# Molly D3 The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck Chapter 2 读书笔记 #
1.Why “happiness is a problem? ️
"The premise that happiness is agorithmic" is a problem.Happiness can not be worked for and earned and achieved,it comes from the dissatisfaction and unease part of our life.
2.Why the author invented “Disappointment Panda”? What is it for?️
To tell people the harsh turths of life. The Panda reminds us that suffering is useful for our life,no matter the is a physical one or a paychological one.
3.What is the role that emotions play in our life? why they are overrated?️
Emotions are simply signals designed to push us to change our actions.It is overrated because some people always trust it blindly,while the emotions never last for our inadequate desire.
4.Why you don’t have chiseled abs? (If you do have, how did you make it?)
I did not choose the struggle of gym, I did not enjoy the process of figuring my body.
首先,这篇文章说的就是我的生活,我曾经为自己幻想过很多个角色,摄影师、瑜伽师、健身达人、语言达人等,然而我最后却选择了最安逸的工作,当一名公务员。2018年开始了,我希望自己从小事做起,就像书里说的那样,不再沉浸在美好宏伟的幻想,而是去学习享受走向另一个想要的自己的道路,可能这条路充满了struggle and pain,但我必须学会享受,需要书里的Panda 时刻提醒生活是现实的而不是虚幻的。
同时,第二章节中的内容让我联想起昨天在得到app上专栏《吴军 硅谷来信》,吴军谈到专业选手和业务选手的区别,那就是专业选手并不在意一时的得失,而是在比赛中稳定得发挥自己的水平,而业余选手则会因为一时的成功或失败影响自己水平的发挥。这就是因为业务选手让情绪左右了自己,第二章节中讲到我们应该理智地看待情绪,而不是盲目相信它。在英语的学习也是如此,学习过程中既会有成就感的时候,也会有挫败感的时候,甚至挫败感是常态,因为你越学就越会发现自己的无知,只有理智地对待这个过程,以平常心对待,才会持续地学习行动下去,而不是因一时的成就感而放松或是因一时的挫败而放弃。
1.nudge: to gently persuade or encourage someone to take a particular decision or action
文中:Emotions are simply biological signals designed to nudge you in the direction of beneficial change.
2.algorithmic:al‧go‧rith‧m /ˈælɡərɪðəm/technical a set of instructions that are followed in a fixed order and used for solving a mathematical problem, making a computer program etc
文中:The premise is that happiness is algorithmic
3.equation:e‧qua‧tion /ɪˈkweɪʒən/ the set of different facts, ideas, or people that all affect a situation and must be considered together
文中:Emotions are part of the equation of our lives, but not the entire equation.
4.crappy:crap‧py /ˈkræpi/ adjective spoken not polite. very bad
文中:if you feel crappy it’s because your brain is telling you that there’s a problem that’s unaddressed or unresolved.
5.mentality:men‧tal‧i‧ty /menˈtæləti/.a particular attitude or way of thinking, especially one that you think is wrong or stupid.
文中:Victim Mentality