

作者: Clairelalune现象级 | 来源:发表于2018-10-31 09:13 被阅读3次

edge:something that gives you an advantage over others

边缘 刀刃 引申为优势。

A has an edge over B


It seems the US is losing its immigrant edge, but it has maintained its military edge.

Indeed, the assumption that America is losing its innovative edge is open to question.


1) cosult the dictionary

10-31每日一词 10-31每日一词 10-31每日一词

2) The new electric cars will have an edge over the rivals.

3)We are not sure which company will have an edge over others in Artificial Intelligence.

He made an assumption that robots will have an edge over human beings on various kinds of jobs.


  • 10-31每日一词

    edge:something that gives you an advantage over others 边缘...

  • 10-31每日一词edge


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