

作者: f74bde8ac0c8 | 来源:发表于2017-04-19 15:28 被阅读46次

朗阁海外考试研究中心  朱艳丽


托福听力的两篇对话都是发生在校园里面的,从主题上讲一篇称为“service encounter”,即学生和工作人员之间的对话;另一篇称为“office hours”, 即学生和教授之间的对话。但是这两篇对话基本有共同的思路,这共同思路之一就是我们在这篇文章中要提到的“提出问题-分析问题-解决问题”,我把它总结为:“提建议型”结构。在这种结构当中,有一个几乎所有对话都会涉及到的,即矛盾点或者叫做需要解决的问题。然后,为了解决学生遇到的这个问题,老师和工作人员会给学生提出解决建议,大多数都会涉及到三个建议。一般前两个建议学生会持不接受的态度,最后一个建议学生是接受的或者待定的态度,但双方心情都是放松的。那为什么一定是涉及到多个建议,而不是直接提一个有建设性的意见,学生愉悦答应,然后皆大欢喜呢?大家试想一下:如果学生提出问题-老师提个建议-学生同意,然后conversation is over, 对话如何做到持续两分钟以上呀?可能30秒之内就结束对话了。所以单从时间方面来讲,多个建议也是可行的。所以我们可以把上面提到的“提建议型”结构总结为:提出问题-建议一-否定-建议二-否定-建议三-同意或者愉快或感恩地待定。那么对于这种结构会考到的题目,大家在听的时候就可以基本确定出题点了:主旨题或目的题是第一题的必考题目;三个建议常会考到讲的相对较多的那个;学生对于建议的反应,即学生在前两个建议时为什么会拒绝老师。这几道题目在“提建议型”结构中几乎都是必考的,那么剩余的一道或者两道题就是属于听力对话其他小的常考考点了,比如语气转变,比如学校要求等等。接下来看例子:


问题:在图书馆里找不到相应的资料。(but um…having a hard time finding articles. I don’t know where to start looking.)

建议一:去看下你的教授有没有放书在预留书里面。(Have you check to see if your professor put any materials for you to look at on reserve?)

建议无效:学生已经从预留书目里面复印过了,现在需要的是其他的材料。(That’s one thing I did know to do, I just copied one article, but I still need three more from three different journals.)

建议二:去看参考书区域里面心理学的书。(We have printed versions of twenty or so psychology journals in the reference section. These are the ones that published within the last year. Then I think about is… there’s a book named Sleep and Dream.)

建议无效:我复印的材料就是来自那本书。(The article I just copied is from that journal, so I ‘ve got to look at other sources.)

建议三:可以去电脑的数据库里找电子版。(Most of our materials are available electronically now. You can access psychology databases or electronic journals and articles through the library’s computers.)

接受建议:That’s great!

典型相应题目:Why does the librarian say about the availability of journals and articles in the library?

A. They are not easy to find if a professor put them on reserve.

B. Most of them are accessible in an electronic format.

C. Most of them can be checked out for three weeks.

D. Printed versions from the past three years are located in the reference section.


TPO16 C1

问题:排练的地方太吵了。(But in the past three weeks, with the noise, it’s been a total nightmare.)

建议一:你们可以改到晚上排练,晚上施工队不工作。(I’m assuming you’ve tried to reschedule your rehearsals? They don’t do construction work at night.)

建议无效:晚上我们都有其他安排。(I mean, evenings are really hard. It seems like every one in the choir already has plans, and some even has classes at night.)

建议二:你们要么换到音乐厅去排练?(What about the music building?)

建议无效:音乐厅现在都订满了。(Now the music building is fully booked, mornings, afternoons, everything.)

建议三:B报告厅怎么样,里面有钢琴。(What about Bradford Hall? I remember a piano in the old student center there.)

愉快待定:明早确定。(Check with me tomorrow morning.)

典型相应题目:What does the woman imply about having rehearsals in the evening?

A. Most of the auditoriums are already reserved in the evening for performances.

B. Groups must finish rehearsals before campus buildings close.

C. Students are usually too tired to rehearse in the evening.

D. Many students are not available in the evening.





