Leaving home (2015/1/3)

Leaving home (2015/1/3)

作者: scarslitt | 来源:发表于2018-09-21 09:36 被阅读0次

    这篇文章是四年之前左右写的,文笔虽然很小孩子气,但是是最真实的自己。希望你们喜欢 ;)

    Time flies by, I am going to leave China soon. Although I had already came back, but I’d like to tell what happened when I did.

    When I came back to China, I ate a lot, played a lot, and my weight added a lot which totally make sense cause my dad took me to eat a lots of delicious food. DUH! My American friends and classmates were begging me to bring the Chinese candy back and if I don’t, they will rip my eyelashes of and feed them to me. That’s kind of scary but it’s only a joke, I know that. It’s been a fun day shopping with my parents together at the town god’s temple. By the way, that’s a really weird name. We bought a lot of traditional Chinese stuff, such as big rabbit candy, embroidered bags, Chinese knot……

    It was time to leave, my mom and my dad kissed goodbye. Just in case I would be craving of eating salt pork, my dad gave me a pack in the bag to eat on the plane. I am so happy that my dad is kind -hearted,because he gave me food.

    Finally! We arrived at the Seattle Tacoma airport.14 hours! I was really exhausted. So, when we started to get our suit case, we got the news of because the suit case is so big and can’t fit the small plane from Vancouver to Seattle that we were on, so the suit case was carried by another plane from Vancouver to Seattle. I thought we lost that suitcase, but we didn’t. That’s good. Everything was fine that day, until I woke up at 3 am…I CAN’T SLEEP! Because my mom woke up before me, so I chatted with my mom until six. I hate when I am super sleepy and I can’t sleep. And I sleep till one that day. THAT’S SAD.REALLY.

    The school class begin. I am super excited. Really. Especially when people see me, and they started to be super happy and hugging me around. That’s cool. and I shared candy with everybody. they like the candy a lot since they were just begging me for them and obviously, none of it was left. They love the candy so much that even one of the kids asked me for 8 big rabbits. And I was joking to them and said that the dentist will just find me straight ahead. Their moms will ask me what I gave them to make their teeth black.

    They probably will also have a toothache. I was so happy that day because of my friends. Even though I was really tired.

    Happy days follow with the bad nightmares. Which is also something I had been afraid of. A Test that is about to come up in a few days for me. But at the same time a thousands of students in china’s taking tests right now. Maybe it’s really their nightmares, not mine.

    What I have done in china is clearly to see, Play,eat, party, repeat. True to say that, it’s really hard to get rid of it.Imagine you are in Seattle, a tech place, not the place you should be playing,it’s not like Shanghai or anywhere else in china where people shop till late 11 pm when my American buddies fell as sleep so fast so badly. You do your homework, shower, dinner, sports, Normal life, slow the city beat. DUDE! How can you imagine like someone who’s never been to real place before and suddenly went to a temple which full of Hinduism stuff? You won’t know it! You have nothing to do without a telephone. At least that’s what I do. The culture here is so different! According to my friends, that’s what they do. Now maybe I can figure out a little bit why can the Americans play the sports so well. Because they have nothing to do! Honestly, I always find out that there are two or three old mans who will sitting in front of the lot and sat out in a rainy day and start to chat. I can hear about anything, anything,Cats, Cookies, Food Price, People, Family. They are really lonely. Not like in China. They play mahjong. Just like what my grandpa did. That’s kind of boring. Schools might be nightmares for me, but just to let you know, I love USA. This is great place for staying and studying. Lonely is not your option, to make friends here is way much better of lonely. Just like what I did in school,I made friends. That’s the thing that help you go through the hard time, you need a shoulder when want you cry. Friends for life. Don’t be disrespectful to your friend, cause that will make them pretty sad. And then they will leave you. So, don’t.

    So, I guess that’s all for this topic, don’t judge if I am doing all those weird stuff at the half of this journal, only reason I am doing this because I had to put the words for a total of 800, just like my mom told me. I am happy (not).



        本文标题:Leaving home (2015/1/3)
