We are grateful......for students union can present students' suggestions about the design for the propose of union building.We 've appreciated the ......ideas may not be feasiblein the circumstance.We do feel that it important ......beneficial facilities should have some saying in the design .If I could start by briefly explaining what steps were taken to find out students' opinion and how we ......inclusions.Firstly,a meeting was held In the current union ......for explaining ......Then we ......All students to ......suggestions for the design ,placing car......The suggestions Then provided basis for the design of questionaire which was completed by approximate 2000 of college students over the period of three weeks.Finally the ......community ......results and drew our report.If I can just hand ......copy of the report,this presentation essentially summary and discussion of key points of the report.So In broad terms, they can sense what follows.Firstly,regarding crucial matter of the sight,we presented three oppotions that you have proposed.One in the city center near the ......two on the outskirts the city near the park.And three out of the town near the house residence.We asked students to ......reasons for ......and there was remarkable agreement on the three.Side one was popular because of traffic and parking problems.Side two had numbers of supports mainly because of close ......Side three out of the town was clearly popular because the access from living ......