about anything, didn’t care about the job, about people, about anything. Found myself picking up empty Coke cans from the zillion that are strewn around my office floor, piling in drifts along the walls, and trying to suck out the last drops of flat stale Coke.

我昨天下午在办公室里就喝完了该喝的可乐,因为要开会,那时候不能跑出去喝可乐吧~,这听上去蛮不错的,不过在我没喝可乐 1 个小时之后,我开始头晕易怒,而且感到无力。就好像我不关心别的事情了,不在意工作,不在意任何人、任何事。我开始捡起那些散落在办公室地上空的可乐罐,沿着墙壁放好,然后尝试看看能不能从可乐罐里喝到几滴不小心被遗漏的可乐。

Can’t believe how the weight goes up and up. I mean, I always thought this logically, rationally – that’s why I’ve been eating Paleo for twenty years – but now that I’m eating a real American dosage of sugar I’m astounded. I can totally understand the frustration of people who are trying to lose weight and can’t. My weight gain feels uncontrollable, like a monster living inside me, and the only difference between me now and me a month ago is the Coke.

你根本不能想象体重到底是怎么一天天网上涨的。我的意思是,从逻辑和道理上来讲,我特么过去 20 年都坚持原始饮食,为什么要作死去尝试一个真正的美国人所摄入的糖摄入量?我现在完全可以理解那些试着减肥失败人的处境。我的体重不受控制,就好像一个身体里住着一个怪物,而这个让我与一个月前的我截然不同的东西就是可乐。

And I don’t eat that much. You can scoff at me and say that normal people don’t drink ten Cokes, but the amount of sugar I’m ingesting is normal for half the country. Basically leaves no question about the root of our obesity and diabetes epidemic.

而且其实我还没有吃太多的糖。你可以嘲笑我说一个正常人一天又不会喝 10 罐可乐,事实是,我目前的糖摄入量是国家正常摄入量的一半。并且基本上没有遗留下来任何关于超重或者糖尿病的根源问题。

And it doesn’t have to be Coke. I want to make sure I’m emphasizing this: Fruit juice does the same thing. Organic, gluten-free, free-range, Jamba juice paid for in Bitcoin makes you gain weight the same as my Coke.

而且这个问题并不仅仅发生在可乐身上,必须强调的是:果汁也作者同样的事。有机、无麸质、自由种植,Jamba Juice 能让你增长和我喝可乐相同的体重。

I went to the dermatologist today to show her the red scabby patch that’s developed on my arm over the last week or two. She asked if there had been any changes to my diet recently. How can I respond? Um, I’m an idiot and I’m gulping down Ten Cokes a Day for Science? It kind of forces my doctor to suggest that perhaps I shouldn’t drink so much Coke. What else could she say? “Oh, well, okay, but besides the Cokes, are you doing anything that might be bad for you?”Only 90 Cokes to go. How bad could it be?

今天我去皮肤科专家那看了上周在我身上发现的红疹。她问我最近有没有改变饮食。我应该怎么回答?恩,这样的,我是个白痴,为了研究,每天喝 10 罐可乐?我想医生除了建议我不要喝那么多可乐以外也说不了别的话了吧。“哦好吧,那么除了可乐以外,你还做了别的可能对你没有好处的事吗?”仅仅只是喝了 90 罐可乐而已,还有什么比这个更糟糕?


The total weight gain for my 30 Days of 10 Cokes a day is 23 pounds. I’m going for a blood lipid test tomorrow morning, and I’ll see if my cholesterol levels have been affected. I started out with Paleo cholesterol, which is radically high good cholesterol, and we’ll see if just 30 days can change that.

这 30 天我每天喝 10 灌可乐,体重重了 23 磅。明天早上我准备做一个血脂测试,然后我说不定就会看到我的胆固醇水平升高了。随后让我们一起见证我用 30 天去改变这些。

Yesterday was the first day of no Cokes and it was such a relief not to have to slam cans of soda all day, and also I spent less time running to the bathroom. I haven’t been particularly hungry the last two days, but I’ve been eating Paleo again right from the start: eggs and beans yesterday for breakfast, plain burger meat and cheese for lunch, but then I ate out for dinner and had fish and chips.


Today, so far, no carbs. Buttered coffee and bacon for breakfast, deli meats for lunch – but I honestly don’t have much appetite and still feel full – maybe I’m not used to the new fat around my organs, or my body’s reacting somehow to not eating all the sugar, but I don’t have appetite.


A couple of readers commented that they thought my weight gain was mostly water weight. 23 pounds of water weight?! On top of 168 pound starting weight? I’d jiggle like a water balloon. No,sorry, it’s bulging fat cells, not water-logged skin.

有些读者评论说我增长的体重可能都是人体中的水分,意思是从一开始的 168 磅起,我一共涨了 23 磅的水分?!!!那我应该像一个水球一样。不是的,不好意思,我很明显能感觉到,这是脂肪细胞在膨胀,而不是皮肤因积水而肿胀。

Here’s the Paleo argument about why it’s totally possible to put on 23 pounds in a month:

这是 Paleo 关于为什么一个能涨 23 磅体重的讨论:

The reason why we have the ability to gain weight when we have an abundance of food is because there were no refrigerators back in Hunter and Gatherer times, and food sources were inconsistent.


People had to be able to gorge themselves on available food to store as fat and get them through times when there wasn’t much food. Fruit ripens on the walla-bulla tree? Eat it quick and store it as fat, because it’ll all be gone in a week. Killed a cave bear? Feast like it’s the last cave bear in the world, because you need to store that energy until you catch the next cave bear, and that could be a while, right?


