

作者: 2ced1219cb5e | 来源:发表于2016-10-06 23:46 被阅读0次


    分手戏:CD两人   女方C被赶出男友家,需要找住宿









                  打电话:男方给女方C打电话求和,女方去找工作,不在家,房东帮忙接电话,并take a message,

                                       找工作归来:女方C成功找到工作回到房东家,问有没有找她的电话,房东告诉她D打电话给她了,但C不愿意原谅她,并抱怨男方不能get the message


    D:Catty, I don’t have any feeling about you .just get away from my home.

    C;you know I need you.

    D:immuture love says :”I love you because I need you.”mature love says “I need you because I love you”. I’ve had a lot of different ex-girlfriends before, I don’t mind to increase another.just get away from my house.C:all right, broke up.


    A:oh,the rent here is too expensive,we should recruit a roomate to share the rent.

    B:all right,so what’s your requirement of the applicants?

    A:needless to say,having a generous and considerate roomate can make life a lot easier,while having a stingy and egotistical one can make you want to tear your hair out .

    B;yeah,that’s right.

    A;so the applicant should meet three requirements for being my roomate.firstly, she shouldn’t be a drama queen,because I really dislike those people who always cause troubles .second, she should pay the rent in time.if  she doesn’t,I would kick her out.last ,I think being easygoing is also important.so I’d love someone who is sociable and humourous.

    B:ok, and I’ll release an advertisement tomorrow to let others know we are finding a roomate.


    C;hello?is there any people?(敲门)

    B: Hello? C: Hi. My name’s Catty. I’m coming about the ad for a roommate. B: Oh, right. C: Are you still looking for someone? B: Yes, we are. C: Oh, good. I’m really interested. B: Well, there are three of us, and it’s a fairly small house, so we want someone who’s easy to get along with. C: I’m pretty easygoing. B: Great! So can I ask you a few fairly straightforward questions about yourself? C: No problem. I like it when people are direct.

    B: What do you do, Catty? C: Oh, well, I’ve had a lot of different jobs, but I’m not working right now.

    B: Oh? C: Yeah, I got fired from my last job about six months ago, so I’ve been looking for something else. I haven’t been very lucky so far. B: Uh-huh. Well, the rent here is $1,200 a month – uh, that’s $400 a month for each person. C: Oh, Uh …. B: Will you have enough money to pay the rent every month? C: Yeah, I probably will … if I can find a job. B: Yeah. Uh, look, where are you living now? C: Well, I’ve been staying with my  boyfriend for the past couple of months. B: Uh-huh. C: Yeah, but he’s asked me to leave by Friday, so I really need to find a place to live. He said he loved me before .but now he just drive me away.

    B: Listen, Catty. I appreciate you’re telling me about yourself. I like it when people are honest with me. Anyway, we want someone who has the ability to pay the rent.how about take us to see your boyfriend ?i think we can help you persuade him to accept you again.

    C:oh,if you can bring his heart back to me ,I will say three words to you,I appreciate it.if you have to give a time limit to this thankfulness,I hope it’s 10000 years.


    D:(单膝跪下 对小三深情告白。。)you know that a flower cannot blossom without sunshine .and a man cannot live without love. Do you want to marry me?

    E:oh,yes I do.

    C:(悲情独白)the most distant way in the world is not the way from birth to the end . it is when I stand in front of you that you say you love someone else.

    B:(房东安慰C)love is a warm feeling based upon knowing and accepting someone .this relationship often involves mutual learning ,caring and growth .Also ,when you love someone you generally want him be happy.

    A:love is something when the other person’s happiness is more important than your own,so if she is his true love,let them go,I believe you can find a better man .

    B:and there is a good news,we decided to  let you stay at our place for a while .

    C:it sounds sweet,thank you.


    E:I like people who is derect. there is one thing  I have to say,I have fallen in love with another man .so I can’t marry you.

    B:what?but you have promised to marry me.you are my true love.

    E:true love is like ghosts,which everyone talks about and few have seen.i ’ve never loved you ,what I love is just your money,and he is richer than you,you know?get away from me!(男方抓住E的手,E狠狠甩开)

    B:(踉跄走开,找到Catty)Catty,if god give me another chance. I will say 3 words to you---I love you .if you have to give a time limit to this love. I hope it’s 10000 years.

    C:listen,Jim,I just don’t want to talk about this ,I still have something else  to do,I have an important interview today,good bye.


    C;Hi! I’m home!

    A;how is your interview?

    C:I think they like me.maybe I can pass it. Did anyone call?

    A: Uh-huh. Your ex-boyfriend Jym called a few hours ago. He’s going to be in town on Saturday and wants to get together with you Saturday night. He wants to know if you want to go to Tony’s party with him.

    C: Oh. When is Tony’s party?

    A: On Saturday.

    C: Oh, perfect. That’s the same night I’m going to go for another interview, so I have an excuse not to go. Even if I weren’t going for a interview, I wouldn’t go anywhere with Jim. Oh, he’s such a pain!

    A: Oh, he didn’t sound so bad. He sounded kind of sweet.

    S: Yeah, yeah, I guess he is. It’s just that I don’t want to go out with him – and he just doesn’t seem to get the message. Do me a favor. Amy,If he calls again,

    could you just tell him I’m not home?

    A: Hmm. OK.



