Out of the depth of misfortune comes bliss.; After a storm comes a calm.; After extreme bad luck, comes good luck.; As a matter of reality extremes in fortune and misfortune would find their own mean.; The darkest hour is before dawn.

CEO(Chief Executive officer)首席执行官/总裁/总经理
CAO(Chief Administrative Officer)首席行政官/副总
CFO(Chief financial officer)首席财务官/财务总监
COO(Chief Operation Officer)首席运营官/运营总监
CTO(Chief technology officer)首席技术官/总工程师
CIO(Chief information officer)首席信息官
CMO(Chief Marketing Officer)首席营销官/市场总监
In a facebook post 帖子
be pregnant with 怀孕
raise 抚养
strong woman 女强人
create public buzz 引发热议
birds and bees 性教育
to be in a dispute with sb. about/over sth. 在某事上与某人有争议
reproductive organs 生殖器官
second granders 二年级生
sth. arose controversy online 引发网络热议
on the social networking platform weibo 社交网络平台
mince words 婉言
state-owned bookstore 国营书店
out-of-class reading material 课外阅读材料
public furor 公众愤怒
public furor broke out 公众愤怒的爆发
adverse effects 负面影响