It’s a simple and wonderful strategy – that was only screwed up by our success as humans: we now have constant abundance, and we’re constantly eating and storing food.


Anyway, totally possible to gain this much weight as fat, and totally healthy – as long as lose the weight now.


喝了 30 天健怡可乐之后

I have to say, I’m a little sad that this is the last day of Diet Coke drinking. Okay, not that sad – but it had gotten pretty easy to live with by the last week or so. It wasn’t really difficult or unpleasant.I worked out a routine where I would have two Diet Cokes in the morning when I got up and during breakfast. That left just eight to drink at the office, and if I just kept a can going while I talked on the phone and worked, I was usually done drinking soda by 4 pm or so.


The Diet Coke has come to seem like a little friend – a long line of cans across my desk, the day’s work, and the office strewn with empties like an out-of-control aluminum hoarder.


My weight is steady today, at one pound more than I started the experiment. We’ll see final results tomorrow, but this morning I recorded a very low fasting insulin level of 73 mg/dl, but it’s been holding the same as I started. This is the part that has been kind of boring, actually: In the first Coke experiment, my weight was constantly increasing, my vitals continually getting poorer. So, it’s not very exciting. Everyday the same weight.

体重蛮稳定的,大概就比实验开始第一天重了 1 磅。我们明天就可以看到最后的结果了,但今天早上空腹胰岛素水平是 73 mg/dl,和我一直以来所维持的数值一样。这很无聊啊,事实上,在第一个可乐实验中,我的体重不断增长,生命体征不断变差。所以,每天得到相同的数据真的让我兴奋不起来。

The one thing I won’t miss is pricking my finger every morning to take a fasting blood glucose measurement. I know I’m being a baby, and there are a lot of people out there with diabetes who must do this all day – but I feel for you. At least if it’s Type II you do have the ability to improve or cure it by cutting out sugar and grains and fruit.But I’m not a doctor. I’m just glad I don’t have to keep drawing blood every morning. It’s like “Welcome to your day! Here’s a sharp poke in the finger!”

每天早上我决不会忘记的一件事就是刺破我的手指做一个空腹血糖测量。我知道我就像个小孩,在做一件很多糖尿病人每天都要做的一件事,不过我是为了你们而做的。至少 2 型糖尿病通过切断谷物和水果是可以的到改善的。不过我并不是医生(所以听不听随你,大概是这个意思吧?)我只是很高兴我不必每天早上空腹测血糖,这就好像“欢迎来到新的一天!刺破手指庆祝一下吧~”

I’ve got only 3 more Cokes to go today and then I’m done. I’ve had 297 Diet Cokes in the last 30 days.  Tomorrow, speaking of pokes in the finger, I go to get blood drawn for lab tests again. And then next week my doctor looks at the results… and tells me what?

我今天剩余的可乐只有 3 罐了,然后就彻底完成试验了。到现在为止,在过去 30 天里,我一共喝了 297 罐可乐。明天,说到刺破手指,我现在要再去抽血化验一次。然后下周我的一生看到结果会告诉我什么?

So, the blood test results are in. Finally. My TV show friends had wisely suggested that it might make a cleaner experiment if I didn’t know the results from the first test, before I drank the Diet Cokes, until we got the results from the blood tests AFTER the experiment.


In other words, I didn’t have a clue what to expect.To briefly recap: after drinking 10 Diet Cokes a day for 30 days, my basic physiological condition did not change: no weight gain at all, no changes in fasting blood glucose measurements, or blood pressure. Felt good, had energy, slept well, no cravings.

换取话说,在我这儿你也不可能找到什么可期待的线索。简单回顾一下,在每天喝 10 罐健怡可乐的 30 天之后,我的生理状况没有什么改变:基本没增重,空腹血糖测量没有变化,血压也没有变。感觉很好,充满能量,睡眠充足,没有渴望。

But what really happened – inside, might be much worse than a little bit of weight gain, so I had very sophisticated blood work done before and after the test and then the results analyzed by a doctor.


Here’s what the blood tests showed: Nothing really happened. My Lipid profile shifted very slightly. Not really anything else. 300 Diet Cokes in.

血液报告显示:没有什么大事。喝了 300 罐健怡可乐之后,血脂有轻微的变化,其他就没有了。

I’m going to create a chart to post on the site with details from the blood work, but here’s some of the basics for now:

我准备制作一张有血液报告细节图表 po 到网上,现在就先看一些关键性的细节吧:

Total Cholesterol went from 318 to 326 mg/dL

But the good HDL went from 106 to 124

And the Bad LDL improved slightly 197 to 190

The level of insulin in my blood rose slightly from 1.2 to 2.8 uIU/mL – but the reference range is 2.6 -24.9, so these are both super-low readings.

总胆固醇:从 318 毫克 / 升上升至 326 毫克 / 升。

高密度脂蛋白胆固醇: 106 毫克 / 升上升至 124 毫克 / 升。

不良的低密度脂蛋白: 197 毫克 / 升降低至 190 毫克 / 升。

胰岛素水平:1.2–UIU / 毫升上升至2.8–UIU / 毫升(但参考范围为 2.6~24.9 ,所以这些都是超低读数)。

Yeah, it’s all pretty boring. Nothing happened. And when it was regular Coke I was drinking, my body and health blew up. I’ll post the rest of the details of the blood work Monday, but for now, I gotta tell you… I’m wondering if it’s sugar industry lobbyists who are creating the “Diet Soda is Bad For You” articles.


Hello,我是Little M




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    本文标题:连喝 60 天可乐,只想给你一个拒绝糖的理由
